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I couldn't tell if I was dreaming.
I watched events unfold in the third person but felt the sensation of Rose's blade slaying Owldile and Shear Bak alike. Kairo shared memories that flashed through my mind after the battle. I felt bad that the only thing I could offer him was the last three years after the dissaperence of my father.
Experiencing things through Rose had a lag I blink in and out of awareness, images of passing through crowded 266Please respect copyright.PENANAl3cS3N9MqF
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Bazaars and alleys. I felt us giggle at the doors of the bar, then something upset Rose. She then sat eating what was hands down the greatest meal and drink I've ever had, and before long, I was being drugged to consciousness. As I surfaced, I could hear the concerned back and forth of several people around me. My eyes flick open to a familiar face holding me in his arms.
"Elevator Hottie?" I ask, recognizing the rest of the people hovering over me.
"Ach two for two!" Radney says with a big grin toward Kairo, causing his eyes to roll hard. I blink my vision into steadiness and realize the elevator hottie was slightly older than the last we met.
"You're grayer than before." I blurted, not realizing that may come across as ruder than intended. Kairo breaks into laughter, tears filling his eyes.
"Seems your siren song is wearing thin old man." He jabs Radney in the arm who helps me to my feet.
"Siren song?" I asked, checking the room and realizing we were still in the bar I let the last Rose memory float to the surface. My face blushes hard as I taste the amber liquid on my lips and remember a distinct smell and the prickly feeling of hair on my face.
"Rowdy here is part siren part leprechaun, and it seems you've become accustomed to his song." This was all Kairo could manage through tears of laughter.
"Don't bloody call me Rowdy dammit." I could see Radney blushing through his salt-and-pepper patchy beard.
"I thought the gray made him cute!" I seem to be the only one to hear that bringing me to smirk.
"Next time we decide who to kiss Rose." I thought to myself assuming that's how we communicated.
"Rose knows who you want to kiss." A devious reply that made my cheeks and ears run hot.
"So you are Willow and you share this body with Rose?" I spin to acknowledge the bartender and woman who sat watching me with excitement the memory of warm food and good drink bobbed to the surface.
"Uhh, yes nice to meet you, and thank you for feeding us." I do a slight bow to help show gratitude but I feel myself grow uneasy at the ease of referring to myself as us.
"We have always been we..." Rose commented like an intrusive thought not helping the unease. The couple peaks over their shoulders at the carved name Rose and back to me.
"Anytime Willow." The young woman signed warmly.
"Thank you." I sign back earning a wide grin from Pan.
"Alright we need to head to the Velvet District and if everyone is done partaking in bar food or fights we should head that way now." A short patient Kairo said while making his way toward the staircase. Radney follows suit after rummaging through the pockets of some of the unconscious. We wave goodbye to V and Pan before following behind him.
Reaching the sidewalk in front of the bar I watched a frustrated Kairo scrolling through images on his phone while Radney losing interest immediately began to wonder. Not sure who to follow I stood next to Kairo watching him scroll through images of another part of the city.
"Shit there doesn't seem to be any... hey Radney have you been to the..." Kairo stopped realizing the only one still around was me.
"Where the hell did Radney go?" I looked unsure which corner he disappeared around so I shrugged. Kairo runs his hands through his hair frustratedly.
"Fuck I need him to see if he has a memory of the velvet district we need." Kairo makes a call on his phone which I assume is to Radney.
"Where the hell are you!" He screams at the phone I couldn't make out what was said back because the sound of an engine was roaring at us from one of the corners.
"What do you mean up the street?!" To match Kairo's words the car that the noise belonged to whips around the corner with a screech of its wheels and made its way toward us. The vehicle comes to a squealing halt in front of us with Radney inside. He was driving a cherry red convertible with its top-down he put the car in neutral and revved its engine loudly.
"Where in the bloody fuck did you find this?" Kairo spat through clenched teeth.
"Up the street, as I said." Radney replies plainly. I notice under the now idling car noise were shouts of anger coming from the corner Radney appeared from.
"We don't need a car if you've been here already dickhead." Kairo growled while rubbing his temples. The shouts of angry men grew closer as they argued.
"Seeing how there are no brothels in that area I wouldn't have a memory of that would I bigger dickhead." Radney replied with a prideful smile. Kairo goes into a rant filled with different curses and colorful words I wasn't sure I'd ever heard but my attention was split to the voices that had now rounded the corner. A group of werewolves barrels around the corner smelling the air and searching the street.
"Oi!!!" The biggest werewolf barked breaking up the Kairo and Radney argument. The wolfmen begin sprinting toward us Kairo jumped and blinked into the passenger seat. Radney checks the rear view smiling hard at the werewolves baring down on them. He puts it in drive and floors it spinning wheels shriek to life as the car pulls away from the group. Just before they would pounce the bigger wolf who had lept for the vehicle first falls short on the pavement. The leading wolf stood and realized I was left. He slowly made his way toward me until his huge frame towered over mine. Before anything could happen though I felt the effects of Here the world flips and flips back as I land in the back seat of the car.
"You fucking left me!" I scream as I'm swinging wildly at Kario.
"Why didn't you use There to get into the bloody car?" He asked genuinely confused while trying to dodge my hits.
"I don't know how to use magic!" I say before sitting in my seat and angrily crossing my arms.
"I'm sorry I assumed you two would use Arcane Knowledge most none demonic possessions or inhabitants share their Knowledge and abilities like that hellion cat you have." The anger I had lessened as curiosity took its place.
"Acrane Knowledge?" Kairo noticing another chance to teach perked up.
"There is Magical Knowledge that everyone who experiences magical saturation will gain this consists of the body acknowledging magic in general sensing spells or the weaving of magic is its basics but Acrane Knowledge is essentially teaching and learning through osmosis and at strong enough levels you could pass on experience without someone teaching it or needing to learn... Rose seemed to be able to do this." Kairo waited and watched me for a moment.
"Can we do that?" I think to Rose who I feel stirring in me.
"Working on it..." She replies before sinking back into my mind.
"Do you two talk to each other?" Radney asked peering through the rearview at us.
"Yes, it's like I think something she hears it and she's a voice in the back of my head." This made Radney smile as a he seem to remember something.
"We had a doppelganger on our team once. she was a Chimera like us and whatever she was mixed with made her other forms have personalities that she spoke to in her head." I didn't realize that the Devil's Advocates could have ex-members or if I should bring it up judging by the mournful look that fell on Kairos' face.
"Anyway do you have any clue where we're going?" Kairo blurted. A quick attempt to change the subject.
"Nope, but I feel Fate taking the wheel." Radney replied which swapped the mournful look with one of concern on Kairos' face as he quickly clicked his seat belt on.
"Who's Fate?!" I ask scrambling to put my seatbelt on.
"Radneys a Leprechaun and they deal in luck and loot tying them closely to Fate so they aren't allowed to glimpse the future and if they do..." I watched as Radney's eyes began to glow with a golden tinge. His lead foot grew heavier red lining the car's speedometer. I felt my back sinking into the seat, we weave through the narrowest breaks in traffic at the highest speed.
"Careful we're approaching the district line!" Kairo screamed while he clutched the side of the car and his seat. I look ahead to see cars disappearing and appearing through a shimmering wall Radney paid no head to Kairo's warning. We sped at the shimmering wall until we met it in full force. Breaching through the other side I immediately noticed a change. The sun's light was significantly redder here less abrasive almost like silk on my skin. Some people on the sidewalks walked with umbrellas that provided shade from the softer sunlight while others seemed to enjoy it. The streets were still as busy as Radney dodged and weaved effortlessly through traffic. A few violent lefts and rights and the honks of angry drivers later we were barreling toward an empty lot at the end of a left or right turn. Radney slams on the brakes halfway down the street parking the car along the sidewalk. His eyes lose their golden glow as he turns the car off.
"Fate wants us here." He says with another prideful grin at Kairo who has to detach his claw-like grip on the car.
"And where the hell is here?" Kairo shakily replies while trying to regain his composure. Radney shrugs hard before stepping out of the vehicle and wandering off. With a pulsating vein of hatred on his forehead, Kairo gets out of the car to follow and I follow behind them taking in my surroundings. The streets here were clean and adorning them were beautiful-looking apartments and the people leaving them all dressed in extravagant clothing while walking perfectly manicured creatures on leashes.
"So this is the Velvet District?" I ask a steaming Kairo who calms to reply.
"Yes its name can be misleading but it's where the blood-devouring creatures reside." Kairo said trying to keep pace with Radney whose attention was caught by a group of people filing down an alley. Down the alley, we reached a courtyard where a festival seemed to be taking place. Platters of normal food spread sat on tables next to fountains of crimson liquid. Radney found his way to one of the tables and began eating.
"We aren't here for food or fun ya daft bastard did you forget that?" Kairo hissed over his shoulder not wanting to alert other partygoers.
"We're here for the Fates said so and getting drug around by the strings of Fate makes me hungry so I eat." He replies while shoveling more food into his mouth. Intrigued by the fountains I migrate away from the bickering boys and investigate. The liquid is thick with a blood-rich red hue to it different cute goblets lined the space around the base of the fountain.
"That one!" I hear echoes from the back of my mind my eyes dart to a goblet with a red white and black pattern of flowers with thorns and vines cresting around the goblet in a twirling grasp. Also curious about the cup I grab for it carefully avoiding the thorns. I hold the cup under one of the streams while I waited for it to fill I noticed etched into the fountain were humanoid figures all frozen in action like Roman paintings. All with detailed fangs or pointed ears and sharp nails. My cup almost spilled from the stream I jerked away and now had a goblet full. I pull the goblet close to my nose and take a deep whiff.
"Drink!" Roared from within me a purr followed as I felt Rugosa stir.
"Drink. It. All." Whispered Rose my throat dried I swallowed hard trying to fight off thirst. A band at the other end of the courtyard began playing a set of string instruments as if that was a cue for participants to bombard the four fountains two on separate sides of the courtyard. Grabbing up goblets people began filling them with the crimson liquid the ones coming to the fountain I chose were the better dressed of the guests expensive jewelry glinted and glimmered as their cups filled some giving me an ugly side eye as I waited to see what came next.
Soon the music began to pick up as it seemed everyone's goblets were filled. A crescendo of string notes flooded my ears I felt myself begin to sway the thirst grew stronger matching the intensity of the music. When I couldn't take much more a set of drums joined the symphony. I felt each bang vibrate through my skull I knew I had to drink. Greedily I tip the cup back swallowing what I thought would be warm but to my surprise, the thick liquid was chilled. I shut my eyes tight it seemed the music stopped the moment the last drop passed my lips. The thirst was gone and my head felt steady if anything I had a light buzz.
I open my eyes to see the crowd around my fountain staring eagerly at me. A few awkward moments pass and all I can manage for them is a hiccup that retrieved a set of angry growls and moans before the crowd dispersed. All had left except for two an older woman with beautiful silver hair and purple eyes and a teenage girl with white-streaked black hair one of her eyes was purple while the other was emerald green. They both made their way over to me still eyeing me up as they did.
"You don't seem to be Vampryc or an arachnomorph tell me girl how did you survive?" The older woman asks as she does I notice her and the younger girl's eyes begin to glow.
"It wasn't that thick and it was kinda sweet but I love sweeter drinks..." I replied feeling the need to be extremely honest the older lady's eyes glow stopped but the girls seemed to intensify.
"Hello.olleH" The girl said at me, but not to me.
"Hello?" Rose replied surprising me further.
"You can see her?" I asked unsure why I felt slightly nude.
"Yes, what is she?" The girl asks still staring with her luminescent glare.
"We don't know." There it was again that We I was growing comfortable with.
"She could be your twin if it wasn't for the hair and horn." The young girl says with a warm smile as her eyes glow came to an end.
"You can see what she looks like?" I asked, feeling interested in the horn comment.
"Weird you share a mind but don't see each other? Here." The girl approaches holding her hands out. I hesitate but take her by the hands, and as I do an image of a girl appears she would be considered my twin if her hair wasn't jet black with a beautiful spiraling horn that curved over her hair or if the eyes weren't swirling with crimson red. I thought to myself how beautiful, but seeing my face and horned head I also couldn't help the word demon from coming to mind. This I could tell set Rose off her expression resembled hurt as she waved her hand and disappeared.
"She hid!" The girl chirped with a grin before letting go.
"I think I upset her..." I reply feeling rude which also somewhat upset me it was my body wasn't it and she is possessing it why wouldn't I think of her as a demon?
"She's not a demon..." The girl says her emerald eye glowing on its own now.
"She def gives off abyssal vibes, but she isn't possessing you. It's more like a house guest with nowhere else to go." Guilt punched through my stomach the roses memory of earlier surfaced how she felt with Kairo calling her a demon was probably nothing compared to me.
"I'm sorry Rose." I think to no reply from her.
"My name is Emily by the way and this is my mother Nadia we belong to the family you just drank from." I look at the cup and the fountain with a perplexed tilt of my head.
"You're telling me you drank a random red liquid from a blood fountain and had no idea what it was." I shook my head no fiercely as Emily and her mother shared a laugh at my expense.
"Wow you must be new to the crimson districts, each fountain represents a sect or family of blood-drinking creatures. You drank from the eldest and purest of vampyric bloodlines which include me and my mother. Each elder and member coming of age donates blood for the family to share during the festivities." I felt myself turn green not with disgust at what I did but more at the fact of hearing what it was I still craved more.
"So you and your mothers' blood was in the fountain!?" I ask shakily.
"Not mine just Mom I'm two years off before I can donate." I look at her mother who wore a mischievous smile as she watched me.
"I hope the taste was to your liking." Her suggestive tone made my ears and face burn red.
"What fucking trouble are you causing?!" I hear over my shoulder from Kairo who approached with Radney in tow.
"Lady Nadia I am so sorry for whatever trouble they're causing." Kairo said with a bow of his head while forcing mine to do the same, but we hadn't done anything I thought to myself.
"Yeah, stupid Porcupine..." I hear to myself or so I thought as Emily seems to chuckle at what Rose said.
"What?!" Kairo asked.
"Nothing Mr. Porcupine we were just enjoying the company of Willow and her guest Rose we were curious about her origins is all." Kairos' eyes narrow as he examines me his eyes widened at the site of the goblet.
"You fucking didn't..." The disdain in his voice put a pit in my chest.
"She did and not from any fountain mind you but our family's." Nadia chimes in that mischievous look intensifying.
"How the fuck are you even alive?!" Kairo asked in between shaking me furiously.
"Our sentiments exactly and our family head will need an audience to voice that very same inquiry later." Kairo stopped shaking me and his expression grew serious.
"Of course ma'am at our soonest convenience." He replies with a deep bow.
"Uh-huh... Radney!" Nadia calls out to Radney who seemed to be hiding behind Kairo who was a head shorter than him.
"Ach Madam N didn't see you there..." He nervously stepped out of his poor hiding place to face her.
"You haven't visited Orora in weeks and making one of my girls cry is unacceptable!" Her tone was fierce.
"I-i uhh have been busy... working! I've been swapped with Devil's Advocates things." He replied with a nervous chuckle.
"Is this true Kairo?" Kairo with a deadpan expression shrugged as hard and as unhelpful as possible.
"I see." With blinding speed, Nadia had Radney's ear in her grip.
"Since you've been working so hard we can talk about settling your tab then." Nadia escorted Radney away to berate him more.
"Welp Mr.Porcupine now that the boring adult things are out of the way is Willow a new member of Devils Advocates!?" Emily asked with excitement in her eyes.
"Yes she is and I see you've met Rose... what do you make of her?" Kairo asked his tone growing serious.
"She isn't a demon and this isn't a case of possession if that's what you're asking but she has an Abyssal origin her magic is drenched in it." I felt Rose and Rugosa stir in me at the word Abyssal.
"Are you a member Emily?" I ask hoping to gleam more about the group I joined.
"No I and lily aren't old enough even though the others let Gil join." She pouted hard kicking the rim of her dress.
"Who's Gil and lily?" This put a confused face on Emily who then looks at my bracelet.
"Oh! You're new today kind of new." She said pointing at the bracelet.
"Gil is the one we're looking for now he goes by Clown and he's only in cause his father could care less and doesn't mind what kind of danger he's in and yours do ." This made Emily roll her eyes.
"So he's got himself into trouble again and you want to see if I could find him?" Radney makes his way back over to us his berating coming to an end.
"No actually I didn't think of that maybe that's why the Fates brought us here." Kairo says over his shoulder to Radney who wasn't listening.
"Ugh fine I'll search." With that, I felt waves pass through me coming from Emily a few crash past me and then it stops.
"Someone's got him hidden really well, I got nothin'." Kairo sags in disappointment I felt his urgency to find Gil grow
"Well, we tried... anyway Em if you could do me the favor-
-I don't know where Lily is and I'm under strict orders to not inform you." Emily cut his request short with a curt and short answer.
"Will you get your head on straight Lily's fine we came to find Gil and if we don't..." Kairo and Radney went on another separate argument about their lack of shared goals, but I couldn't pay much attention I felt something lurking around us. Something darted from shadow to shadow that no one seemed to be noticing dread rushed me my heart pounded as the unseen thing moved closer and closer until it just stopped the feeling was gone, but so was Emily.
"Guys, where'd Emily go?" They ignored me continuing their squabble. I searched with my eyes to find Nadia who was now also frantically searching the area.
"Guys!" I scream as loud as I could.
"What!?" They reply in angered unison.
"Something took Emily?!" I say spinning in place. For a moment they seemed confused as if the name I gave was gibberish.
"Hello?! Emily was just right here daughter of Nadia?" I watched as something oozed from their shadows. A serpent-like shadow creature writhed underneath them that they didn't seem to notice.
"Quick grab it!" I hear Rose demand. my body moves instinctively and swiftly grabbing up the snakes they fight but I feel their power drain into me. Kairo and Radney regain their wits realizing a person just disappeared in front of them.
"What happened?!" Kairo asked confused. The snakes fall limp and disintegrate between my fingers.
"That way! Quick!" Rose screamed in my mind I felt compelled to look towards the entrance alleyway to the courtyard a pressure formed behind my eyes I had to squint to make sure what I was seeing was real. A dark weave of light lead out of the alley that no one else seemed to notice.
"EMILY! HAS ANYONE SEEN EMILY!!!" Her mother panicked but everyone seemed too dazed and confused to help.
"Move now!" Again Rose's voice prompts my body to move, but I feel lighter as I sprint to the entrance of the festival to see the dark wisp rap around the corner and directly down the street.
"What is it, Willow? what's going on!?" Radney asked catching up to me on the sidewalk both Kairo and Radney stood directly in the line leading down the street.
"You don't see it... or feel it?!" Panic starts to grow in my chest as I notice the wisp beginning to fade. I run towards the car we borrowed and they follow.
"There was something quick moving from shadow to shadow it took Emily and Left these snakes and an inky black trail!" Kairo looked at Radney who with a knowing acknowledgment started the car put it in drive and floored it.
"What you described was a black-eyed child... they usually hand for hire considering their magic is unique and their way of travel is only trackable by other black-eyed children, since you can see its trail you'll direct us." Kairo looked serious the memory of the kid I saw on the bus earlier felt more surreal.
"Looks like your first D.A. mission is a search and rescue, in all honesty, it's one of the easiest." Radney said with a more joyful tone than expected.
"We were already looking for Clown we just added the daughter to the second highest family to the list..." I could hear the nervousness in Kairos's voice.
"Left!" I scream as the wisp takes a hard turn down a long street ending in a left or right turn, but the wisp kept forward into an empty lot between other buildings.
"Left or right?" Radney asked halfway down the street.
"Straight..." they both looked over their shoulder at me.
"Umm, that's the sidewalk sweet pea." Radney with such sincerity I felt crazy for saying it.
"The wisp ends in that empty lot you have to keep straight!" The wisp was starting to fade quicker I was sure if we didn't follow it would be lost for good. Radney grips the wheel tightly pressing down harder on the gas.
"Got enough in the tank to pull off a through this big?" Randey asked Kairo who seemed to be daydreaming.
"Got no choice I guess." Kairo stands in his seat placing his hand firmly on the windshield the end of the block grows closer and closer at a scary rate.
"Guys? Guys!?" I scream feeling the sidewalk lift the car off the ground sending it flying through the air toward the empty lot.
"Make sure to keep in contact with the car!" Kairo screamed as the front of the car penetrated an invisible wall, the hood disappeared first then the front seat slid through leaving me with half a car souring into an empty lot I shut my eyes tight and then open them when I feel the vehicle hit the ground again.
We were now sliding through the bottom floor of a warehouse past terrified faces of black-eyed children and tables covered in viles and chemistry sets filled with a purplish liquid. The car tires screeched as the brakes slowed us into a sideways drift that ended in slamming against a doorway in the back of the warehouse.
"Woooooooo! Everyone kept their arms and legs in the ride?" Radney asked with too much enthusiasm for me. My head was spinning I couldn't believe we went through so many objects and people.
"Uh-oh, cars totaled..." Radney said looking at the hood of the car which now has a chair fused through it. The whimpers and whispers of the workers gathering near the commotion caught our attention. Dozens of teens gathered near a big chemical vat my eye catches a darting shadow from the group that breaks for a wall in the warehouse. The shadowy form takes shape of another black-eyed child who smashes a big red button bringing to life an alarm and red and white flashing lights. The children scatter all in different directions away from us pushing each other out of the way to take hiding places under machinery and tables.
We all exchanged looks of concern, I could hear behind the blocked door crashing thuds rushing from somewhere below.
"Out of the car..." kairo said peering through the slit of glass in the door. A deafening slam followed his directions leaving a bend in the door's frame.
"Out of the car!" Radney cooed with more intensity. We all hopped out of the car as a chorus of slams began echoing from the waning door, even the vehicle began to budge and rock we backed away watching in terror as the door crumbled and the car was flung overhead across the room. Mounds of gangly humanoid creatures flooded through the doorway clambering over each other like roaches. I watched as they climbed the ceilings some of the attention was caught by some of the less hidden children I couldn't look away as these monsters treated their victims like ragged dolls tearing limbs from the body with ease and greedily draining the crimson essence.
"Form up protect Willow!" Kairo and Radney take a place in between the swarm of creatures and me.
"Is she not combat-ready?!" Radney shouted over the panic wails of the workers scattering.
"Short story long this personality has zero combat experience." Kairo said while forming his guns and unleashing a volley of shots on a bunch of the swarming monsters bringing several down in two clips. The others taking notice of this began picking up speed until they zipped around the room at triple the speed. Kairo's shots missed their targets that were now blurred circling in.
"What no aim assist?" Radney prodded Kairo.
"Used up a lot of magic earlier I don't have enough to mark targets moving this fast." I felt a presence behind me one of the creatures had found its way behind us and was preparing to run its claws through me but before it could a flash of movement is all I could make out before seeing its head explode. I look to Radney who had sparks running over his body.
"Kairo switch!" Radney barked at Kairo who without hesitation tossed his pistols into the air they burst out of existence the ichor substance formed in Radney's hand forming a submachine gun in each palm. I watched as neon blue runes formed across Radney's skin electricity hopped from rune to rune. I watched but between blinks, I would see him disappear and reappear on the tail of the ghoulish beast shredding them with a line of bullets.
"Don't look away, don't blink." echoed in my head from my brooding passenger. My eyes locked on to Radney his speed becoming less of a problem as I watched him expertly despatch each monster.
Soon there was one left who in a panic fled back into the doorway they came from showing they weren't just mindless beasts tearing into anything that moved.
"don't chase it!" Kairo called out to Radney stopping him in the doorway leading down further into the warehouse.
"I think that was the last one I think I should make sure it doesn't make more of itself or escapes!" Radney called over his shoulder at us peering into the unlit staircase.
"Not here for that... Whatever it was here to find Clown!" Kairo called back prompting Radney to shrug and turn on his heels to face us when he did though his expression dropped fear and anger gripped his face confusing me and Kairo who looked over at me realizing what Randey had seen he wasn't looking at me but something over my shoulder. I cautiously look over my shoulder to see a man looming over me. His silver eyes peering into mine.
"For all of your sakes you best hope that isn't my last Brute." his demeanor was calm and placid his gaze unwavering as he stared through me.
"Don't you lay a finger on her!" Kairo snarled causing those silver daggers to dart in his direction.
"Or what?" the man said with a crooked smile. I felt my heart in my ears and sweat slicked my palms and forehead I thought if moved slow enough away he couldn't hurt me as if hearing my thoughts his eyes trained back on me.
"DON'T!" Radney screamed from across the room my body moved instinctively away but was too slow I felt hands grip my shoulders as I was wisted away being drugged at a dizzying speed. I don't stop as I feel myself soaring until reaching contact with something solid so hard my vision flicks to black.
~End of Chapter 6
Thanks again for reading I can'tbe any more thankful for your reading and feedback of Devils Advocates Chapter 7 soon