In a loud silence of a small library with two long table and frothy lawn green colored chairs she was with her friends whispering and giggling making fun of waggish words and comically designed pictures on the page of a small book.
Nobody notice the sweet sixteen boy with a science fiction book wearing clear white glasses who was admiring her from a corner of room with his one arm leaning on old bookshelf “silly girl” were the only words left from his lips. Slowly taking step towards her admiring her when suddenly a stupid idea crossed his mind, he started taking fast steps towards her when like a famous boy he join the conversation going between talkative squad and started talking casually,with every minutes passing again nobody notice how the honey faced girl with cute glasses and silky hair started admiring him secretly where he was busy talking with his friends laughing and giggling.
“ Hey big fat aunty you look like a chubby panda ” he blurted, everyone present there started laughing “ Maybe in this way she will become more friendly with me” he thought “Mr whatever you don’t have any right to call me that” she said holding his hand tightly in anger. Some were enjoying some did not care about this thing happening but the gossipers present there started whispering. Like a slow movie scene he was lost in the movement where he can’t hear anything he was just staring at his hand but she was not when she realized was she did so to cover up she bit his hand she freed her hand when the bell rang within few minutes she ran back to her classroom with her group.
“ahh silly girl!” he whisper shouted but within fraction of seconds