No Plagiarism!VBEU7XWW0xGYNgdlqd7Pposted on PENANA *Some of this is based of the fandom*8964 copyright protection281PENANAfVowklma9y 維尼
LGBTQ+ BEING EXPLAINED TO HAZLE-8964 copyright protection281PENANArlJwCfyc7F 維尼
285Please respect copyright.PENANAfMCBwc0jFo
8964 copyright protection281PENANAMlvpybvxmE 維尼
Hazel being genuinely confused- like, is it the premium of gay?8964 copyright protection281PENANA3xiW74qoKo 維尼
285Please respect copyright.PENANAJuKL9fRZ2b
8964 copyright protection281PENANAzjtHVTIBSb 維尼
Nico and Will literally dying- no, no, it’s like for the others.8964 copyright protection281PENANAMdd9LsCV1n 維尼
285Please respect copyright.PENANA7ditcLhZeQ
8964 copyright protection281PENANA9eMsIiHdIi 維尼
Hazel- the other gays?8964 copyright protection281PENANAd445lQNdPl 維尼
285Please respect copyright.PENANAbhXMJbUEwD
8964 copyright protection281PENANAJubWvWN7KH 維尼
Nico- there are more types of the gays8964 copyright protection281PENANAgYm0KQ8vBl 維尼
285Please respect copyright.PENANAq1J6M6aNON
8964 copyright protection281PENANAFJsWvKAdfU 維尼
285Please respect copyright.PENANAP8xwKFkGvB
8964 copyright protection281PENANAjdDdmoHAeZ 維尼
Will- Look over at Percy for example,8964 copyright protection281PENANAhKKKNh2PDy 維尼
285Please respect copyright.PENANAjkQPaD6dox
8964 copyright protection281PENANAA5WDe0SsZD 維尼
Percy eating blue cornflakes- hmm?8964 copyright protection281PENANA9qOFyTBsL5 維尼
285Please respect copyright.PENANAuMyImw8LcF
8964 copyright protection281PENANAtZuWuaz83l 維尼
Will- he’s bi, that means he likes both boys and girls. 8964 copyright protection281PENANAT8ouNE25Kw 維尼
285Please respect copyright.PENANAVzqq7VT2Ks
8964 copyright protection281PENANAiMwer2GNjC 維尼
Hazel- but…….isn’t that Magnus?8964 copyright protection281PENANAkN4SDdQyAC 維尼
285Please respect copyright.PENANAb05gO3hNwj
8964 copyright protection281PENANAoCtxTuVPxu 維尼
Magnus- hmm?8964 copyright protection281PENANAj9Ymsjz73I 維尼
285Please respect copyright.PENANApg0Z5BjLcP
8964 copyright protection281PENANAq1AqKzIYVh 維尼
Will- no, he’s pan, that means he doesn’t care about gender.8964 copyright protection281PENANA1uAnjpIwuD 維尼
285Please respect copyright.PENANACg3TchtEDc
8964 copyright protection281PENANA2HZSTVjLBL 維尼
Hazel- gender………wait, today Alex told me that she’s a girl……..8964 copyright protection281PENANAP39DJkIAal 維尼
285Please respect copyright.PENANADrGUD5Jaho
8964 copyright protection281PENANAQtZcWKvSKz 維尼
Nico- oh dear lord, she’s caught on.8964 copyright protection281PENANAnzf49c1mI8 維尼
285Please respect copyright.PENANAd25JNJ3gYG
8964 copyright protection281PENANAI1Ce8MK4iN 維尼
Hazel- but yesterday she told me she was a boy……..8964 copyright protection281PENANA9iYMmyJqNT 維尼
285Please respect copyright.PENANAfhXW52X1wO
8964 copyright protection281PENANAMDrxsg5STo 維尼
Alex poking her head in the room- you talking bout meh?8964 copyright protection281PENANAz2nQ7jQuFp 維尼
285Please respect copyright.PENANArJeDfe8JOp
8964 copyright protection281PENANAcUQmz30Eqh 維尼
Will- just trying to explain stuff to Hazel.8964 copyright protection281PENANAYrh3NcuEzZ 維尼
285Please respect copyright.PENANAUgRUXHju7z
8964 copyright protection281PENANAHa7TEJEuJJ 維尼
Nico- Alex is gender fluid, that means she changes her gender when she feels like the other one.8964 copyright protection281PENANAQ4C0BFYv21 維尼
285Please respect copyright.PENANAxxbcwAdwbv
8964 copyright protection281PENANAnxR9kvfZ2v 維尼
Hazel- WHAT? THA-8964 copyright protection281PENANANWQWTgzCgf 維尼
285Please respect copyright.PENANAeZVPF0AwzL
8964 copyright protection281PENANA2iGTDJarU0 維尼
Piper- hey, have y’all seen the bread?8964 copyright protection281PENANAseXz7D2uJd 維尼
285Please respect copyright.PENANAShYAm2snoX
8964 copyright protection281PENANAEe7YEZr80b 維尼
Nico- and piper is Lesbian.8964 copyright protection281PENANA6cyUzSh9EK 維尼
285Please respect copyright.PENANA1JV1OfOYRi
8964 copyright protection281PENANAUTO24KcNmE 維尼
Hazel- WHAT? SHES ONE TO?8964 copyright protection281PENANATHVk4jCdJk 維尼
285Please respect copyright.PENANAnFXvjXBX4A
8964 copyright protection281PENANAlEUpRgtIno 維尼
Will- it’s basically girl gay.8964 copyright protection281PENANASHpzPCUlij 維尼
285Please respect copyright.PENANARJpH4KecVD
8964 copyright protection281PENANAGQxw8j1eoW 維尼
Hazel- ……….that one actually kind of makes sense…….8964 copyright protection281PENANAVokr6ROKy6 維尼
285Please respect copyright.PENANAMcyV8BnA9D
8964 copyright protection281PENANAWKRor5DQ2H 維尼
Piper- guys, we have bigger problems right now—8964 copyright protection281PENANAvlzDYWHSuG 維尼
285Please respect copyright.PENANAZ8XHQOWaTV
8964 copyright protection281PENANASF0e4LBW1G 維尼
Nico- what is more important that enlightening my sister?8964 copyright protection281PENANAB3yAX71QUa 維尼
285Please respect copyright.PENANAx2WnPeK2eS
8964 copyright protection281PENANAsL02AB0jOa 維尼
Piper- uhh, Zeus sitting in the kitchen demanding a peanut butter and jelly 8964 copyright protection281PENANAzPSUG51hEI 維尼
285Please respect copyright.PENANAWH5HoH52VJ
8964 copyright protection281PENANAKWP5Wccwzr 維尼
*Zeus walks in*8964 copyright protection281PENANA1OEeT4CdWX 維尼
285Please respect copyright.PENANAVnVtBPkYrZ
8964 copyright protection281PENANAKk6xTolTck 維尼
Zeus- where is my peanut butter and jelly sandwich?!8964 copyright protection281PENANAZHi9o7zsrz 維尼
285Please respect copyright.PENANAOnKrUxkCG9
8964 copyright protection281PENANACtYy33lntE 維尼
*hazel, Nico and Will still talking about lgbt*8964 copyright protection281PENANAxPkGzy1XuM 維尼
285Please respect copyright.PENANAkXD1E6tjeo
8964 copyright protection281PENANAAlGr35YHhh 維尼
Will- AND SO THATS WHAT MEANS WE’RE GAY8964 copyright protection281PENANAAABSP82aol 維尼
285Please respect copyright.PENANADuPpaVfBXe
8964 copyright protection281PENANAeiSdMqu2XV 維尼
Zeus- Gay? Oh I know what that is8964 copyright protection281PENANAq1B8ddNIwE 維尼
285Please respect copyright.PENANAGQR0TvUtUB
8964 copyright protection281PENANAmyLzB102M6 維尼
Nico- See even Zeus knows 8964 copyright protection281PENANAqVhRkPMSPQ 維尼
285Please respect copyright.PENANA5pm3gprcl5
8964 copyright protection281PENANAGJcSsPViDH 維尼
Zeus- isn’t that some sort of tomato?8964 copyright protection281PENANAMiITrNjcyk 維尼