Catherine was just finishing unpacking her old stuff from her parents' home to a fresh apartment. She was finally going to that university she and her parents were waiting for her to go to.
She moves things through her "living room", adjusting the dresser to be against the wall and placing her dusty family photos on it. After a bit more shuffling and placing, she sits down on her puffy couch and turns on the TV to her favorite show.
"Finally done..." she sighed.
Then she remembers the gift her grandparents had left her for the graduation party. Catherine told herself not to open it until she got to her apartment, but now that she was here, her curiosity finally broke her, causing her to snatch the box from the table beside her and rip open the wrapping paper.
She slowly opened the box, and the only thing that was inside, was a brilliantly golden watch that sparkled when she rocked the box from side to side. There was also a note, written in her grandmother's handwriting.
You have been selected as a Prodigy. Use that watch well, and have a wonderful time at university.
"Prodigy?" She read the note over and over, trying to make sense of it. What was a Prodigy?
She turned the card to the other side. More writing, it's seemed like directions.
In the dead of night242Please respect copyright.PENANA9Vu9YP7jgs
Tap on the inside242Please respect copyright.PENANAK3u5PYBDnc
Drag forward or back242Please respect copyright.PENANA8GJtxwEk99
Close your eyes and hold your breath
Her cellphone started to vibrate. She picks up the phone, and holds it up against her ear.
"Cathie!" It was Talia, her friend from high school. Her eyes lit up when she heard her voice.
"Tal? It's been a while. How's everything doing on your end?"
"Good. Still working on getting my stuff ready to move out, how about you?"
"Traffic was slow as hell, but I have most of my stuff in the apartment. I have to go to the storage place tomorrow and get the rest.."
"I could help you. We can meet up tomorrow and go together."
"Awe, thanks," she said, twirling the golden streak of her hair. "I can go after I finish class for the day, show you this pretty watch my grandparents bought me."
"Ooh, a watch?"
"Yeah. Also came with this weird note. Something like directions?"
"Weird. Your grandparents didn't say anything about it?"
"No, I'm just opening the box, and you're the first person to call me.."
"I dunno, maybe follow the directions and see what happens. Maybe it's how to get it set or something?"
Catherine looked back down at the clock, realizing it hadn't moved an inch since she'd open the box.
"You actually might be right, it's not at all."
"I thought so. I'll let you concentrate on that and I'll call you back, okay?"
"... Okay. See you later."
...She looked out the window. The sky was bleeding orange through her curtains. Now was the perfect time to see what she what these instructions really did.
She tapped the middle of the clock as instructed. She closes her eyes, takes a deep breath, and slides her fingertip counterclockwise.
A wave of wind blew past her hair and almost knocked her down.
"What the-"
She reaches for the window to shut it from this hurricane blowing the papers in her room, until she realized. There was no way wind could be blowing past her. The window was closed.
Catherine was even more confused now, frantically looking around to figure out what was happening. She could see the air around her warp into faces and memories of the past. Her living room shimmered a dim and faded blue. There was a blinding light, calling her to come closer.
"Holy crap..." she said underneath her breath. "I guess I'm supposed to...go in?"242Please respect copyright.PENANAdqTmeplONl
She takes a step towards it, the sound of the now shattered floor crackling beneath her feet. Then, she carefully walked towards the light.
It felt as if she walked past a doorframe.
"Grandma, Grandad, what the hell did you get me into..?"
Catherine was outside, a large wall in the distance and music playing. Swaying next to her was a thin tree bearing large apples on almost every branch.
"...Well, if I'm gonna stay here forever, I might as well get a snack..."
Forcefully, she started to kick and ram into the tree, causing something larger than a couple apples fall out. At least a big one fell right beside her.
"I hope that wasn't a dead body..." she half jokes, taking a bite of her newly obtained snack.
It was a body, but he was very much alive.
"A very comical jester thou are..." He says with clenched teeth as he gets up.
She almost choked on the bite she was chewing on.
"Jesus Christ!"
"...Art thou okay?"
"You could've told me you were in that stupid tree!"
"I was asleep..."
"...Who the hell sleeps in a tree?!"
"...I shall ask thou okay?"
"I don't even know where I am!"
"...I see.." The boy takes a look at Catherine's watch, which was swinging around her neck, only to for Catherine to jump to conclusions and slap him as hard as hard as she could.
"What's your problem?!"
"I was admiring your clock. I have no interest in you."
He pulls a golden chain from his garments and revealing another sparkling golden watch, identical to her own.
"My name is Nathaniel. It seems thou art also a Prodigy..."
"A Prodigy is a time traveler and protector of Time itself. This ability is gifted to one of Prodigious blood before them."
This was so unbelievable to her, but to be honest, so had everything else.
"Well, if I'm freely able to time travel, I should be able to get back home, right?"
"...No, not necessarily. If thou go to a time too far, thou won't have enough Tempural Energy to go back to thine own. Thou will need to travel to a closer time.."
"Does that mean I'm stuck with you?"
"If thou wants to survive, thou might want to stay with me."
"I can't tell if you're being sincere or a damn creep.."
He creates a sword from nowhere and places it's deathly sharp edge close to her throat.
"Does thou want to die here from starvation?"
"Are you seriously going to kill me if I don't go with you?"
"No, that was for attempting to insult me.."242Please respect copyright.PENANAx1slAVWPHX
He lets it go, where it fades away into metallic dust, pulling her up.
"Now, if thou wants to survive, I would suggest you follow me.." he says walking away.
"Fine. But do something weird and I'll beat the hell out of you."
"We must be far aroint from the commoners. We mustn't expose ourself."
"Yeah yeah, secret organization and whatnot. Just hurry up so I can go home,"
Nathaniel, with his own watch, does the same movements. The time warp appears, brilliantly blue and whispering just as before.
"Ladies first..." He leads Catherine inside.
"Ugh.." she stomps into the warp, dragging him by the cravat with her.
This new time period. It was definitely more industrial, and in the front of them was an worn, abandoned mansion, the windows covered by wooden planks.
"...Maybe it's better looking indoors?"
Catherine walks up to the menacing house, but as soon as she knocked on the splintered door, it creaked open.
"...Come on Nate, door's open."
"It's a nickname. Just hurry up."
"Why don't thou go by thyself?"
"Because. You have weapon powers. What if this place is full of gangsters or something?"
"Fine...however, I shan't be responsible for thou."
"Just shut up and come in."
The walk across the wooden floor, screeching every step they took.
"What does thou plan to find?"
"We can stay here for the night, and we get out the next morning."
"In this rodent infested place?"
"It's better than outside, isn't it?"
They hear another creaking door from somewhere from above the crooked stairs.242Please respect copyright.PENANA5sy16Irofx
Suddenly realizing someone was here, they hid behind a dusty, dingy, couch.
Shaky footsteps follow.
"E-Ezra?" A girl's soft voice echoed. She flicks on the barely functioning lights, only slightly brightening the room enough to see.
Just before the girl could come towards them, Nathaniel jumps up and chokeholds her. The girl appropriately screams, struggling to break free.
"Nathaniel, what the hell?"
"If she wants to survive, she'll stop screaming."
Catherine sees the girl reaching for something from her back pocket...
The girl takes her object and jams it into his arm, allowing herself to escape. Nathaniel pulls the object, a pair of scissors, out of his arm.
"H-How did you get here? Who are you?"
Catherine slowly gets up from her kneeling position. "The door was open when we knocked. We didn't break-...well, we did, but we thought it was abandoned..."242Please respect copyright.PENANAZsXG6KdweE
The front door swings open. An older woman runs in and throws Nathaniel and Catherine out of the way.
"Isabelle! Are you alright?!"
"I'm o-okay,"
"Good, good.." The woman, supposedly named Ezra, lets her go. She turns to the two, her expression changes from a caring mother figure to a ball of rage.
"What...are you doing here?"
"We just wanted a place to stay for the night.."
"And you think attacking my sister is a reason why I should let you stay?"
"We thought the place was-"
Ezra pulls out a knife and points it towards Catherine's neck.
"... Isabelle?"
"What should we do?"
"...If t-they need a p-place to stay...I don't mind letting them stay in my room.."
"...You're too sweet." She removes the knife and slips it back into her bag. "Show them upstairs. Scream if anything happens."
Isabelle nods carefully hops up the stairs and disappears into the shadows of the dimmed house.
The duo carefully follows her. Isabelle grabs the stairs to the attic.
"Damn, you live in the attic?"
"It's very spacious up here..." she responds, carefully climbing up.
Isabelle was right, the attic was extremely spacious, but that space was filled row to row with porcelain dolls.
Catherine hated the things, their uncanny faces and glassy eyes intimidated her. She carefully walked up, the attic emitting a stuffy, but aromatic mist upon her face. That didn't stop her from cringing at the collection, though.
"I found them when we moved here..." Isabelle stated, her voice a slight echo. "My little sister loved them, so I fixed them for her to play with.."
"If you don't mind me asking..." Catherine started. "Where is she now?"
Isabelle went silent. "I d-don't want to t-think about it..."
Isabelle then sits in her lofty bed, in the more immense part of the attic. Dolls and stuffed animals decorated the
The two Prodigies sit down on the wooden floor next to it.
"You d-don't have to sit on the floor."
"I mean, this guy sleeps in trees like a goddamn sloth, so maybe the floor is an improvement.." Catherine quipped. Nathaniel angrily stares in response.
"A-anyways..." Isabelle interrupts. "How did you two get here?"
"If the Tempural Energy brought us here..." Nathaniel thinks aloud.
"That means one of them is a Prodigy, right?"
"Most likely..."
They both pull out their golden watches. "You haven't seen a clock like these have you?"
"It seems...familiar..." Isabelle instantly gets up and rummages through a desk full of needles, thread, and fabric, when she stops and pulls out another identical watch from the drawer.
"At first, I t-thought it was just a normal pocket watch my father had forgotten..."
"Huh. Well, I guess that answers our question.."
"S-so does that m-mean I can go with you two?"
"Considering that your sister isn't too keen on letting us stay here in the first place, I don't think asking her is a good idea."
"D-do have to ask Ezra?"
"Ask me what?" the sound of the older sister's voice boomed throughout the attic.
Isabelle finally spoke up. "I-I want to go with them!"
"...If that's what you're going to do.." she fully stands up from the opening. "then I'm going with you. Prodigious or not."
"Would that even work?" Nathaniel asks.
"It wouldn't h-hurt to t-try..."
"...If thou insists.."
"But seriously, you three head to bed. I want sleep too."
"Okay..." Isabelle calls out. "Goodnight."
And with that, Ezra left the attic, sliding down the ladder with fading footsteps. Isabelle throws a couple blankets and pillows their way.
Lights leak through the planks of the roof the mansion the next morning. The stuffy perfume was instantly overpowered by the smell of warm breakfast cooking downstairs. That was enough to wake the three of them.
"Good morning you two..." Catherine says, stretching the tired out her body.
Nathaniel was already sipping a cup of coffee. "This drink is surprisingly...bitter.."
"Well, you're supposed to drink with milk or sugar if you don't like it bitter."
"I think w-we have some downstairs.." Isabelle informed, head slightly poking from out of her thick comforter and quilt. She then pulls the blankets off and steps out, stretching herself and stepping down to the floor. Catherine had seen something peek out from the opening behind Isabelle, just out of the corner of her eye.
"Hey, Isabelle. I think one of your dolls is caught on your clothes.."
"O-Oh? That's never h-happened before..." she reaches behind her. "I c-can't reach it.."
Catherine sighs, walks over to the girl, and attempts to pull the plush cat, adorned with a creepy stitched grin, off of her back. But when she tugged, the thing angrily screamed and gripped tighter.
"What the hell?!"
"Hey hey hey!" the thing said with an angry tone. "Don't pull on me! You'll rip my fabric, you idiot!"
Catherine stepped back in astonishment.
"Heya Izzy!"
"What? You think my memory died with your sister?"
Isabelle starts to go slowly down the rest of the stairs, continuously asking the talking and asking the doll questions. Catherine followed behind, eavesdropping on their conversation.
"What doing here?"
"Apparently, I'm your new Gift! Look look!"
Thin black thread ran between Isabelle's fingers, wrapping around her arms and up her neck.
"Pretty cool right?" the doll asked, smiling from ear to ear.
"...I need to wash the sleep from my face.." Isabelle runs like a bolt of lightning to another part of the hall. Catherine hears water running, a splash, whispering, another splash, whispering again.
"Isabelle, are you alright over there?"
"I-I'm fine!" she calls back.
"Do you want me to come in?"
Catherine shakes her head and walks towards the smell baked into the air.
"Took you long enough." Ezra places a plate next to an empty chair. "Where's Isabelle?"
"In the bathroom.."
Ezra leaves another plate and speedwalks to the bathroom door.
"J-Just a minute.."
The door opens, and Isabelle scrambles to pull down her sleeves.
"...Did something happen?"
Isabelle softly shakes her head no.
The doll's piercing, scraping voice suddenly entered the room.
"She's lying. She's trying to hide me!"
"N-no! G-go a-away!" Isabelle was holding her head inside her hands as more thread spilled from her sleeves.
"Don't get too frustrated. Don't want you to go insane and start stabbing people again, right?" the toy chuckled.
"I don't know what you are, but stop messing with her." Ezra said sternly.
"You don't want to attack me either. I'm attached to her soul now, and you won't like her when I make her angry~!"
"Let her go, asshole!" Catherine yelled.
"Wow, such vulgar language! I wonder how many words you can say after she sews your damn mouth shut!"
"Try it, prick!"
"Oooh, okay!"
Isabelle's expression changed from fear to anger in seconds, her scared mumbling to angered growls.
"Isabelle?" Ezra slowly tries to approach.
Isabelle reaches for her back pocket once again.
"Move! She's got a-" Catherine pushes Ezra out of the way, taking the jab from Isabelle's scissors.
"See? I told you!"
"Shut up.." Catherine says, holding the shoulder wound.
"Isabelle, that's enough." Nathaniel says, approaching her. "Or... maybe she's in the doll's control?"
"Damn straight! And that's only a portion of what I can do!"
"I see.." Nathaniel states, showing his own Gift. A large, metal, thorn shaped shield adorned his right arm, sharp enough to cut the air around it.
"Catherine, I would like it if thou take her dearest sister to safety."
"Alright, but I'm coming back. Ezra, let's go."
"...Be careful with her, Nathaniel."
"...I shall try."
The two run out of the mansion, only barely able to hear the sounds of things clattering to the floor.
"I'll be back, hopefully with your sister."
Catherine runs back into the now destroyed house.
"Awe, Cathie's back!"
Catherine takes a glance at Nathaniel, scratches from the scissor jabs and slashes all over him and his shield-spear.
"Isabelle is very formidable when angered.." he says in-between shallow breaths.
"Finally giving up, Nate?"
"Good! Now..."
Isabelle snaps back to her normal self, dropping the scissors.
"Dawlly...never do that again..."
"How about this? I only do it when you need me to. I'll even ask, okay?"
"...Only w-when I need to."
"You got it boss!" the doll disappears, slipping itself inside her pocket.
The three of them go outside, where Ezra makes sure Isabelle is okay. Isabelle assures her she's just fine.
Catherine tapped her clock, pulled the hands forward, and the time warp opens.
"Well, let's see where this takes us. Hopefully, I can finally go home."
"I-I've never d-done this before.."
"It's like walking through the door. Nothing bad's gonna happen, alright?"
And with that small exchange of words, the four of them went through the time warp, but instead of a different Time Period like they were expecting, it was a small pocket dimension. And inside...was a giggly, eccentric white-faced jester, covered in makeup and vibrant colored clothing.
"Oho! Visitors visitors!" it said, jumping up and down.
"Oh great.."
"What's the matter? Afraid of lil' old me?" it's crescent moon like smile only got wider. "I know plenty of games that'll get you nice and warmed up to me!"
"Games like what?"
"Dodgeball perhaps?" he pulls out bells, three times as small as his spindly hands.
"Those are...easily avoidable." Nathaniel says, taking a better look at them.
Ohohoho! No, no, these are everything but avoidable!" the jester proclaimed. "Take a look and see!"
The jester threw them behind himself. Then, a loud boom emanated from every corner. A burning ball of orange and red roared behind. "So, let's get playin', shall we?"
"I'm afraid not.."
"Yeah, you can't really play dodgeball with high grade explosives."
"Oho! I don't think you understood! That was an order..."
"You, a jester, order me?" Nathaniel revealed his Gift.
"That's the rule of the game!" the jester throws the bomb from every angle it can with such agility, leaving the four to barely escape the explosions.
"This piece of crap isn't kidding!"
"I-I'll try to hold his arms b-back! Dawlly!"
"Yeah yeah, I've got it." Dawlly took Isabelle's Gift, wrapping the thread around the jester's body.
"Oooooh, not fair, not fair!"
"Shut the hell up, you almost killed us, you better believe it's fair." Catherine snapped, dusting the ash and gunpowder from her clothing.
"You rulebreakers must be punished!" A loud roar came from the jester's voice. They braced themselves.
"Tempus: Cessatio!" another voice called out. Suddenly, it felt as if time itself had stopped. Catherine and the others couldn't move. In their frozen state, they saw a woman, floating there in front of them. Going in front of their assailant, the woman tears a warm, brilliant light from the jester's chest, and slips it into her bag. She snaps her fingers, and suddenly...
The four of them grab ahold of their chest and faces, frantically trying to understand what happened.
"Hey hey hey, don't worry, I didn't do anything to you.." the woman states. "I just took Pierrot's Tempural Spirit."
"Is that w-what that...warm light was?"
"Mhm. I'm glad I came at the right time, too. Can't be a teacher without students, right?"
"Teacher? You mean to tell me I have to go to school here too?"
"Eh, somewhat. My name's Verna, by the way. I keep watch of the Time Realm while Father Time is away. Now, for your next mission..."
"Mission? We literally almost got blown to smithereens by clown boy over there, don't you think we need a little bit of a break?"
"Well, you still need one more Prodigy in order to reach your 'breakroom', so find him and come back, okay?"
"Uuugh, fine. We'll find the stupid boy and bring him back. Where are we headed? Past? Future?"
"Future, now hop to it."
"Alright, alright, but after this, I'm going home."
"If you so desire.." Verna gladly drags Pierrot to the time warp and chucks him in. "I'll see you guys later. Don't die."
Catherine hoped this was the last time she had to travel around. The after affects of it was starting to hit her, but nonetheless, she did the thing threw herself in, and...
Suddenly, she was surrounded my metal bars, and a dingy atmosphere.
"Ah, crap..." she grumbled. "...We're in prison.."
"We shall split up. I go west, Isabelle and Ezra go east, and Catherine, thou go north."242Please respect copyright.PENANAxNKpFO5hel
Nathaniel states, pointing them in the right direction.
"Okay, splitting up inside a place like this is not a good idea.." Ezra returns.
"It is the only way we can cover ground. I'm sure you understand we're looking for someone in such a large facility."
"If this was a horror movie, we'd be dead. If we split up, we get lost and can't get to the others if we need them." Catherine adds. "The best way is to go down to every four way, and try your plan. We go down each of the halls, if we don't find the guy, we come back, go down to the next four way, repeat."
"That's a b-bit complicated..."
"It's not as complicated as you think."
"Yeah, let's try this one and see.."
They try it on the first four-way they come across, but all the cages in the halls were empty. They try the second one, same thing there. The third time, but to no avail.
It was only after the fifth time when someone was found within these brick walls and metal bars.
"God, I hate this place. Why are we in prison, damnit?"
"Correction..." a boy's voice echoed. "I'm in prison. You're in a prison."
"Oh shut up, smarta-"
For once she could finally feel the Tempural Energy reaching out to her, pointing her to the person they were looking for.
"You. You're a Prodigy."
"A what now?" He begins slinging around a golden blur.
"Whatcha got there?"
He stops twirling the thing around his finger. "It's a watch or something. I just liked the way it looked. I'm a bit of a kleptomaniac."
"So you stole it."
"I'll take what I can get. Now, what's a wonderful looking lady such as yourself doing here?"
"Oi, d-don't flirt with me!" Catherine sputtered. "I'm here to get you, and then I'm going home, that's it, alright?"
"I'd love to take you."
"...I hate that you'd love to take me. Now get up."
"If I move any further than that doorframe, it shocks me. Unless you have a better idea, I'm staying right here."
"If the problem is the doorframe, then I can just destroy it, right?"
"...If that's what you want to do."
"Do you have a stick or a bat or something?"
"Nope, they confiscated my stuff before they threw me in here."
"Then I'll just break it by hand." Catherine states. She walks up to the bars, starts kicking at the bars to, at least, loosen them, but suddenly... she's on the other side.
"What the hell?"
"Got anymore good plans, Einstein?"
"You shut up." She sternly commanded. "I'm trying to figure out how I got in here in the first place."
"From what I've seen, you just clipped right through. The bars didn't move a bit."
"...Let me try-"
As if on cue, she falls through the floor, unaware of her newly obtained Gift. It was like swimming through water, as she gracefully glided through the solid rock floor. She peeks out from the floor, finally discovering her ability, Phasing.
"Holy crap." she snickers. "I'm definitely pissing off Nate with this."
"Hey, you're not helping me out by plotting whatever you're planning."
"Yeah yeah, give me a second."
She slips back through the floor and back behind bars.
"I'm gonna be honest, I don't think this is going to work."
"Can't hurt to try though, right?"
Catherine sighs. "Come on...try not to breathe."
She unwillingly grabs the guy's hand, and activates her ability. On the other side, she throws him out first, then climbs up after him.
"Nice...I guess."
"Now, let's go. Please."
"Hey Nate! Isabelle! I found him!"
Catherine turns to the boy. "Put the stupid watch on...what's your name again?"
"Arsenio..." he letting the watch drop around his neck.
"Alright, we just have to wait for the others."
"N-no need Catherine..."
"Speak of the devil. Here they are."
" name is...Isabelle..."
"N-Nice to meet you.."
"I haven't seen anyone for the last...five years. And two beautiful young ladies at that."
"Let's skip the pickup lines and get out of this place, please?" Catherine rushed. " I have classes tomorrow, and you people are wasting precious time."
"Actually, you guys won't be staying home for long." Verna's voice echoed through the dingy halls. "I'm sure you'll miss your friends and family, but the Time Realm really needs your help.."
Catherine groans. "I don't want to keep moving around different points in time! I'm getting sick just walking through the stupid portals and whatnot!"
"I understand, you want to go back to your normal lives, but without you, we basically have no concept of time at all."
"...What else could you possibly need?"
"I need you five to come with me.." Verna's usual bubbly tone grew stern and serious in a heartbeat as she opened another time warp, guiding them inside. They walk out the other side, to an almost heaven-like place.
" the Time Realm. And over the home of Father Time."
"What are we doing here, exactly?"
"It's the Fabric of Time..." she almost mumbled. "It's ripping apart as we speak. Quickly, we mustn't waste time."
The Prodigies ran as fast as they could, following Verna to a secret room, and when she opened the door, the mess of what seemed to be the Fabric of Time floated within.
"This is where we keep logs of events of the past and future, and without them, the events that helped become you will disappear and..."
"So what can we do to fix it?"
"The Timebreakers are probably a cause, pocket dimensions do tend to warp the timeline quite a bit. Stop them, and we might be able to mend it enough to solve the other part and heal it completely.."
"And what happens if we don't?"
"I'm afraid the concept of time would be lost. No night, no day, no anything, the, the universe would be destroyed if there's space but no time."
"So, mend the Fabric, and we can go home?"
"Yes. If I could do this alone, I would."
Before Catherine could speak her mind, Nathaniel comes up with an answer.
"Thou may rely on us."
"Would thou rather us die without trying?"
"No, but have you seen what the stupid jester did? We almost died back th-"
"Dying is not something I am afraid of. If thy cowardice is what is holding thou back," he turns his back towards her. "Then maybe thou should not be a Prodigy after all."
Walking towards the door, he looks back towards the Timekeeper. "Does thou have any rooms for us to stay in?"
"...Ah, yes. This way.."
Verna gracefully leads them out, closing the door as she peeked inside. She approaches another door, places her own, slightly larger watch into the divot in it's center.
As the door slowly opened, Catherine heard the clicking of the gears as the two parts glided from each other.
The room was strangely comfortable to the five when they finally dropped where they were standing.
"Finally!" Catherine exclaimed. "I can finally sit the hell down!"
"Get comfortable, because this is where you're going to sleep every night until the Fabric of Time is fixed."
"I can deal with that." Arsenio states, lounging on one of the beds. "Now, how about some snacks? I'm starving.."
"Yeah yeah, I'll get you teens something to snack on. Just...don't destroy anything, alright?" Verna replies.
Verna leaves them in the spacious room.
Isabelle gets to sewing and knitting with Ezra helping her, Nathaniel starts to read a book, and Arsenio tinkers with his handcuffs. Catherine watches as they do their own hobbies and starts to do her own, writing short paragraphs in her notebook. She enjoyed as her slightly cursive handwriting inked on the paper as she wrote about some ideas she had rattling in her head.
She looked at the others. The paragraph's words entered her head as she saw what each were doing.
Catherine wrote and erased, thinking of other ways she could rephrase it. It took forever for her concentrated mind to slow down and fall asleep, and just before she gave up, she noticed everyone else, items in hand, asleep comfortably in beds.
"Heh." she chuckled. "I can finish this later." Catherine slips the now dull pencil into the book's crease before shutting it closed, pulling the blanket over herself, and finally closing her eyes.
To be continued in Prodigy: Casters of Time: Chapter 2
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