“Hey Ben, you going to join us at Dragon Garden later?”
“Yeah sure, just let me finish up here,” Ben says, not taking his eyes off his work. Then, realizing how much he still has to do, adds as an afterthought, “Actually, this guys not even close to being ready and his viewing is tomorrow. Just go without me, besides, you and Sheri need some alone time…. together. Seriously dude, just ask her.”
“Whatever. See you on Monday,” Pete says, walking out the back door of the Hansen Brothers Funeral Home. As soon as the door is shut behind Pete, Ben turns up the volume on his music to the loudest it can be. It’s not like it’s going to annoy anyone… dead people can’t hear. Ben continues working, applying makeup and embalming fluids. So absorbed in his work, he doesn’t hear the back door open and a person in a ski mask sneaking past him, towards the room where the bodies are held, that is, until the man tips over the power cord to his speaker. The music cuts off suddenly, and Ben jumps to his feet! He turns to see the masked figure standing there, frozen in fear. Ben slowly reaches for something, anything he can use as a weapon to defend himself, but he stops when the man says, “Hey, can you help me here? My Uncle…um…Dave had something of mine in his pocket when he died, and I came here earlier to get it back, but the jerk at the desk wouldn’t give it back, so I came to get it myself.”
“Breaking and entering is illegal you know,” Ben says, eyeing the man skeptically.
“Yeah, but—” the man tries to say.
“Yeah, but—nothing. What did he have that was so important that you would break into a morgue and steal it form his cold, dead corpse?”
“I…it’s just really important,” the man says, getting frustrated at this point.
“Now, if you will just stay where you are, I’m going to call the police now. He manages to dial 9-1 before the masked man pulls out a gun from some hidden depths of his coat.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you!”
“Whoa! Whoa! Put that thing down, lets just talk like civilized men. I…I won’t call the police, just take what you need and get out of here,” Ben says, putting his hands in the air.
“No, you know too much. You’re coming with me!” the guy shouts.
“Please, I have a wife and kid!”
“Liar! You don’t have a wedding band,” the man observantly points out.
“Fine, but I won’t tell anyone, please,” Ben begs.
“Too late,” he says before hitting ben on the head with a large book, immediately knocking him out cold. The man leaves Ben lying on the ground to retrieve what he needs. He soon emerges from the room where the bodies are stored, ties Ben up, slings him over his shoulder, and exits the building as silently as he had come.
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“Where am I?” Ben asks groggily, his face covered by a cloth bag, which is breathable but stuffy.
“Welcome to African Airline and jungle tours. Would you like a drink, compliments of me?” someone says, pulling the bag off his head. Ben squints into the brightness and sees a man dressed in cargo pants and a sleeveless camo shirt.
“Who are you? Where am I? Why do I feel so sick?”
:wow, you sure ask a lot of questions. So, first of all, you can call me Nemo, not my real name by the way; second you’re currently miles over the African rainforests; and third, you’re a nervous flyer aren’t you?”
“We’re in a plane!? Who’s piloting!?”
“Well, duh. I said ‘airlines’ an don’t worry, were in the capable hands of my copilot, CC, “ Nemo says, pointing to the front of the plane.
“Wait, you’re the guy form the morgue.”
“Yeah, and you’re my hostage, so shut up,” the man says before heading back to the cockpit of the plane. Ben tries to stand up, but he’s tied to the seat.
“Oh come on! We’re in a plane, it’s not like I can escape!”
“You could jump out,” Nemo says, the tone of his voice clearly implying his annoyance.
“Please untie me?” Ben pleads.
“No can do, I’ll untie you when this plane is on the ground and the key is safely in my pocket,” he says, finally. Ben gives up and closes his eyes, falling asleep.
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“Hey! Wake up!” Ben looks up to see Nemo shaking him. “We’re going down! Grab those bags and a parachute!” Ben is fully awake now and aware of the fact that he’s been untied and the plane’s right wing is on fire!
“There’s only two parachutes! What about your copilot!?” Ben shouts, terrified.
“He can hitch a ride with me,” Nemo yells over the roar of the failing engine. That’s when Ben sees a monkey with an army vest clinging to Nemo’s muscular arm.
“Your copilot is a monkey!?”
“Yup, Captain Coconut at your service. We’ll go more in depth with the introductions later right now we need to—” the engine explodes, “Jump!” Nemo throws open the door and leaps. Terrified, Ben follows suit, two backpacks in one arm, the other arm prepared to pull the cord of his chute. Ben waits for Nemo to pull his chute, but he’s not. Ben panics, deciding they’re getting too close to the tops of the trees for his comfort, and pulls the cord… but there isn’t a cord! He grabbed a backpack, not a parachute! He screams at Nemo, who still hasn’t pulled his cord. Nemo faces him, and tries to get close enough to grab him, holding onto Ben with one arm, he pulls the cord of his own parachute with his other hand. The descent Is rough because of all the weight on the one parachute, but they make it to the ground safely.