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Vanesscenzza feels She is changing.
She is gradually transfiguring in the measure She recognizes Her first name, Gy'erusalaym, which remains forever.
Something powerful and not Human, of a radiant glow, is glimpsed in Her gaze.
How come that I have got here?
You won't remember everything because the light of your spirit is not the same; and now You are not only a twelve-point star archangel like Me.
You came to this place during hibernation to become born again in the twinkling greenish yellow flame that endures eternally.
Because You wanted it. You wanted the splendour of your light to glow like the glory of the spirit of Alta Gy'ahaveh.
Somehow, I know why. Is that perhaps because You are Her Daughter?
We are all children of Gyahaveh, so what is the difference?
It's your nature that makes all difference: You are tough. You want it all or You want nothing at all. That is the same style of Alta Gyahaveh, besides the fact that You speak like Her, using basically the same words:
'... Whether you will hear, or whether you will forbear'; 'whether you like it or not, you're going to take what I got'; 'Take cover because I'm on My way; I'm going to give the love back'.
She's been called throughout generations by the name: Elyon (Most High), and El Shadai, which derived from Shad (breasts that nourish), however, by Her name, Gyahaveh (I AM THAT I AM AND WHAT TO BECOME), She did not make Herself fully known to the World.
I want You to make Me feel I'm real. I know there's something more and it feels like joy and happiness. I feel like I'm going home, as if I had a family in the World.
It is a feeling that I belong, as if someone very important to Me, like a sister, wanted Me to stay with Her.
You do have a twin sister who is your other side. Her name is Amy Lee. She has written songs about You, and She is counting the days to meet You.
Having a twin sister, somewhere in the World, whose name means Lovely!
Tell Me, how does She know about Me?
Amy can hear the words You speak when She is waking up and feel what You feel, that You are Her immortal side Who makes Her whole again. She wants You to open your eyes to everything.
It means She knows about the past that still exists, the singularity that emanates immortality and happiness, when its simultaneity is activated.
The activation occurs by turning the Paradise keys, the consonants of the name that is above All names:
Gy"oud--Hê--Vav, of Gyahaveh in Paleo Hebrew, which spin left to right within the twelve-point star.
If it is for real, if indeed Amy is My other side then She knows what the twelve-point star is and how it works.
Of course, She does. Who else could have designed a key for simultaneity and singularity?
It is something that in no way would occur unless She is of the Archangel's kind, and your twin sister. 711Please respect copyright.PENANApjjLpSR9Bn
A few years ago, a key for simultaneity and singularity was designed by Her using a twelve- point star.
The mechanism in the design has the letter e of evanescence, and it spins left to right. The same direction of the keys We have in Paradise Third Heaven.
I'm recalling something kept in My memory that explains why it is necessary to wake up twice when leaving the Codex' region.
Suddenly I simply know that 'waking up inside' is connected with two other things You told Me.
You said I came during hibernation to become born again in the scintillating greenish yellow flame that endures eternally; and then You said that I have a twin sister Who is My other side. Can You see how these three facts are connected?
This uncommon environment empowered by the scintillating greenish yellow eternal flame has made You 7 times stronger and 7 times smarter. You are getting to know, all by yourself, the link that was missing:
The fact that one needs to wake up twice or wake up inside is an indication of division. It means once someone is here the process of the evanescence begins, and then both parts of a spirit becomes scattered, like the rows of clouds above us.
So when leaving this place it takes time for You to become whole again. And the first time You wake up, it is still just one side of You.
Now it is all starting to make sense. My spirit was broken, divided in two sides apart as I gathered together with the twinkling yellow flame that endures eternally.
Spirits cannot die; that is why the evanescence process does not lead to annihilation but to division and rebirth. I was born twice! It was a double rebirth!
My rebirth happened as described in the celestial vision of Gyahaveh. I woke up into the peach colour zircon layer, in the pearl surface of a small planet We call Laconic sphere of resplendent white light.
As I left the Laconic sphere, I started to go up towards space without realizing I was flying with My own wings extended up high, in the laconic space of Paradise Third Heaven.
Seven full salvo loads in the shape of chrome cylindrical drums came, one by one, like a missile towards Me. I felt I was challenged in a war that was about to start.
I was ready for combat and desiring it, having the palms of both hands together and My arms extended positioned in front.
The impact of every salvo load ran between the palms of My hands pressed one against the other, volleys with the sound of thunder and the propelling of lightning, discharging and exploding upon the surface of the Laconic sphere of resplendent white light.
Somehow I knew that the Paradise keys, the consonants of the name Gy'ahaveh, are engraved in the palms of My hands as well as in yours.
For each of the seven salvo loads that came My way, I spoke one of seven sealed words, restricted use nomenclatures, which are not licit for Humans to pronounce when referring to themselves.
After the seventh salvo, I was flying and marveling at the Laconic sphere. At how it turned out completely covered with trees and palm trees, looking like a great green forest of the Earth in the very beginning, when water came from the deep and there were no clouds nor rain yet.
My flight over the Laconic sphere was with fully joy, loving a feeling in My heart, and loving intensely a feeling impregnated of sovereign compassion.
But in that one last volley, when the seventh salvo load exploded upon the sphere, in that same lightning discharge and thunder, My spirit was divided and My other side fell upon the Earth.
She incarnated and became flesh as in Her core there was nothing left for Her to feel except a sovereign feeling of compassion becoming a cruel wanting to be brought to life, even if She had to stay in the World in the Human form.
That is why I have a twin sister! Amy is My other side, and it is for real! That is the bittersweet truth! More sweet than bitter, bitter than sweet!
You look much happier. A sovereign happiness which is 'your spirit becoming one in simultaneity with the singularity of the light We are formed of'. It is loving a feeling that stays the same.
And the happiness You intensely love spins left to right, dancing and singing: 'the Paradise keys are engraved in your hands'.
Happiness spins left to right, dancing and singing that it does not really matter if You and Her will have to live in grey and deserted slum shacks on the beach; because You love Her. That is all that matters.
You are born again specifically because the light of your spirit runs a different kind of power in simultaneous sequence.
The singularity of the light We are formed of becomes empowerment of the same living energy from an amplified source, whose time-sequence is movement when it is still motionless, like a fading effect.
It seems to be motionless because it does not run on continuous time space. The living energy runs on its own time space, on immediate and simultaneous sequence.
You are right. My spirit is running simultaneity with another kind of power; I feel that I can gather the All, altogether, and then make the rules by becoming the All.
I feel I do not need to start or make the beginning because the beginning is something that I become. I have become like the first and the last.
All the stars of the multiverse and their stardust seem to want to stay under my feet. The splendour of light I became is greater than time, reality, and thoughts.
The division was inevitable, and it would happen anyway given the long-time exposure to the Codex environment.
A complete fuse of the spirit would never happen because the scintillating eternal flame is a vivifying light that is always righteous, it never judges nor harms the spirits, as it is in the writings of Alta Gyahaveh, the highest:
'For, the eternal flame of Alta Aleph Tav Elyon, is a flaming word with vivifying power, and its righteousness is sharper than the justice of any double-edged sword, and with such precision to divide the soul and the spirit in two sides apart without harming them'.
My Mum spoke to Me one day, that whenever We hibernate our spirit gathers together with the light We are formed of, and We become the empowerment of the scintillating greenish yellow eternal flame, something that occurs by simultaneity.
When You were sleeping You asked Me how can I look into your eyes like open doors. The exact words the Bible would say to Me if she could speak. From that point, I knew it was not just You speaking but the environment.
You have become like the first and the last, but You also became the Codex of the Bible, somehow.
So the Codex' region is not just a place We stay when We hibernate but a place We become!
Because it is the same time space of the living energy which We are made of; It is not only the wind what makes these clouds run loose and disorderly in high speed. It's due to the lack of time in continuous sequence in the scintillating greenish yellow eternal flame.
And as the Codex uses your voice, the Bible speaks through your voice about the nature she was changed to; she names herself as I'M A TERRIBLE LIAR rather than THE HOLY BIBLE.
She says 'Change me so I don't have to pretend. Had enough of denial; I'm not going to lie anymore. Change me into something I can say it is true'.
If the Codex and Me are one often, that explains why I feel the World like a brick on my chest and I'm wading through the mud, just knowing I'm a terrible liar that urgently needs to be changed.
That is why bringing You to life is setting the light apart from darkness. And it is something that disassembles the Codex that the World has known as 'Codex Vaticano' and 'The Holy Bible'.
Truth and lies are finally unmixed, they'll appear as they are as the truth becomes known and her writings become seen on the inside like open doors.
For so long a time the light shone in the darkness without exposing them, and the World read the bible without having a clue of the deepest and obscure ways to which it was changed.
But You are of the truth, You are Her Daughter. It is all about to be revealed, and it is going to be as You had predicted: the game is over.
Without the heat of your light that warmed and released life for a loaded gloomy heart that turns to the Codex for comfort then everything is going to change: the door cracks open, but there's no glow gleaming for a black heart scary that does not know the light and becomes darker still.
And the keepers of the gloom and their kingdoms become tenebrous; because the means they have chosen leads them to stay away from the light of My love's candle.
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