There’s nothing quite like gay panic in the middle of the460Please respect copyright.PENANAmK5c8pRuNn
Aaron stared at the sleeping figure, confused as hell. Just460Please respect copyright.PENANA0RzDsos88Q
a moment ago that bed was empty, but the more he thought about it, the more his460Please respect copyright.PENANA1YZsJhb6vk
mind rationalized what had happened.
He must have been dozing off when this guy came in.
That didn’t make it okay though. Aaron was supposed to have460Please respect copyright.PENANAe2dQGuHyMM
this room to himself. He even paid extra rent for that exclusive right. So,460Please respect copyright.PENANArJbxB0aT77
what the fuck was going on? Did the landlord lie about him having a roommate so460Please respect copyright.PENANAWkRMBT6L0D
he could pocket the extra cash? That wouldn’t make sense though, because he460Please respect copyright.PENANASWwBkVa8e9
would demand his money back if that were the case. This had to be some sort of460Please respect copyright.PENANAwNAxd9zB9P
He should have been suspicious when he spotted the extra460Please respect copyright.PENANAkrWjfvsxty
bed. Instead, he had convinced himself that it was just old furniture from the460Please respect copyright.PENANA3T5iCNkxpb
previous tenant. Maybe the low cost was too alluring for him to question his460Please respect copyright.PENANAkcsUB1PDmK
new living arrangement? After all, he did just move into a random townhouse with460Please respect copyright.PENANAZcHpkoh4tk
a bunch of strangers. It wasn’t even a fancy house at that. His room had that460Please respect copyright.PENANAqSpNfenA4I
pasty yellow wallpaper with stained ceiling tiles. He had one small closet,460Please respect copyright.PENANAXBhhn1GCAI
which was full of boxes, and a small dresser, which was likewise covered in460Please respect copyright.PENANAqXrjgL7QIk
boxes. A random assortment of stuffed animals littered his bed, which pressed against460Please respect copyright.PENANAku2G3I0Nwv
the north wall next to the window.
Aaron scratched his head as he went over the strange460Please respect copyright.PENANAaNd6ZXP27R
situation for the umpteenth time that week. This wasn’t the first time this mysterious460Please respect copyright.PENANARL0lqPA26x
stranger had apparated in the guest bed, but it was the first time he got a good460Please respect copyright.PENANA1KpMuU7vmE
look at his face. And damn, he was handsome.
The man was hugging his pillow with one leg sticking out460Please respect copyright.PENANA2MIApyyqsP
from under his covers. When he rolled over, the blankets slid down enough for Aaron460Please respect copyright.PENANAHAziJEpWGG
to get his first real good look at the guy. His black hair was striking against460Please respect copyright.PENANAEcRgUMjddW
his ivory skin. His lips were slightly parted while he slept, and his angular460Please respect copyright.PENANArBhOKYFFQI
cheekbones made him look like some sort of model that Aaron could only ever dream460Please respect copyright.PENANAWVD33sWUS0
of seeing in a magazine.
The other day he had asked his other housemates who he was460Please respect copyright.PENANAqp3XLMOmOA
sharing a room with, but none of them had any idea what he was talking about460Please respect copyright.PENANAisJC286qJs
and just gave him quizzical looks. It had gotten to the point where he wondered460Please respect copyright.PENANAUYyCkq4iyJ
if what he was seeing was just the blankets clumped together to look like a460Please respect copyright.PENANAVaC0dDqb8k
sleeping figure. Tonight proved otherwise.
Aaron thought he’d met everyone in the house by now, but460Please respect copyright.PENANAaLb0AqXBp2
since none of the others knew who this was, he couldn’t help feeling like something460Please respect copyright.PENANAYRMmgMeOed
was amiss. So far, he hadn’t filed a complaint because he had yet to even speak460Please respect copyright.PENANAHIVZKbfANz
to the man. For the past few nights, he even stayed up late, hoping to catch460Please respect copyright.PENANAkH13GIrb7t
him coming in so they could have a chat and figure out how they got duped into460Please respect copyright.PENANABKGl68eWBl
sharing a room, but somehow Aaron always managed to fall asleep right before he460Please respect copyright.PENANAwyYtgQLd6w
The strangest thing about it was how he was never woken up460Please respect copyright.PENANAR4EOfHTxP2
by the screech of the door hinge. It needed lubrication so bad and creaked so460Please respect copyright.PENANAaqMFklcagM
loud it could wake his other housemates. Surely that would have alerted him to460Please respect copyright.PENANAfB9gNck1b6
this stranger’s return, but it never did.
His plans to file a complaint went out the window the longer460Please respect copyright.PENANAeHNyAFHOUp
he stared at the sleeping eye candy. He very much liked the idea of having a460Please respect copyright.PENANA4lUOAd3yLj
hot roommate. Even if his roommate wasn’t gay, looking at him would be nice. Plus,460Please respect copyright.PENANA4tOrsFN7mE
their landlord was out of town, so he couldn’t contact him until he returned460Please respect copyright.PENANARnDKyZs6EK
Rolling over, he decided that he’d be ore persistent in starting460Please respect copyright.PENANA8xeoQCygsX
a conversation in the future. They were sharing a room now, so the least they460Please respect copyright.PENANArJflXNlgXh
could do was get to know each other.
Aaron closed his eyes, drifting off to sleep while he460Please respect copyright.PENANARjcEa0h7dO
devised a way to start a conversation with the man. By morning, his opportunity460Please respect copyright.PENANAST66HB4QWy
was gone, along with sleeping beauty, and once more the loose door hinge hadn’t460Please respect copyright.PENANAR13IFblSqj
awoken him.
Slightly weirded out, he got dressed and brushed his teeth.
Compared to his mysterious roommate, Aaron looked quite460Please respect copyright.PENANAqvpgqv9Cgv
plain. He was 5’7” tall with brownish dark hair that he had styled into a fade460Please respect copyright.PENANAZqOPtYel7O
cut. His figure was plain too, slender with no muscles nor curves. That didn’t bother460Please respect copyright.PENANAbkoC2KeVHQ
him too much though because he’s not into the whole “body discrimination”460Please respect copyright.PENANALAv0jNqKPM
Tossing on a basic set of jeans and a tank top, he made his460Please respect copyright.PENANAs2MXHz0Lz4
way downstairs towards the living room where one of his housemates had already460Please respect copyright.PENANAvbjXN6rTxL
taken residence in front of the flat screen.
Cliff was a pretty nice guy. He was lanky with an infinity460Please respect copyright.PENANAGHVrXanKxz
scarf wrung around his neck. He was as near-sighted as a bat and wore a thick460Please respect copyright.PENANArKwXqMG3mN
pair of rimmed classes that gave off strong hipster vibes. When Aaron first met460Please respect copyright.PENANAlnO9Q4ecxR
him, he learned that Cliff found contacts too troublesome and preferred his glasses460Please respect copyright.PENANAOcuvnUcCzq
over poking his eyes out twice a day.
“Bonsoir.” Cliff greeted him.
“You’re aware that means ‘good evening’ in French right?460Please respect copyright.PENANAMPE3MltqkS
Good day to you too.” Aaron replied matter-of-factly.
They were both a bit odd, which was probably why they got along.460Please respect copyright.PENANAXb28EOJY5i
Cliff was into a lot of obscure things that Aaron found interesting as well, though460Please respect copyright.PENANA44fmdjwqRG
his overall sense of humor was dry compared to most
“You’re up kind of early today. Didn’t sleep well?”
“I slept okay I guess.” Aaron stopped behind the lumpy brown460Please respect copyright.PENANAa8I6dzoObU
“What? Not enough gunshots in this neck of town?”
“Nah. Well, I mean yeah, but nah.”
Cliff quirked an eyebrow and Aaron relented. “One of my old460Please respect copyright.PENANAzrlDZiBIvC
neighbors would shoot blanks in the middle of the night to help keep the460Please respect copyright.PENANA469NGNem7V
housing costs down. I’d say it was a brilliant idea.”
“Shit, why didn’t I ever think of doing that?”
“Because the cops wouldn’t approve? Or more like, you never460Please respect copyright.PENANAC3gYTp70mO
held a gun in your life.”
“Guess that’s true.” Cliff shrugged and returned his460Please respect copyright.PENANAnQacNqeudi
attention to the car race on TV.
“By the way, did you or any of the other guys hear exactly460Please respect copyright.PENANA2iRK2Jf9lt
when Calvin’s coming back?”
Calvin was the landlord. He didn’t live in the house himself.460Please respect copyright.PENANALxmGpcI0fJ
He just owned the property and rented the rooms out. Aaron only ever met Calvin460Please respect copyright.PENANAfqmhZEGxrj
over the phone, and all he talked about was renting out the extra room.
“You’ll have to ask Todd. He’s like the self-designated ‘acting460Please respect copyright.PENANAK6wdxtEtV7
landlord’ anyways. Pretty sure he’d keep up with that.”
“Right, I’ll ask him next time.” Aaron scratched his head460Please respect copyright.PENANAf7N14LYJdO
and decided to grab some breakfast.
Aaron didn’t have a normal job as his other roommates did.460Please respect copyright.PENANA5R567jZV7B
Unlike them, he worked from home making online videos. Between the ad revenue460Please respect copyright.PENANAgA1MHJhnYY
and sponsorships, he was making more than enough without ever leaving he house.
And to think is parents thought he wouldn’t survive without460Please respect copyright.PENANAea95B7aTce
a college degree.
He had graduated from high school a little over a year ago460Please respect copyright.PENANAxrq7ps0ODA
and was not in the mood for extending that nightmare. He enjoyed his alone time460Please respect copyright.PENANA50V5U2D77t
and spent the day writing out his next video script. He was considering doing460Please respect copyright.PENANAqnuEAEicbZ
something with the unpacked boxes he had all over his room when an idea occurred460Please respect copyright.PENANA7q3e0qGpeL
to him.
Before it got dark, he grabbed as many of those boxes as460Please respect copyright.PENANA9Dcair3M9I
possible and piled them onto the spare bed. Up until now, the stranger would go460Please respect copyright.PENANAGw8FLgS6Dq
straight to sleep without ever bothering to look in his direction, but with460Please respect copyright.PENANA4g3H6tHXvy
this, he’d have no choice but to move his stuff and potentially wake him up.
Sitting down on his bed, Aaron spent the rest of the evening460Please respect copyright.PENANAEXy7MgBsR4
flipping through a few online articles. He became amply distracted by the time460Please respect copyright.PENANALOfqfwkTLy
something happened. The only light in the room was from his laptop screen, thus460Please respect copyright.PENANAVGu36yBCkN
he couldn’t see much else without looking straight at it. So when he realized there460Please respect copyright.PENANAUW1sqX1z62
was a figure standing just a few feet from him, he nearly tossed the computer460Please respect copyright.PENANAoav0awqOcd
across the room.
With a yelp, Aaron pressed against the wall behind him. “Please460Please respect copyright.PENANAz9m9H6ngEx
don’t kill me!”
The figure held up his hands. “Sorry! I didn’t mean to scare460Please respect copyright.PENANA1oHEGf9vTo
His voice was smooth and disarming, which only raised Aaron’s460Please respect copyright.PENANAmiAumErQ0i
defenses even more before he realized who this was.
He squinted as his eyes adjusted to the darkness beyond his460Please respect copyright.PENANAqbc2ltz8wT
PC screen. Soon the man came into focus and he realized it was his mysterious460Please respect copyright.PENANAc7g1Kddyi7
roommate. Once again, the guy had somehow gotten past the creaky door without making460Please respect copyright.PENANAlgvJ0X61dQ
a sound.
The stranger gestured towards the pile of boxes on his bed. “Um,460Please respect copyright.PENANAkm8ypNFXZ1
are these yours?”
Suddenly embarrassed by his scheme, Aaron nodded. “Yeah. I460Please respect copyright.PENANAPNH0SH4oQB
needed some place to put them earlier and forgot to move them back. I’ll do460Please respect copyright.PENANAofosXnpeLh
that now.” He got up and started to return his things to the foot of his bed as460Please respect copyright.PENANAdyxtM2AFIK
he frantically tried to think of a friendly conversation starter. Since he was such460Please respect copyright.PENANAEDP6LcEdBs
a shut-in, he didn’t have much experience in the way of getting to know460Please respect copyright.PENANALN4umz3Yl4
someone. Luckily, they were sharing a room, so that gave him an ego boost460Please respect copyright.PENANAal2UdiVz7L
somehow.” My name’s Aaron by the way.”
“Oh sorry! My name’s Caleb.” The man stuttered awkwardly460Please respect copyright.PENANA9DQ3RWG6a6
before hurrying to help.
The conversation went dead almost immediately as the two460Please respect copyright.PENANAZRUlfWcSQP
worked to move the junk. Then Caleb noticed a particular body pillow tucked behind460Please respect copyright.PENANAYMjfwXFrLc
the bed. It had a picture of a muscular cartoon animal in a speedo flexing on460Please respect copyright.PENANAgHggTrjO5S
it, and Aaron’s eyes widened as he hurried to explain. “It’s my sisters’!”
“..Uh.. huh..”
“It is!”
Caleb tried to hold a straight face but failed utterly as he460Please respect copyright.PENANAVnZOfbdoVS
broke down in laughter. Aaron quickly went over how he had a ton of strange460Please respect copyright.PENANAjhREgUYPaw
props due to his sister visiting sometimes. That didn’t stop the guy from460Please respect copyright.PENANA08nuWzEz5y
cracking up even worse and ultimately fell into a giggling fit.
“Sorry, I’m sorry!” Caleb rubbed the tears from his eyes. “If460Please respect copyright.PENANA9sWVjC9akl
I start laughing, sometimes it’s hard to stop.”
Aaron tossed a stuffed owl at the man and missed. “So you make460Please respect copyright.PENANAhbIBXKpacS
videos for a living?”
“I thought you were watching while I was editing it earlier?”460Please respect copyright.PENANAfLAlnZvT41
Aaron replied readjusting his laptop and sitting back down. “What about you?460Please respect copyright.PENANAvTv0LH63Vn
What’s up with you sneaking in so late all the time?”
“I work the evening shift working at a call center, so I don’t460Please respect copyright.PENANA7v4Yc3c1tn
usually get off till midnight.”
“Well, that sucks.”
“Tell me about it.” Caleb flopped backward onto his newly460Please respect copyright.PENANAwkiC5c9JeD
cleared bed. “I had some drunk guy hitting on me the other night. I swear that460Please respect copyright.PENANALX35BWvUeh
guy could teleport the way he kept popping up in every aisle.”
“That must have been annoying.”
“It was sort of flattering actually.” Caleb propped his head460Please respect copyright.PENANAnfpcjLZuh8
upon his hand. “If he wasn’t drunk, I might have taken him up on the offer.”
Aaron eyed him skeptically. “You don’t have a problem with460Please respect copyright.PENANA4oh4S70Dzs
another man hitting on you?”
“No. Why? Should I?”
Aaron had trouble believing he was that lucky and had been460Please respect copyright.PENANAAmkvK3BYhO
leaning towards the guy being pissed about the boxes on his bed. Instead, he460Please respect copyright.PENANAucGfZIZB77
turned out to be cool about it.
They stayed up a few more hours discussing topics like work460Please respect copyright.PENANAndptpOoRLE
and rent and how much cheaper it was living with roommates. Eventually, they460Please respect copyright.PENANAN3RdAtpCFW
realized it was morning, so Aaron shut his laptop and they went to sleep. By460Please respect copyright.PENANAkmr1WNxgYY
the time he woke up, Caleb had vanished yet again.
He really should ask how he got past the squeaky door.
Aaron couldn’t stop thinking about Caleb for the rest of the460Please respect copyright.PENANAk7eCvZO5ab
day. He made a few quick videos with his phone and uploaded them to his blog,460Please respect copyright.PENANAoEaLXqzMWH
then contemplated how to start their next conversation.
He worried he was growing attached way too fast and knew he460Please respect copyright.PENANAU25fxuhGZb
needed to slow down before he came off as a total creeper. Sure, the guy was460Please respect copyright.PENANA1sbcGDUrQP
hot, but that didn’t mean he had to drool over him every hour of every day. It460Please respect copyright.PENANA78tdDm88L5
sucked that he could only see him at night, but that made their time together more460Please respect copyright.PENANAwbysmL656w
special. He decided that he wanted to get to know him better, and for the next460Please respect copyright.PENANAMNsQf8mgqO
week, he did just that.
After their initial conversation, Caleb would show up out of460Please respect copyright.PENANA7UVIzosvAR
the blue, standing beside Aaron’s bed with a flurry of questions. This was vastly460Please respect copyright.PENANAG1Oj6UGCA1
different from his old habit of slipping in and going straight to sleep, and460Please respect copyright.PENANAwd9xoHTuir
Aaron decidedly liked it.
Together the two would talk about random things, tell a few jokes,460Please respect copyright.PENANAY41eJHU3pX
and watch a movie or two on Aaron’s laptop. Yet every morning it was as though460Please respect copyright.PENANA3WWC3nP8iP
the man never existed at all. He simply disappears without a trace. Aaron tried460Please respect copyright.PENANA0g89M08yrB
waking up extra early a few times to catch the guy before he left, but Caleb460Please respect copyright.PENANAFZwlemmtkM
was never there after sunrise.
“Whatcha’ doin?”
Aaron promptly flipped the laptop upside down as he let out460Please respect copyright.PENANATVZQ46S7ax
a pterodactyl screech. “What the fuck Caleb?”
Aaron had been sitting on his bed editing videos all evening460Please respect copyright.PENANAyHiTCe4FSr
and completely lost track of time. As much as he loved spending time with the handsome460Please respect copyright.PENANAF54zpQCjai
man, he was bound to break his computer one of these days the way he kept startling460Please respect copyright.PENANAiDTVa1B1lE
him like that.
Caleb just broke down laughing. “What the hell was that?”
“My flight reflex!”
The man fell to his knees, trying to keep himself together460Please respect copyright.PENANAuH3DYJ2DYE
as he giggled uncontrollably. It was a fun quirk he noticed about him and one460Please respect copyright.PENANAGLFiHMSN74
day planned to exploit.
Aaron grabbed his laptop back and repositioned it on his lap.460Please respect copyright.PENANApJTu4mlFOH
Once the man regained his composure, he sucked in a breath and stood back up. “Sorry.”460Please respect copyright.PENANAFsAuS3l0LI
“What are you watching?”
Always happy to show off his content, Aaron tilted the460Please respect copyright.PENANArk0wATRyNJ
screen so the other man could see. He was quite tall, so Caleb had to kneel to460Please respect copyright.PENANAn76r43xNkQ
get a better view. This was the closest the tow had ever been physically, and460Please respect copyright.PENANAWVwXf71BzJ
Aaron couldn’t help but notice a sudden gust of cold air that washed over him.
As Caleb watched the screen, Aaron noticed that his heart began460Please respect copyright.PENANAPQEZUNdLtY
to pound. He soon lost focus on the video and became very interested in the way460Please respect copyright.PENANASvYG8gMLZK
Caleb’s muscles strained against the sleeves of his shirt, and how strong his460Please respect copyright.PENANAqab5OljCsy
jawline was with just a little bit of stubble. The more the two talked, the460Please respect copyright.PENANAffAm1UiM3P
worse it got and soon he realized why.
He’s crushing on Caleb.
His immediate reaction was to cut the conversation short and460Please respect copyright.PENANAWvHOjYl2Yj
go to bed. Sure he thought the man was hot, but having an actual crush? He didn’t460Please respect copyright.PENANAz2q3yBrIcu
know how to react to the feelings he was developing, especially since they hadn’t460Please respect copyright.PENANADTdekYFTLu
known each other for very long. Maybe it was just because he laughed at all of460Please respect copyright.PENANA8BE8hGp5VZ
his jokes and never seemed to get angry.
Confused and desperate for advice, Aaron decided to consult460Please respect copyright.PENANAravDq30wEm
with his other housemates.
Cliff was going to be his first option since Aaron didn’t have460Please respect copyright.PENANApixFKw3LQI
any open-minded friends to discuss such things with. Unfortunately, he wasn’t home460Please respect copyright.PENANAUST5MEue8v
and he instead bumped into his other housemate, Elijah.
“Well hello, sleepyhead!” Elijah chirped as he stood in the460Please respect copyright.PENANAFb1j7yzrto
kitchen wearing a leather jacket and jeans. Half of his bleached hair was460Please respect copyright.PENANAIShhDSS3py
braided back, exposing a black ear gauge. The man had a bubbly personality with460Please respect copyright.PENANAk4c6RAUC1d
a constant grin on his face. He liked to tell radical stories about his life460Please respect copyright.PENANAiVLNKLjUDk
and would cook strange foods in the kitchen.
“Morning!” A third voice called as Todd popped his head up460Please respect copyright.PENANATOUPA8Ce2e
from behind the refrigerator door. His entire figure reminded Aaron of a broom.460Please respect copyright.PENANARop73MAcZm
Tall, thin, and wooden. His brown hair was short and plain, with a crisp white460Please respect copyright.PENANAnpkRoIGzPB
shirt and jeans. Every now and then, the guy might change his shirt out for a460Please respect copyright.PENANABbokwXegvI
blue one.
“Morning.” Aaron greeted unenthused before digging through460Please respect copyright.PENANAxUN89RSpK0
the cupboards for something to eat. “You remember that guy I asked about? The one460Please respect copyright.PENANAhYNRVjvJdK
who was sharing a room with me?”
“Who?” Todd asked, grabbing a bottled water and closing the460Please respect copyright.PENANAAXSPQDG1rX
“The roommate who’s not supposed to be here. I’ve been talking460Please respect copyright.PENANAnWRozsVRAM
with him and found out his name is Caleb Morris.” He explained. He’s tall, kind460Please respect copyright.PENANAx0BcsYKiC7
and… I guess the reason you guys wouldn’t know about him is because he’s only home460Please respect copyright.PENANArCqrJYFCxF
at night.”
“Did you just say Morris?” Elijah’s smirk instantly460Please respect copyright.PENANAuyPB1HEPvA
vanished. “Caleb Morris?”
“Wait, you know him?” Aaron asked, glad that at least one460Please respect copyright.PENANAykJI8FhAQ4
other person knew the guy. Then he was caught off guard by the man’s next words.
“Didn’t a guy named Caleb Morris go missing from around460Please respect copyright.PENANA4VDgnvDBS4
460Please respect copyright.PENANA96VyyNxLYe
460Please respect copyright.PENANAhWnBgapl4f
460Please respect copyright.PENANAhNZEIOE3oJ
460Please respect copyright.PENANARrQc1rdQHR
460Please respect copyright.PENANA8SKLlj4n6f
460Please respect copyright.PENANAReAcopNx6Y
460Please respect copyright.PENANA8He73KLnU0
460Please respect copyright.PENANAzzJyc8fS3H
460Please respect copyright.PENANAq9qv6UwZZ9
460Please respect copyright.PENANA97y3XKWHgU
460Please respect copyright.PENANArfUxkLefak
460Please respect copyright.PENANAhi1YrEpWhP
460Please respect copyright.PENANAe1GefOo2zH
460Please respect copyright.PENANALYUpH1kx6B
460Please respect copyright.PENANAFCUBsVQ3hC
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460Please respect copyright.PENANAPiO7319JVW
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460Please respect copyright.PENANACQXOxDBiad
460Please respect copyright.PENANAitezFyLvYI
460Please respect copyright.PENANAshJgxML6oh
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End of Chapter 1