Queens of Pyrrhia as of 6087 AS, written by Hoarfrost.
MudWings- Queen Agate, aged 20, the youngest Queen of dragons. Queen since 6085 AS. She inherited the throne being the eldest daughter of the former Queen that passed away peacefully. Oddly, she is not the BigWings in her hatching.
SandWings- Queen Serval, aged 37. Queen since 6077 AS. Challenged the former Queen for the throne and was chosen by the Eye of Onyx.
SkyWings- Queen Avian, aged 45. Queen since 6072 AS. Fought the previous Queen to the death per SkyWing tradition.
SeaWings- Queen Dolphin, aged 72. Queen since 6027 AS. Challenged the previous Queen to a racing-diving competition and won.
RainWings- Queen Anaconda, aged 34. Queen since 6082 AS. Became Queen from a competition of hide and seek.
IceWings- Queen Floe, aged 42. Queen since 6057 AS. Became Queen from a hunting competition against the former Queen.
NightWings- Queen Destiny, aged 54. Queen since 6052 AS. Became Queen as foretold in a prophecy, per NightWing tradition.
Queens of Pantala as of 6087 AS, written by Hoarfrost.
HiveWings- Queen Reduviidae, aged 53. Queen since 6064 AS. Inherited Queenhood on her 30th hatchingday per HiveWing tradition.
SilkWings- Queen Apatura, aged 87. Queen since 6030 AS. Was elected to be Queen by the council when the previous Queen passed peacefully.
LeafWings- Queen Laurel, aged 39. Queen since 6079 AS. Inherited the throne when the previous Queen passed, being the most fit to rule female in the LeafWing royal family.
As of 6087, the AllWings of Paradisa are ruled by Queen Hoarfrost, aged 107, the eldest Queen of dragons. Hoarfrost’s great granddaughter, Grace, is set to marry Dire; a dragon that is the result of decades of selective breeding among stolen royal dragonets to create a dragon that is royalty for all ten tribes by blood. The firsthatched daughter of Grace and Dire will take over all ten tribes, per Hoarfrost’s plan. The island of Paradisa has not been found by Pantalan or Pyrrhian dragons, and has been populated by Hoarfrost and her loyal followers and thousands of stolen dragon eggs from all ten tribes. The AllWings of Paradisa was founded in 6012 AS, by Hoarfrost, her small group of followers, and ten stolen royal dragon eggs.