Well,perhaps my story is not as brighten as what I am doing or trying to do, some says I am just positive as image or like a virgin.I am. However, the white knight, the true hero is not always good and I believe that everyone has their own dark side.My story or what changed me is not having a good bedtime story for all but a horror one.
I was a fine student who are seldom creating mess no matter any levels and I seldom be marked as trouble-maker but normal. All my life was fighting for grades and results, if you have good performance, you would get rewards and applause but when you do something bad like getting fail, you will be a pity for sure. That might be just Chinese tradition or how the society teach their children,we seems born to be good kid and machines.I played well with that before but it did not come well.
When I was asked about my dreams or my fantasy works, I got mocked and when I said something differently or too great, they will just reject or ban. All of the ideas were inside some of the books but when they find out,I tend to find it in quick so that means what I am truly want is not going to be.
"No one support you,no one would be on your side and your mind is super different,I cannot understand." Those words are came from my parents which is keeping in my mind. Those laughter and disrepect is still in my vain. I told you that is not a happy bedtime story
But I do not think that is the only way for me to be only path. When I said about being what or doing what,they just banned and said you need to focus on your studies! You need to do it because that is your duty!
You know what, I hate studying since that happened.I hate the school life and I do not get it well.
I tend to change and I tend to make a difference. Perhaps you think that is just a game or sad story for me but I would like to make a difference so here is my story.
All of the beginning and upcoming is not fine and obstacles in everywhere, I can say so. However, I quite enjoy this path,this dream chasing life,I think that is such my life as I do not find any meaning or enjoyment in the so called perfect life,for me is formula, go to school, get a work after all and work until retired. That is truth that we believe but I think that is something alternative, and I am sure not much people like that way for living and they know that is something wrong but they just do not know what to do...They are insecure,yes I am.