A lot had happened in the past three days. Zeiss had been in labour camp for six years - then in the blink of an eye, a meteor strike had set him free. He knew little about Rayon. She was a space refugee. She could learn whole languages by reading your mind. She healed a burning hole into sight - and given him a strange power - even when she denied it. Zeiss didn’t know what to believe, but he knew she didn’t have the capacity to harm.
Zeiss grabbed Rayon by the wrist - aside from Deimare and guard.
“Hey!” The guard yelled, but Deimare stopped him.
Zeiss paid no heed.
“Are you okay?” He asked Rayon.
“I am okay now that you are here. I thought I lost you,” she said.
Zeiss didn’t say anything but gave her a half smile.
“How did you do that?” He asked.
“Become… small,” he said.
“Small is sad,” she said, “you can’t do that?”
“Of course not,” he sighed, “We need to get out of here...”
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The confidence of the state base had been shattered. Only six guards, likely cowards, remained. The rest were painted red on the walls of the base - only bits of bowel and bone remained. The Ichor was nowhere to be seen - had Zeiss really killed it? It was a large creature made of molten tar - it was faceless yet the goo could separate at any point to become a mouth. Zeiss had fired a bolt of pure energy at it.
They were in the staff quarters. It was a larger carpeted room with couches, a kitchenette, and a long dining table. The television had an out-of-service plaque on it. Deimare had taken a different approach with Zeiss and Rayon. She returned with three cups of hot tea and a packet of biscuits. Rayon leapt for the drink before Zeiss could stop her.
“Don’t -“ he said - but it was too late.
“Nutritional!” She smiled.
Deimare drank from hers and ate a biscuit, “No point knocking you out when you are the only thing between us and the Ichor.”
Zeiss didn’t take the tea, “What is it that you really want?”
“It’s obvious I’m sure,” she said looking him in the eye, “Ichors started showing up last winter. They eat anything that moves. Soldiers, adults… and children…”
Like the State gave a shit about its people. Zeiss had no sympathy for Deimare.
“Where did they come from?” Zeiss asked.
“We don’t know - they materialise from the earth, randomly,” she said.
“That doesn’t make any sense -“ he said.
“Can you help me find my family?” Rayon interrupted.
Zeiss looked at Rayon. She didn’t know how bad the State was. They wouldn’t help.
“Your family… How did you lose them?” Deimare said softly.
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Rayon looked out the window of her spaceship and saw an endless sea of stars. They were sailing the universe. More than anything - she wanted to be free. She had lost count of the days she had been here - it must have been years by now.
”You aren’t trying hard enough,” Mother sighed. She had a hollow tired face with a million lines.
“I cannot get the test subject to respond,” Rayon said looking through her notes.
”Fine I’ll do it myself,” Mother went into the test chamber.
Rayon watched from the door as electric blue lights were emitted - and with each light, she felt like she heard someone screaming. She winced, and walked away.
Rayon went to the staff quarters to cry - she often did this as it built up over time and she needed to release. Her weeping position was sitting on the ground, leaning on the back of her bed with her knees drawn close to her body and hands over her eyes. Sister opened the door - she had caught Rayon in the act.
“Are you okay?” Sister smiled.
”Leave me alone,” Rayon grumbled - getting up and moving to the window.
”You know you can tell me anything,” Sister said.
”I don’t want to be here anymore… It hurts,” Rayon said.
Suddenly there was a huge asteroid approaching from the side window - it stretched out to them like a hand.
Rayon looked at Sister and leapt to embrace her. She held her close. Never letting go. Then the hull exploded on impact and they were ejected into the infinite dark.
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”Then I woke up in the Crater and Zeiss found me,” Rayon said.
”Incredible - so there are more of you - they must have crash landed on Earth too…” Deimare said.
Zeiss was quiet. He had nothing to say. He was pulled into caring more than he was willing to. He didn’t want to care. He didn’t have time to think about Rayon’s problems. His daughter needed him.
“Our great State will help you find your family. If you can help us fight this war - we will be in your debt!” Deimare said as if she could manifest Rayon’s family at the snap of her fingers. She looked like she was about to eat Rayon - her eyes hungry and black.
”Bullshit,” Zeiss said, “So the State can help an alien, but disregard 90% of their people?”
He got up from the table. Deimare looked up at Zeiss like a shark in the water.
”We go hungry, we are beaten, watched constantly, and have to idolise you motherfucking leeches at the top,” Zeiss said, “The worst is the fucking Supreme Leader.”
”Stand down,” Deimare warned him.
”Supreme piece of shit -“ Zeiss said before he was pummeled.
Deimare hit Zeiss repeatedly in the face. Blood splattered down his nose and between his teeth.
“How dare! You defile! Their name!” Deimare said, punching him with every word.
There was a smash of glass.
Deimare fell over unconscious.
Rayon stood behind her with bits of a broken cup in her hand. Her eyes were wet with tears.
Zeiss sat up - dizzy - bleeding profusely, but he managed to laugh, “So you can fight?”
”Together,” she said, reaching her hand out to him.
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