The rain pounded hard, matting her fur as she struggled against the downpour, threatening to chill the tiny bundle hanging from her jaws to a cold death. She had to make it to the trees, to ThunderClan. They were her baby's only hope.
The small queen was traveling alone, forced to leave her home for the four forest clans in hope of a better life for her child, who's eyes hadn't even opened. When they were to arrive, she wouldn't remember the days they spent together in the shelter of their previous home. The thought made her want to break down in a fit of tears, but sheer will for her child to live made her forge onward despite the sorrow that seemed to devour her entire being.
The next few moments flashed by in a haze. The thunder rolled menacingly overhead, forcing her to pin her ears to her soaked fur. After coming to the roots of a partly sheltered tree, the tired queen paused to rest. Both her and her kit needed it desperately.
"Shh, my love. We will arrive soon." she assured her baby as it began to mew, "You have no reason to fear, we will be safe once we finish the journey. For now, we must carry on."
The icy pellets continued to hail down upon her and her kit, sending shivers through both of their bodies. As the moorland became forest, a flicker of hope arose inside the tired mother. She sped into a canter as she scented the ThunderClan border ahead. As they continued, the smells of many cats became clear, and soon she found her way into a skinny gorse tunnel that led directly into the heart of a dip in the land. She paused to marvel at the curved walls, dripping with ivy and various other hanging plants. Through her wonder at the beautiful landscape, she didn't notice when several pairs of eyes seared into her fur.
"Who are you?" A male voice demanded, shaking her from her haze.
She turned to see that the voice came from atop a large boulder in the center of the clearing.
It must be the clan leader. She thought hopefully.
"Is this ThunderClan? We are in desperate need of shelter." she whimpered as the rain battered down on her ginger tabby fur.
"We?" challenged the ThunderClan leader.
Numerous gasps echoed through the crowd as she revealed the shivering bundle of fur hidden in her cushioned tail. The ThunderClan leader gave her a long look before finally responding.
"We will shelter the kit; you are not welcome here. Leave at once."
The ginger tabby queen wailed in grief as three warriors came forward to extract the kit. She pulled back, hissing and clawing at the air but froze as her baby began to mew in fear. She immediately curled around to comfort her and didn't notice when one of the warriors rushed forward to take the kit by its scruff. The queen wailed helplessly and rushed forward to reclaim her newborn love, only to have a crushing weight land down upon her back, pinning her to the ground. Tears began to well down her face as the warriors began to drag her out of the camp. She went limp, allowing them to drag her along the ground, her only response whimpers from her devastating loss.
When they had exited the camp, her first and only response was, "Name her FallenKit. Just as I have failed my honor as her mother..." Before passing out from exhaustion.