In the wings, Seren squealed quietly, throwing her arms around Atlas.
"Can you believe it? We're going to Earth!"
Juno cracked her gum. "I mean, they've clearly recognized our potential. You know, except for grease-boy over here. I'm still not entirely sure what he's doing here."
Elio rolled his eyes. "Thanks a lot, Juno. Can we please at least pretend that we like each other?"
"Pretend I like you guys? Get real, grease-boy." Juno spun on her heel, flipping her hair over her shoulder as she stalked out of the room.
Cressida sighed and sat down cross-legged on the cold tile floor. Elio, Atlas, and Seren soon followed her lead.
"Okay guys, what do you think our mission is gonna be?" Atlas asked. "We need to place our bets now, so things don't get squirrelly later."
Seren shot him a mystified look. "Aren't you broke?"
"I won a round of Hespers at the Royal last night," Atlas grinned. "I'm up ninety micron."
"You mean you're at ninety micron," Elio snickered. "You were definitely broke yesterday."
"Do you want to place a bet or not?" Atlas groaned. The state of his finances were a bit of a running joke between the four of them, though there was real concern over his gambling problem.
"I bet five macros we're recon only," Seren put in. "They've been sending recon teams for five years straight."
"Nine centron we infiltrate a government," Cressida joked. Elio snorted.
"Well, I bet twelve microns they make us do experiments on board the ship," Atlas added excitedly. "That'd be pretty cool!"
"What about you, Elio?" Cressida urged. "What do you think we're going to do?"
Elio smiled devilishly. "I bet fifty macros they have us on long-term. Year plus."
"Fifty macros?" Atlas screeched. "That's so much- Hey!'
"What?" Cressida twisted her mouth in confusion, trying to work out what had excited Atlas. Elio grinned, a laugh escaping his lips.
"You guys seem to have forgotten something," he replied.
"His darn father!" Atlas shrieked. "This little cheater knows what we're doing!"
"And I bet nine centron! There goes last week's paycheck," Cressida groaned.
Elio threw his hands up innocently. "Hey, you guys agreed to the bet," he teased, getting to his feet. He held his hand out to Cress, who took it and pulled herself to her feet.
"Dad says I need to be back at the office in ten," he sighed. "I'll see you guys for prep tomorrow?"
Atlas nodded. "Yeah, see you then. Your dad sucks, though, not gonna lie."
"Why do you think I actually put some effort into classes last semester?" Elio asked with a smirk. "I can't stay with him for much longer. No way I'll survive. See you guys." He pulled Cress into a hug, leaving a quick kiss on her cheek, gave the other two fist-bumps, and took off at a sprint, waving his hand in an apologetic goodbye.
When he was gone, Cressida put a hand to her cheek and shook her head. "His father is going to kill him," she muttered.
"Yeah, well, what can do about it?" Seren asked, scrambling to her feet. Atlas jumped up after her. "Until we get to Earth, of course."
Cress sighed. "Most of our time will be spent training, and we'll be leaving in three weeks, and anyways," she pointed out. "He'll hardly see Draco."
"Yeah, but you know who he'll be seeing?" Atlas asked.
Atlas crossed his arms. "Juno. That girl hates his guts."
"Can you blame her?" Cress shot back. "Remember what happened to Antoli?"
Serena huffed. "Don't remind me."
Cress softened. "Sorry, Seren. I know how close you two were."
She smiled sadly. "It's alright."
Atlas, rocking awkwardly on his heels, clapped his hands together "Oookay, are we all still good for dinner at the Meridian?"
Cressida nodded. "Elio'll be there too, once his dad lets him go." She smirked. "I made him promise to come."
"Thank goodness, we get to hang out more with grease-boy," Atlas joked, his voice screeching in an impression of Juno.
"Very funny," Cress smirked, punching him in the shoulder. Atlas laughed and swatted her away.
"I gotta go, ladies," he responded, an amused grin on his lips. "I'll see you tonight!"
Seren and Cress waved as he left, then said their goodbyes, swiftly disappearing down separate hallways, making their way home.
That evening, dressed in her favorite skirt and sweater, Cressida paced the lobby of her apartment, waiting for the familiar honk of Elio's hover. She knew he'd come. He'd promised, after all. But when he'd show up...
Well, his entrance to the announcements that morning sure said enough.
Just as she finished that thought, however, the oh-so-recognizable chirp drifted through the crystal windows, and Cress glanced up to see Elio waving at her through the gleaming windows of his hover. She grinned and darted outside. Sliding into the passenger seat, she quickly closed the door behind her, the hover taking off the instant she did so. Elio peeked over at her, running hands along the steering controls.
Most people let their hovers drive themselves, preferring to relax as the automated craft did all the work, but not Elio. Elio loved to drive his hover. Cress suspected it was the mechanic in him.
"You look handsome." Cress put her hand on his shoulder. "I love the bow tie. Very sophisticated."
Elio grinned. "You're a dork. My dad made me wear it."
"Still," Cressida shrugged, "you're very handsome."
"Stop, you're making me blush," Elio scoffed.
Cress rolled her eyes, gazing out at the tall crystal skyscrapers that made up the city of New Kina. She did love the sharp corners and the shining chrome and crystal exteriors, but she was excited to go to Earth for a bit of a change of scenery.
Her mind started racing at the thought of the oceans, the trees, the rain.
Her face breaking into a huge grin, she turned to Elio. "Can you believe it? We're going to see grass on Earth. It's going to rain there! Isn't that crazy?"
Elio glanced at her, a little smirk dancing on his lips. "So crazy. Absolutely bonkers."
Cressida gently slapped his arm. "Don't make fun of me. You're excited too, I can just tell."
Elio rolled his eyes, but he smiled anyways. "You're right. This is gonna be fun. Especially since we all get to go together. That's what I can't believe," he finished.
Cressida let out a happy little sigh. "Earth. Wow."
The two finished the short ride in content silence. When the hover stopped in front of the luxurious doors of the Meridian, a tuxedoed valet smoothly stepped forward and opened Cressida's door. She nodded to him as she got out, Elio coming around the hover to meet her. He offered her his arm and she took it, the two of them strolling through the crystal doors as the valet parked their hover for them.
Inside, Elio asked the hostess to show them to the table he and Atlas had reserved four weeks ago. She smiled, saying "Ah, yes, Mr. Madden. Your friends are already here."
She swept her arm out, gesturing for them to follow her. The two complied, a table for four, with half of the seats taken by Atlas and Seren, quickly came into view.
"Hey, guys!" Atlas called across the dining hall. Elio shook his head while Cress waved back. The two swiftly took their seats, broad smiles lighting up all four of their faces.
The hostess handed them their menus, flashed them one last smile, and gushed an "Oh, I nearly forgot. Congratulations on your Earth trip!"
"Thank you!" the four chorused. Loud conversation rose up as the excited teens chattered about their upcoming adventure.
A chair screeched at a nearby table.
A gravelly voice spoke up from behind Elio.
"So, Earth, huh?"