Hiro headed to The Metal Dragon Pub, looking around at the people going about their business, talking and working as usual. He couldn't help but feel a sense of pride at how much the town had grown in such a short time.
As he approached the pub, he looked around and didn't see anything unusual. He unlocked the door and went inside, ready to start his work for the day.
Soon, his friend and the owner of the pub, Akio, arrived and unlocked the door. They exchanged greetings, and Hiro got ready for another day of serving drinks and chatting with the patrons.
But just as they were about to open, they heard a man scream from the alley across the street. Hiro and Akio ran to the door and looked out to the street, seeing a man in a black jacket and pants running out of the alley.
They also saw a couple of local shops running down the alley, and when they arrived, they found a man lying in a puddle of blood, completely disemboweled, with guts spilled out on the ground.
Hiro and Akio ran down the alley to see the disemboweled man it was Kazuo lying on the ground. One of the local shop owners contacted the authorities, and soon they arrived.
Hiro couldn't help but feel a sense of dread and unease. The darkness within their town had reared its ugly head, and he knew that they would have to be extra careful in the coming days.
As"Keisatsu"the police investigated the crime scene, Hiro and Akio watched from a distance, feeling a sense of helplessness. They knew that they had to do something to protect their community from this darkness, but they didn't know where to start
Hiro made a vow to uncover the truth behind the disemboweled man's death and bring justice to his family. He knew that it wouldn't be easy, but he was determined to do whatever it takes to protect his town from the darkness within.