Kenji had always been curious about the world beyond his small village. So, one day, he decided to explore the nearby woods. He wandered deeper and deeper into the forest, marveling at the beauty of the trees and the sounds of the animals around him.
But as he walked, he began to feel like he was being watched. He turned around, there was no one there. He shrugged it off and continued on his way.
Suddenly, he heard a rustling in the bushes. He turned around again, and this time he saw a deformed man emerging from the underbrush. The man was covered in scars and had a twisted, gnarled face. Kenji froze in terror as the man drew a sword and began to chase him.
Kenji ran as fast as he could, but the man was gaining on him. He could hear the man shouting at him, but he couldn't make out what he was saying. Finally, he burst out of the woods and into the village.
Hiro, who had been out for a walk, saw Kenji running and screaming and quickly ran to his aid. Kenji told Hiro about the deformed man with the sword, and Hiro immediately sprang into action.
He ran towards the woods, drawing his own sword as he went. He saw the deformed man running down the street towards him, sword in hand. Hiro didn't hesitate for a moment. He punched the man in the face with all his might, knocking him to the ground. The man dropped his sword, and Hiro quickly picked it up.
The deformed man got back to his feet, but Hiro was ready for him. In one swift motion, he swung the sword and cut off the man's head. The man dropped dead in the middle of the street.
The villagers gathered around to see what had happened. They were shocked and horrified by the sight of the deformed man's body lying in the street. Hiro explained what had happened and why he had to take such drastic action.
From that day on, the villagers were more cautious when venturing into the woods. They knew that danger could be lurking around any corner, and they were grateful to have someone like Hiro to protect them.