The thought of red cabbage for dinner every evening was a thought that would originally have been met with a sneer of the nostrils, was now nothing more to them than brushing their teeth. Our group of eleven occupied less than a quarter of the dining hall space, as they all sat in their respective social circles reflecting on the day’s escapades and the escapades of tomorrow. A family would normally sit together but the bishop and his wife found it best for them to mingle. After all, they already had to share the same sleeping quarters. One individual in particular did not have to worry about mingling, for he got to snack in the spacious quarters of the upper room and enjoy a drink of wine. Another individual would sit in the supply closet to eat and slumber on a hammock after his cleaning were over. At center of our room was our trio of young girls in easy sight compared to the others.
“Any thoughts for tomorrows agenda ladies?” Sam started. “Probably more of what we did today,” Lila answered. “Any Ideas, Nicola?” Sam asked. “Hmm…nope,” Nicola replied sarcastically. “Looks like it’s just going to be stuffy old building air and playing monopoly for the 500th time this week,” Lila said. “More like us losing for the 500th time this week,” Sam responded cheekily. “It gets boring with the three of us playing by ourselves. Wonder who would like to join us?” Sam asked. “The bishop and his wife maybe?” Lila asked. “Three is already a crowd,” answered Nicola. “Maybe those guys would like to join?” Sam pointed to the boy’s trio to the table far afront of theirs. “Haven’t we already determined that that was out of the question? Those dudes are weird especially that guy,” Lila sneered in disgust, pointing to another far-off table where our reclusive Brody sat slumped eyes sunken and glaring at nothing but the plate of red cabbage that sat afront of him.
“It’ll make Mrs. Berling happy. Maybe she’ll let us go outside for once in our lives,” Sam said. “Heh,” Nicola laughed with snark. “That’s an idea. Or…” Lila started. “What?” Sam asked. They now started to huddle closer to the table, with Nicola now starting to take an interest. “Tomorrow’s Monday. You know what that means?” Lila said with a mischievous smile on her face. “Yes?” Sam asked as her and Nicola inched a little closer. “And Mrs. Berling goes to the green house before dinner on Mondays, right?” Lila asked. “Yeah?” Sam asked once more. “So, why don’t we sneak out the cellar through the greenhouse?” Lila said. “Lila?” Sam asked disgruntled, now starting to lean back a little. “What?” Lila asked as her smile started to fade slowly. “You’ve been suggesting that stupid idea since we were little. Besides, they keep a large lock on the cellar and greenhouse door anyway. We don’t even know what could be lurking out there. No way we’re doing that,” Sam retorted in disgust. “The outdoors are overrated anyway,” Nicola said disinterested. “The wine cellar idea’s interesting though. Maybe we should drink martinis and braid each other’s hair,” Nicola added sarcastically. “There’s an idea,” said Lila, with Sam shaking her head. “But here’s the thing. I found out where the key is,” Lila started in a whisper once more with the other two starting to lean in. “Where?” Sam whispered. “One night as I saw Mrs. Berling and Bishop Shawn in the study, they left the door opened by accident, and I saw her put the key away in a book on the third shelf down tenth book over.” “Nuh uh?” Sam questioned. “Uh huh. So I figured, why don’t we sneak in there before tomorrow evening?” “And risk getting caught? I don’t think so. They’re already watching us enough as it is after we tried to rummage through Gage’s liquor,” Sam said leaning back upwards once more. “Well come on guys we’ve got to do something. You guys aren’t afraid of those bat brains are ya?” Lila pleaded. “Well, you do bring a fair point. It’s not healthy breathing in all this dusty air. We could just stand in front of the window for a while maybe,” Sam said as they started to huddle a little closer once more. “Pff, no way, Brody and Gage will notice. I mean Gage is half drunk and wouldn’t pay attention anyway but still,” Lila said.
They sat in silence for a few moments trying to gather the headspace of what to say next. Sam sighed and started once more “Alright girls here’s what well do. Tomorrow afternoon before Mrs. Berling goes to the greenhouse, well sneak into the bishop’s study and look for the key, sneak out through the cellar before Gage goes down there, and slip out unnoticed. But no more than half an hour. We cannot, and I repeat, cannot get caught. Got it?”. “Agreed,” Lila said with a mischievous grin. “What about you Nicola?” Sam asked, as her and Lila looked at her eagerly. “Ugh, fine. But let’s pinky promise,” she sighed sarcastically. “Alright, it’s a deal” Sam said. “Hey girls?” a woman’s voice echoed from across the room, to which they turned around already recognizing whose it was. “Yes Mrs. Berling?” Sam asked. “You guys might want to finish up dinner soon. It’s almost time for bed,” Mrs. Berling said with slight suspicion in her voice. “Yes Mrs. Berling,” Sam said. She then continued “4:00 pm sharp tomorrow girlfriends, and it looks like we’re going to have to be extra careful.”
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It was bedtime yet again in the church. The main sleeping quarters of the group were contained inside the sanctuary, as they all slept close by the bishop and his wife to make sure where the young people were; for who could tell what this time of night would bring. Everyone always fell fast asleep. Something that was hard to adjust too at first, but much like everything there they became accustomed to it. Second nature. Brody however, always found it most difficult to sleep. His mind was always in a state of unrest, most likely caused by him finding a lack of things to distract himself with during the day. Considering the fact that the only thing he would obsess over is the window upstairs. Was he concerned of what might come from there? Did he just simply enjoy the cool air from it? Nobody seemed to know or could quite tell. Nevertheless, it remained on his mind for the 24 hours contained in the day, in which it felt like there was only one hour of sunlight.
It was a habit for him to remain awake during all these nights, and to creep up the stairs to the second-floor window to gaze upon it. Though no one where awake to see him leave, everyone gave him the silent approval since he would fall asleep up there and were nowhere to be found the next morning. That and they would hear his footsteps since he gave up tip toeing a long time ago. Tonight were no different as he went upstairs once more, past the sleeping man on the floor and straight to the large window to gaze at the nighttime sky once more. Of course, deciding not to stand too close to it. Though at the same time, as intimidating as the dark blue sky where, there was a beauty about it which helped to relax him. He gazed upon an almost full moon, as its rotund white figure shined boldly on the dark ground beneath. After he figured he had enough time to look, he went to fall asleep under his usual spot that he found the most comfortable. Behind the staircase leading to the attic. Everyone always wondered what was up there, but it was overlooked and often forgot about. Brody even considered going up there at one point, but if he were too afraid to stand afront the window at night, he was most definitely too afraid to go inside the attic. He figured it best to leave Niko up to it. If he could accomplish such a task without Gage noticing, that is. Though why should he care?
These thoughts raced in his head, as he dozed off asleep. However, this were short lived as he awoke to the sound of yet another howling wind outside. This time around it sounded a little louder than usual. With a look of mild concern on his face, the only other emotion his face would express, he walked slowly towards the window. He stopped to the point where he would normally watch from a safe distance, contemplating if he should back out or not. This was interrupted immediately as soon as he saw what looked like a giant owl or some kind winged animal fly past the window at an unusual speed. Immediately drawn to the window, he peered out of it to look at the nighttime sky. He looked at the moon once more and could barely see what appeared to be an outline of a large winged animal atop the moon. After gazing upon it for a few moments the winged animal disappeared into the dark blue. “Go to sleep kid,” a voice graveled from the distance causing Brody to jump a little. “You don’t wanna waste your winder starin’ energy for tomorrow, do ya?” Gage smirked keeping his one eye shut. Brody slowly turned back to the moon to stare at it once more. Once he had enough, he fell asleep beneath the attic staircase.