Hector had only allowed himself three days to grieve, which was three days for the crew to recuperate after the destruction and robbery of the fort. Now, all he could do was bury his sorrow, and fulfill her last words.583Please respect copyright.PENANA2mJUOPLaBT
"Don't let the crew break up, Hector."583Please respect copyright.PENANAoxziduKiWM
And he swore by whatever divine force ruled the heavens, he would not let the crew break up. However, he didn't need to become captain of the ship to do so. Yet, Jonathan, his opponent in this election, oddly egged at him to step up. 583Please respect copyright.PENANAVh3fdvPFJ8
In the end, most of them had voted for Hector, for reasons he didn't really understand at the point, but they must've felt he could fill the role better than Jonathan. He wasn't a bad fellow, either. Yet, he wasn't going to question the crew's choice. He took up the mantle of captain without question.583Please respect copyright.PENANAh0OYQdHGso
Later, he had found out that Jonathan wanted Hector to run against him, because he didn't want to role of captain, but would've taken it should Hector refuse. He had already known the majority of the crew respected Hector quite a bit, and would've elected in his favor.583Please respect copyright.PENANAV0XCBoWqQh
The details are murky of what had happened, like a long forgotten dream, but Hector was sure that was the rough outline of what had happened.583Please respect copyright.PENANA5EF5r7jDsr