Angelic wisps seeped from the hot foam, guarded by a beige mug. Nimble fingers clasped firmly onto said ceramic at an instant to lift and bring it closer.
The figure pushed their nose close to the liquid to a point of comfort, the heat grounding instead of burning and the aroma flooding their senses. There was no more lingering to be had as the smooth liquid was brought to their darkened lips just a moment later.
And the mixture was gone in a blink.
The mug was gently placed back onto a coaster on the oak table, guided gently by the candlelight as the figure relaxed back into their chair. All they could do was give a long sigh.
“How have I gone for so long without one?” A voice dared to utter, before another sentence was spoken. “DEUS, turn on the lights.”
And without hesitation, the room was cast ablaze in light. The figure had been unveiled; a male with ash brown skin and short black hair.
But there was something odd about his appearance. His ears were pointed, facing upward and placed slightly higher on his head than what would be considered 'normal' for a human. His nose was extensive - a mini snout placed at the end of such a peculiar facial feature. And as his eyes opened, accustoming to the light, his pupils were more oval than circular.
Viridescent orbs, tinged with a hint of amber, concealed all emotions, staring blankly at the room in which he sat. He found himself rocking slightly, a back and forth motion so tender and gentle that he could drift back to sleep with ease. Yet the taste lingered on his tastebuds, a familiar taste that left little to imagine yet so many memories.
He found himself basking in the elixir of his past life. The sweet countryside as the twitter of birds filled his ears. Long days of summer hardship before the cold nights of winter, where he sat by the warmth of a fire. Even the very harvesting of what he knew to be in the drink that he had demolished.
His eyes gazed upon the mug once more with a small, genuine smile creeping up. His fangs finally appeared as his gaze softened.
Yet all it would take was the voice of DEUS to break him out of his trance. "Levi, you seemed distracted and you were unresponsive; are you alright?"
The reality seeped back into his mind. "Thank you DEUS, I'm okay." His voice sounding more chipper and his increased alertness gave DEUS all the answers. There was almost an anger regardless, and DEUS had picked up on that too, but they did not know the cause.
More memories floated into Levi's mind with a grimace, as DEUS was silenced with a hand before they could ask. Levi instead found his gaze diverting to other parts of the room he sat in on his comfy velvet chair.
His eyes gazed firstly upon his bunk, a bland velvet cover hanging off the side and a velvet pillowcase. It was small, built into the wall and required careful movements to even get in. As his gaze drifted, he found himself next staring at the dining table, a grey plastic that was the same colour as the bland walls around him. His next stop was at a picture, which furthered his frown.
He had almost forgotten DEUS was there, as the unit spoke up again. "Is that what's bothering you?"
Levi rose to his absurd height, waltzing with speed over to the frame. His nimble fingers caressed the frame once more, only to look down upon the image on the mantlepiece. A silence followed Levi wherever he went, even when DEUS spoke louder. "Is there any reason why you can't put both up?"
Levi sighed, finally having the courage to speak as he turned his head to face the hologram, lowering his arm from the frame on the wall. "Regulations. Besides, I wont be here for long."
"However, this clearly matters to you is my point." Levi let out a sigh, giving himself one more glance at the picture frame on the wall before he found his gaze on the floor.
"Can I talk with Sam?" It was a suddenly blurted question that DEUS would nonetheless agree to, letting Levi grab his Personal Digital Assistant, sit down and give them the order.
Silence had seeped between him and DEUS once again, but it would not be long until someone answered the call.
"Josephine?" Was the only thing Levi could say.
“You’re after Sam, aren’t you?” Josephine’s silver eyes narrowed, staring nonchalantly at Levi, who ran a hand through his black hair.
”Yes, how is he?” And the answer came instantly.
”You don’t deserve to know, after all the things you did to this family.” Her eyebrows fastened and her mouth zipped shut.
Levi stared back intensely. “Look, I saved you from hurt, from being in a loveless marriage, and you still won’t let me see my son.”
”And you know full well I could make your life far worse, demon!” Teeth were barred now, as Levi stared into the silver orbs of Josephine.
“You dare call me demon? Josephine, I was nothing but loyal to you! I made a mistake sure, but I didn’t know at the time I was gay!” He shuttered his mouth, knowing if he were to say anything else things would become nasty. He felt tears well up in his eyes.
”That word is filth! Jesus won’t save you now! Why did I even consider marrying such a vile beast?” He finally uttered the two words she hated.
”Goodbye, Josephine.” A smile formed.
”I swear to the Heavens if you hang u-“ And she was gone. Now the waterworks spilled.
Josephine sat at the dining table, sat on an uncomfortable, sturdy chair. The short, stout human woman placed her head in her hands, brushing her ginger hair out of the way.
Her Personal Digital Assistant laid flat on the table, which she uncovered her eyes to see.
Then, suddenly. “Mummy?”
She smiled, turning to face the young Samuel Troy. “Are you okay?”
Josephine still held together a perfect façade. “Mummy’s okay.”
“Why did daddy have to go?” Josephine froze.
“Mummy will tell you when you’re older.” She felt horrible, but knew Sam wouldn’t understand at such a young age. “How was school?” She asked.
“Good. We learnt about Jesus and how he will come back someday.” Sam gave the biggest toothy grin to his mother.
“No fights?” Sam nodded, as Josephine smiled broader once again. “Good to hear!”
“I’m going to my room. Call me down when dinner’s ready?” Josephine nodded at her son. He pivoted, walking off as he opened a door and left her sight.
A sigh escaped Josephine, her façade crumbling to dust. The smile vanished for a frown and her downturned eyes found themselves at the floor. “Lord, what have I done to deserve this? Did I sin too much? Because I repented every time.”
When she finally looked up, she was looking out the window to the wide world. So many mixed emotions plagued her mind, mostly hurt and upset toward Levi Troy.
“I just want what’s best for Sam.” They would both say, but what really is the best for Sam?