As the perfect girl, I wake up, brush my teeth and take my bath. My clothes have already been folded in a neat pile. Freshly laundered and well ironed. I prepare to go downstairs for breakfast.
Ha! Who am I kidding?
“Jessieeeeee…” My mom calls from the bottom of the stairs.
“Coming.” I say and roll over just in time to fall off the bed.
Wow. What a perfect way to start a Monday morning.
I stand up, rubbing my ass as I manage to stumble to the bathroom. Just then I realize that I haven’t decided what to wear yet. Argh.
The summer break just ended. I didn’t really get to enjoy it at all. All I did was babysit my brother while my mom worked her ass off 50 hours a week. She works too hard for us. Just to be able to feed us. I’m proud of her. Yet, I manage to piss her off most of the time.
I look at myself in the mirror as I brush my teeth.
What are you looking at? My snarky subconscious asks.
I smile to myself. I’m freaking moving to the high school. I’m done with middle school, duh. I know I will be lonely. My best friends have moved away to other cities. Will I make any friends?
My inner goddess is still sleepy. She’s curling her hair though. She’s excited too. I’ve heard a lot of stories about the cute high school boys over there. I also heard about the after school parties some of them go to. Okay, let me rephrase that; the after-school party some of them sneak to.
I practically dance back to the room. I make my bed with caution. I’m in high school now. I have to be a little bit neat. I open the windows and I’m extremely happy I did. At the right time, the right hour, the right minute, the right second and the right millisecond, I see him coming out of his house. Like a movie, the breeze hits me, making my hair fly in the air. He steps out in a black leather jacket, a shirt, and blue jeans. How could I ignore his converse? He is the perfect boy.
Jeremy Mathews.
Okay, I probably sound a little bit desperate here. But he is perfect. He doesn’t see me, but I see him. I’m not even sure he notices our house. But I get to see him once in a while. He’s still standing on the front porch of their house, he pushes his rich brown hair, backward and shakes it again so it covers a little bit of his forehead. This makes me giggle. He walks away, towards his school.
“Jessie, stop day-dreaming and hurry up. This is your first day at high school for God sake.” I can hear the strain in her voice. She’s trying not to cry. She didn’t know she’ll be able to sponsor us to this point. She’s a lot more excited about this, than I am.
I finally push myself to the bathroom again and take a really slow, hot shower. Its what I need at this point. It easies my nerves. I half-run out of the bathroom, and towel dry my body. I smear a bit of face cream on my skin and rub it evenly. I open my wardrobe and stare at the rack of pretty clothes. I’m totally clueless on what to wear. I finally decide to wear a black camisole, khaki cargo pants, and a black and white converse. Too much skin.
Perfection. My subconscious mouths to the mirror. I finally sit down at the dressing table and straighten my hair with the hot comb, lay my edges; perfectly for the first time. I finally decide to tie my hair in a ponytail. I can’t really decide on which of my lip balms to use. I chose grape later on. This is the best I can do for today.
I jump at the stairs. Two steps at a time. My mother is still in the kitchen, she looks up and her jaw is practically on the floor.
“Hey, high school, girl.” She teases.
“Good morning, mother.” I say and roll my eyes, still giggling.
“You look great.” She says, and walks over to smoothen my camisole over my stomach.
“You look ugly.” My 11-year old brother says and stuffs a full spoon of granola in his mouth. I’m about to eye him when mom says;
“Language, Ricky.” My mom says, waving her index finger at him, and he smiles at me.
“I was just kidding, you look great.”
Finally! I am ready to go. My mom offers to drive me but I refuse. I carry my bag and head out. As I walk down the street, I hear someone call out to me.
“Hey pretty. Are you going to Hutchings High School?”
I turn back to see a pretty girl; in the shortest leather skirt I’ve ever seen. I manage to smile at her. My mom would kill me if I wore something like that.
“Uhm, yeah. Are you?”
“Sure. I mean, I just got into high school!” she says, practically screaming as she walks towards me.
We end up walking to school together. Actually, she isn’t that boring. Her name is Diane. Her pretty dirty-blonde hair falls to her face a lot. I almost borrow her my hair tie. Also, she has a beautiful laugh.
I halt in my tracks when we reach the gates of the Senior side of Hutchings. I look in the opposite direction, the place where I was about 2 months ago.
“You were at the Junior side in June?” Diane asks, bringing me out of my thoughts.
“Yeah. I was.” I say, fiddling with my fingers.
“Oh. I was at Monvire in June.”
“Isn’t that school like really expensive?” I ask.
She nods her head. “Yeah it is. We moved here not long ago. So I chose this one.”
“Here. Let’s take a picture.” She says raising her phone up for a selfie. I smile for the picture. I notice she’s using an iPhone 14.
We finally get into the school and get all the formalities done at the principal’s office. Together. Surprisingly, we are taking the exact same subjects. We are finally assigned to our lockers. Beside each other. Ha!
“Let’s check it out.” I say and practically drag Diane over to the lockers.
Mine was red and hers was yellow. As soon as I start to load my books into my locker, I notice someone with rich dark brown hair walking towards me with his hands in his jean pocket.
It was him.
Author Note:
What do you guys think of the first chapter so far? Let me know! Dont forget to like, share, comment, follow and bookmark.
Love, Myra. 💜🤭