“What is destiny? Does destiny always be true? If the person is destined to die tomorrow, can that person avoid the death? Do humans just follow the flow of destiny or can we break the flow of it?”
That was what I always thought about the villainess novel where people trapped in the novel’s world and became villains, but it seemed they didn’t know what is fate or destiny of them, they just followed the flow of the novel’s story.
There were two types of fate that religious people believed, first the fate where humans could not change it, no matter the humans wanted to change this fate, they would face it, it was the fate of death, and the fate of a soulmate. God already decided your fate about those, where or when or how you would die, or who will be your soulmates, God already had the note of that before human birth.
The other fate was the fate you could change, there was a lot of this type of fate, the fate you would pass the exam, it depended on you, you wanted to study or not, it was not God’s matter, it was your matter. You wanted to be healthy, you wanted to be rich, you wanted to be famous, etc, it was your fate that you could change how you act.
But there was an exception from the fate you could not change, the exception was you still needed to try, for example you wanted to have soulmate or partner to marry, but you didn’t have any effort to find it, just stayed alone waiting someone came to you, God would not unite you with the fate one, and if you didn’t want to die fast, so you needed to stay healthy, eat healthy food.
So did the novel’s story like the god’s fate? Where the character of the novel could not change it, but if someone was aware of the story, it should change the story or the fate of the novel. Why did every novel I read about this concept seem like they weren't aware of this concept?
The character seemed so focused about the novel’s story and seemed scared about the future of her. It was not the case if you were aware, you could easily change the fate of the villain character. You just avoided the death flag of fate where it would bring disaster to the villain character, or just trying something new. But in a lot of novels, the person who was trapped in the villain's body, just kept following the story of the novel, like they wanted to unite the male lead with the female protagonist, or they weren't aware of the male lead feeling, and many more where it was bound to the story. But there was some novel who has common sense of fate, the villain just got the fuck out from the story, like she was going to the countryside or hidden from the society just lived relaxed.
Just imagine you already knew and remembered the date of all the Sun and Moon Eclipse, and traveled back in time. You presented to all the people, said about the Sun and Moon Eclipse. Immediately people saw the eclipse, and thought it was your power, everyone would worship you as saint, apostle or any call. So this kind of power to know the future was so big, why all the character’s novels just blatantly follow the rules of the world's novel. Just bend the rules and be you not be the villain of the novel.
Sometimes it was dumb until……….
One day in the evening, I opened my eyes, and saw the different ceiling, the ceiling that I never saw in my life. In front of me was my hair, that was long hair, it felt that I never had long hair. Half asleep I tried to get up from the bed, and my hair kept in front of me. I looked around, I didn’t recognize the room, the design was so old than the modern day, there was a big mirror, big dressing table, big wardrobe, big window with big balcony beside of bed, everything seemed fancy to me, even the bed was so fancy
I saw the door open in my room, there was a maid who brought a bowl with a towel and entered the room. Our eyes met, suddenly she was surprised and dropped the bowl with the towel. I raised my hand to call her, but she immediately exited the room.
I laid back and examined what the hell was going on. I never had a room like this before, I never had white hair like this before. My face was maybe more beautiful than before. I stood up from the bed to check my face and my body, I walked to the big mirror beside the window. In front of the mirror, I saw someone's body with thin cloth pajamas, it was not my body, the body was smaller than my own body, It was maybe around 14 years old. Unbelieve what I just saw, I kept touching the body and the hair.
The sound of the door opened, I turned back my head to the door. Saw some people entering my room. There was the maid before, a lady with long white hair, a man with short white hair, and there was a little boy and a little girl behind them. Their faces were so worried.393Please respect copyright.PENANAcaouSe1EaN
“Is that really my Aurelia?” The lady spoke.
The lady and the man immediately approached me, and hugged me. I wanted to reply to the hug, but I didn’t know what was going on, it felt awkward. The lady showed her face to me, and I saw there was a tear in her eyes.
“Aurelia…You have awake…how is your body?? Is there any hurt anywhere?” The lady said it to me.
“Oh dear…How about you calm for a second…It seems Aurelia can’t handle a lot of thought, and look at her face, she is still in shock and pale.…” The man tried to confront the lady.
The two released their hug to me.
“I know..my dear, but to see Aurelia awake and standing makes me so happy…I can’t hold my feelings against it..”
They didn’t hug me anymore, but there was something nagging my leg. It was the little boy and the little girl hugged my leg. When I saw the two carefully, they were twins, with different eye colors. The girl had red eyes like the lady and white long hair, and the boy had blue eyes like the man and white short hair. The girl held a doll in her arm. They were so cute.
“Aurelia, you need to take a rest in bed, and you two let her leg go.”
The little two released their hug in my leg, and the lady accompanied me to the bed with everyone in back. I laid down again in bed, and she lifted the blanket.
“How’s your body??” The lady kept questioning.
“Au..re..li..a” I tried to say something to them.
“What is it?”
“You called me Aurelia, is that my name?”
I saw everyone’s faces shocked after I asked about it.
The man immediately shouted “WHERE THE PHYSICIAN THAT I HAVE ORDERED EARLIER?” I saw his face startled.
“She is on the way here, your grace..” The maid answered it.
The maid straight away ran out of the room. The lady’s face was startled like disbelief. I saw the two felt uneasy about it, the lady kept holding my right hand, and the man kept walking back and forth. The little two were beside the lady. The room filled with complete silence, the lady beside me kept holding my right hand. The little two were beside my face.
After some minutes of silence, the maid came to the room with a red-haired woman.
The maid addressed the man “The physician has come, your grace.”
“Great..Quickly check my daughter..”
The words of my daughter surprised me, the little two stepped back from me, and let the woman come and sat in bed beside me, but the lady kept holding my right hand. The physician touched my hand, especially the pulse. I saw she closed her eyes while checking my pulse . After some moments, she touched my forehead and touched her own forehead. I realized she checked my temperature compared with her temperature in her forehead.
The physician addressed the lady and the man “I believe there is nothing wrong with her condition.”
“Are you 100% sure about it?” The man replied.
“I’m sure, your grace.”
“But she asked about her name, it felt like she didn’t know her own name.” The lady replied.
I looked at the physician and she turned her face to me.
“Do you know your own name?” She asked me.
“They called me Aurelia…I think that’s my name…”
“Before they called you Aurelia, did you know your own name?”
“I don’t know..”
“Can you remember about the past?”
“What past?”
“Hmmmmm…How about these two children behind me, do you recognize them?”
I looked carefully at their faces “I have no idea..”
The lady and the man’s faces became so worried.
“Do you not know them?”
“I’m sorry I have no idea..”
“How about the lady that is still holding your hand right now, do you recognize her?”
I turned my face to her “I don’t have any idea..”
The lady’s face became more anxious and worried
“How about your dream? Do you have any dreams when you are asleep?
“I can’t remember it..”
The physician stood up, moved forward to the lady and the man. I saw her whisper something to them. They followed her out of the room. After they were out of the room, there were still the little two in the room. I saw their faces like they wanted to cry..
They came to my bed, and held my right arm..
The boy spoke first “Sister Aurelia, do you really not know us?”
I cannot answer his question..
The girl spoke with shutter like she wanted to cry “Sis..ter… Aure..lia.. Are..you..real..ly…sis..ter.. Aurelia..?”
Still I cannot answer the question..
The girl showed her doll with her two hands to me “Look…You..mus..t..k..now..who..she..is?”
I kept quiet. The girl seemed to not be able to hold her emotions anymore, and started to cry..The boy tried to calm her to stop crying, but it failed and he started to cry too..
I got up from laying in the bed, and tried to calm them down. I put my hands to their head, and started to pat them. I was just smiling at them..
The man and the lady with the physician immediately went into the room. The lady went to the little two, and started to calm them down. The man went with her. The physician stood in front of my bed.
The physician tried to explain to all of us “I think it is better to let everyone know, especially my lady about the condition of my lady.” she started to make statement “My lady has suffered memory loss, the amount of memory lost, I still don’t know it, because my lady didn’t recognize madam, madam was the one who gave birth my lady, if my lady didn’t recognize her own birth mother, It is possible that all the memory of my lady is lost. But there is hope in my lady situation, usually when people lost their memory, they would act like a baby or child. My lady acted not like a baby or child, even my lady understood what I had said, so it would be great if my lady started to learn everything again. I hope in the process of learning, my lady regains her memory.”
“It’s great, but I think it’s better if we start introducing ourselves…” The lady said “Let me introduce myself to you, My name is Cordelia Aurelius, I am your birth mother like she said, and you are Aurelia Aurelius..” She patted the little two “Do you want to introduce yourselves on your own, or your mother introduce you to your own sister?”
“No..I wa..nt to Intro..duce..my..self..*sob*sob” The boy stuttered from crying “My..name..is..*sob *sob..Aurelio Aurelius..”
“I..am..*sob*sob…Ophe..lia…Aur..elius…*sob*sob” The girl stuttered.
The lady patted their head. I turned my face to the man.
The lady turned her face too to the man “Dear..I think you start to introduce yourself too..”
“Right..right…I am Marcus Aurelius, I am your father…”
“As you already knew, we are the Aurelius family…and the one who checked you is our family physician, her name is Sofia..”
Sofia was bowing to me.
“I think it’s better for you to take a rest first, after hearing all of this…..Two of you let your sister take a rest…”
All of them left the room…
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