No Plagiarism!lFn3aEXmzMYgKrFF9qO6posted on PENANA Username:8964 copyright protection233PENANAEF5eDGst2B 維尼
ItsAmelia and Ashy_Haze8964 copyright protection233PENANAQtVP0HacC0 維尼
Title:8964 copyright protection233PENANACUZsDWFeVy 維尼
Into the Woods and Across the Sea8964 copyright protection233PENANA5jXHxz5Mut 維尼
Genre:8964 copyright protection233PENANAwLwQjHoggb 維尼
Fantasy8964 copyright protection233PENANApEAQYwddzt 維尼
Introduction:8964 copyright protection233PENANAzyAZVHCPWy 維尼
Six children of twelve years old must save the world before the winter solstice; before it's too late. Tensions run high, a country is after them, and a dark force is leading the attacking force, one unseen by the children, plotting to use them for their own advantage.8964 copyright protection233PENANADv4CC0ig9o 維尼
Length published till now:8964 copyright protection233PENANA5TF8IeWxsU 維尼
1 full book on the ItsAmelia account, (5.8K words) almost complete second book on Ashy_Haze account (1.5K words)8964 copyright protection233PENANAOG04cBW9bI 維尼
How much long you plan to make it:8964 copyright protection233PENANAvTBICeLUeM 維尼
I have three books down and am working on the fourth, so there's one more book I have to write before I will publish it on here.8964 copyright protection233PENANANRVzEj5ph0 維尼
Main Characters' Names:8964 copyright protection233PENANAxgylRCkKWH 維尼
Luke Doogan8964 copyright protection233PENANATU25DVFalv 維尼
Skylar Verlice8964 copyright protection233PENANAWrHUgDdFmk 維尼
Richard Calibaster8964 copyright protection233PENANAOhkF5sx8jT 維尼
Helen 8964 copyright protection233PENANABld9EMdVOi 維尼
Peter Webster8964 copyright protection233PENANAPVwoEuargl 維尼
Alice Ellison8964 copyright protection233PENANAoe0aTW6E8w 維尼
237Please respect copyright.PENANAQdYAfdV8hU
8964 copyright protection233PENANAJhwO0iB18F 維尼
Publishing schedule for second book is every Monday and Thursday at 12 am EST8964 copyright protection233PENANAP3l1lG19hu 維尼