To the Queen of Oceanville,
As of October 1st, 2023, our President Friedrich Jager, has formally approved for this declaration of war to be sent by congress. Clarification for the reasons of war will be stated as followed,
On September 29th, 2023, UCOM identified chatter addressing trade negotiations between Oceanville and [REDACTED]. Terms agreed to in the Compromise of Falsa Fratum, explicitly stated that communication with [REDACTED] was strictly prohibited, and would be seen as an act of alliance. After being approved, UCOM issued a warning to Oceanville as of September 30th, 2023, 13:45 PM, to which no response came acknowledging the terms of the agreement.
Shortly after, Coast patrols reported a trade vessel at 14:16 PM crossing over [REDACTED] borders, soon identified to be St. Warbie. According to the document, both actions committed are in violation of Rules 12 & 15 and so military action has been taken.
Naval units have been deployed, and will patrol Usentgrav’s nautical border. Any vessels that try to enter [REDACTED] will be ceased and/or destroyed based on actions taken when confronted. Any exports or imports will be taken, and not returned to either country. If further military operations are carried out by Oceanville’s Navy, The Department of Defense is not afraid to use Air power.
Negotiations for peace will only be possible if all contact is ceased immediately.