"Is there anything more cruel than the truth?" Skye said softly into her hands resting on her lap.
"Ms. Sweet?" the vice principal prompted.
Skye looked up with tears in her eyes. "Is there anything more cruel than the truth?" she repeated. "I can't think of anything, for sure. Because the truth of the matter is the fact that I have been relentlessly bullied for months, and you can't do anything about it, no, because you can't control him. You like to pretend you can, you tell him to leave me alone all you like, but he'll still mutter about me behind my back, he's still going to laugh with his friends about me he's still going to probably think I'm a b-"
"That's enough, Ms. Sweet!" the vice principal snapped. "You're already in trouble for slander in class, let's not add foul language to the list of wrongs done!"
"Slander?" Skye repeated dumbly. "SLANDER?! I TOLD THE HONEST TRUTH!"
The vice principal scoffed. "I hardly think what you were saying is the truth."
Skye took several deep breaths. "Your precious little honor roll student Sam has been tormenting me for months. If anything, what I was saying was an understatement!"
The vice principal pursed his lips. "Such allegations are serious, Ms. Sweet, understand that..."
"Understand this, you IDIOT!" Skye snapped. "The boy told me to move around the floor hockey room for weeks daily and would then proceed to slap shot a ball with a half-inch layer of hard rubber into my knee, the same knee that has repeatedly popped out of place and required physical therapy to stop hurting before. He or one of his cronies comes up to me almost every morning, asking me out on a dare or for money. And when I tell them no or flounder trying to be nice, they proceed to laugh in my face. They make fun of me for reading in my free time! The twisted butts called me a LESBIAN because I DIDN'T WANT TO DATE MY OWN BULLIES! AND YOU'RE TELLING ME THAT SAYING THAT SAM WAS HARASSING ME IN CLASS IS SLANDER?!"
"MS. SWEET THAT IS QUITE ENOUGH!" the vice principal roared.
Skye stood back and laughed. "Y'know what? You're right. That is enough. I'm going to be telling my parents to let me go to public school. Say good-bye to my tuition, you twisted ape, because I'm tired of being abused here. I'm done."
Skye grabbed her bags and walked out, ignoring the vice principal's protests, and walked out of the school to where her mom was waiting by the car. "Did the vice principal listen to you, honey?"
"Nope," Skye said. "I promptly told him I'd be going to public school from now on. I'm done here."
"Did you tell him nicely?" her mom asked.
Skye smirked. "Nope, I did it just like you said to if he didn't listen."
Skye's mom smiled. "Maybe now they'll listen to harassment claims?"
"Doubtful," Skye sighed, "But at least I don't have to deal with it anymore."
"The truth shall set you free," Skye's mom noted.
"The truth is heartless and cruel."
"But at least you're not afraid to use it."