Your name- Fiona.
It flows and rolls right out from my tongue as if the only purpose my mouth was created for was to whisper your name; to breathe it out under the glimmering stars and into the winds so that the currents of air take it away. Away do the winds carry it, but it's a burden perhaps too big for it bear as it often gets tired only after travelling a distance so short that it can only echoes back to me. This is because the wind doesn't know you the way I do. Because if it could see your eyes, the emerald green of them; if it could see your smile and the way your eyes light up, if it could see you walk down the hallways and understand that in the flow of hairs lies all the rhythms of the world, it would have carried your name a thousand miles and more. It would not have rested until it became known to everyone. So I say it, as it's my duty, but only as a whisper. I fear for myself when I say it out loud. I fear for my heart that twists and turns in my chest as I think of you and jumps up into my throat when I look at you, as if it might at any moment break free from my cowering body and express it desires out to you by itself. I wish I could speak before you and explain how suddenly your presence and your proximity have become vital for my being; how my days have learnt to have meanings; how my forlorn blue evenings have bloomed into pink sunsets; how the pitch black night are now a show of dancing stars; how my morning coffee now gets creamed and sweetened; how my loneliness now never makes me feel lonely. Now the color red doesn't hurt my eyes though now I envy it; it exists so boldly and demands the attention of its viewers. I wish I could do the same and present myself before you and free myself from torments as I think I have suffered enough by dancing at the hands of shackling fear and burning desires. So I will say it out in words, as written evidence, so that my heart will give me a break that: I love you and I need you. I don't expect you to say anything in return. It's a ritual everyone in love must perform: turn emotions into words and present them before you’re beloved. I have played my part and now you can either set me free from my sufferings or leave me alone to love you in silence and whisper your name quietly over and over.