It was the height of the party and everyone was having a good time. With red Solo cups in everyone's hands and beer in those cups, everyone was drunk, high, or looking for a fight. However, this isn't really Abby's scene. She is only here because he best friend, Katelyn, begged her to come. She only obliged when Katelyn added the fact that Jackson, he longtime crush, would be there.
Though it may seem cliché, Abby has had a crush on Jackson since their freshman year of high school, but they have never spoken genuinely once. Her crush sparked from him asking to borrow a pencil. Something in that moment dazzled her heart and she has liked him ever since.
Abby arrived at the party ages ago and she has yet to see Katelyn arrive. She has walked around the entire party and stared at the front door for a while now and no show. Abby was starting to get worried since Katelyn was never late to anything, especially not a crappy party. Suddenly a pounding noise came from outside, where the pool was. Abby watched as a skinny junior surfaced from the pool water. Abby sighed and looked around, people continued to drink, smoke weed, and dance around; she felt claustrophobic when she glanced around to see how compact she was in the space.
She looked back at the sliding glass door and thought that some fresh air would do her some good over the smell of booze and weed. She exited the house and was hit with the smell of chlorine. Two girls and two boys swam around, splashing each other with water. They squealed and laughed as the music pounded from a red Ford truck that was parked close by. It vaguely looked like Jackson's truck that she saw so often in the school parking lot; but, it was too dark to tell at a distance. She got closer and noticed two people inside, kissing one another. Abby almost turned around before she realized that Katelyn was inside the truck with another boy.
Abby felt awkward, but she decided to knock on the glass of Katelyn's side window. Katelyn jolted and made eye contact with Abby; a grave expression crossed her face. Katelyn opened the door slightly, "Abby, what are you doing here?", she asked, frantically
"What do you mean? You asked me to be here," Abby pointed out. Another voice popped into the conversation from behind Katelyn.
"Hey babe, who's that?", Jackson's face popped into view. Abby's heart dropped before her skin boiled with rage. Abby started screaming, "What the heck, Katelyn?!"
"Abby, I'm sor-". Abby grabbed her throat and yanked her from the passenger seat. Katelyn coughed profusely as she was dragged on the grass.
"Ab-", Katelyn struggled. Abby pulled a switchblade and held it to her throat with a manic expression on her face. People drew closer now as they wondered what was going on, starting with the pool people and then the people from inside. Jackson ran behind and yelled at her to stop. Abby ignored him and continued to scream at Katelyn.
"You slut, I can't believe you would do something like this to me!", she sobbed. "I thought you cared, but because you're pretty, you think you can bang whoever you want, huh?", she mocked. Abby slowly raised Katelyn by the neck, with the switchblade pointed at her.
"Aw hell yeah, cat fight!", somebody yelled from the crowd. A few whoops and cheers went out to the bystander; but, Abby flashed the bystander a nasty look and the cheering stopped. Nobody moved as Katelyn's choking became more apparent. Jackson tried to push past the crowd and to the two girls, but two teenage boys held him back.
"You should never get into a girl's fight, man", one said simply. Jackson looked helplessly at Katelyn as her face grew more purple.
"I hate you...", Abby said softly. Abby lodged the knife into Katelyn's throat. As if from a horror movie, blood splattered everywhere and everyone began screaming. Abby let go of Katelyn and watched her slump to the ground, dead. Her eyes looked off into the distance as her body grew cold.
Abby looked down at Katelyn; her clothes stained with her blood, and smirked.
"That's what you get, bitch", she smiled.