Elizabeth Maud Meadows is a 27-year-old health centre receptionist who enjoys working on cars, attending museums and eating out. She is gentle and smart, but can also be very untrustworthy and a bit boring.
She is Thai. She started studying medicine at college but never finished the course.
Physically, Elizabeth is slightly overweight but otherwise in good shape. She is short with brown skin, black hair and green eyes.
She grew up in a middle class neighbourhood. She was raised by her father, her mother having left when she was young.
She is currently in a relationship with Jaydon Toni Parker. Jaydon is 8 years older than her and works as a receptionist.
Elizabeth's best friend is a health centre receptionist called Jakub Hernandez. They have a very firey friendship. She also hangs around with Cassandra Reyes and Etta Graham. They enjoy watching television together.