"You're the only one that can save him so take your pick, Evren."
Conditions had been made prior to amendments being made to those. Even more changes had been made to previous ones but at least the necessary actions had been taken.
Looking down at the metallic-looking spheres enclosing his hands, Evren scowled at the modified cuffs that seemed to be custom made just for him. Listening to the clinking of the chains linking the two contraptions together, Evren grit his teeth as the sound managed to trigger a minor headache.
Getting to his feet, he walked towards the other end of the cargo bay but stopped halfway as he heard a gun's safety being taken off. He then looked over his shoulder to see the thing being aimed at him.
"Where do you think you're going, Evren?"
Not letting a sneer cross his features as he turned completely, said person remained the epitome of indifference as he stared at the officer. "I'm just going to the bathroom. If you seriously have to follow, want to help me out?"
"Yeah, I think I'll pass..."
Holding back a snarky remark, Evren proceeded on his way until he was finally out the door. Having a quick look around, he veered down a small corridor before reaching out to touch the door panel located at the end of the hall. Seeing the oppressive device around his hands, he scowled when he found no way of getting the things off himself. His attention then went back to the panel at the door's side before he elbowed the thing. Elbowing it a few more times, he entered the room once the door had open before crossing the small space to get to the younger male stationed on a row of seats.
Kneeling on the floor alongside him, Evren observed Calix's wound. The bleeding had slowed enough, thanks to him using his jacket for makeshift bandages, but the risk of infection soon crept into his mind. 316Please respect copyright.PENANApaKJwMeCoE
Old Polaris wasn't exactly a clean place for the most part, not to mention that the teen had been laying on the ground and who else knew where before he had gotten there.
Reaching up, Evren paused as the small, clinking chain rattled. Looking down at his hands with contempt, he slammed them down on the floor, flinching at the reverberating sound of metal on metal, before doing it again. With no evidence of damage or a possibility of escape, Evren sighed heavily as he dropped his hands in his lap. Leaning forward to rest his head on the seating, he closed his eyes.
"What do you mean he 'went to the bathroom'? There's no bathroom on this carrier!" Footsteps led to the storage room. "Hey!" Evren opened his eyes before looking towards the door. "You're not supposed to be in here." Evren lowered his head once more. "Hey, I'm talking to you!"
Listening to the hurried steps, Evren held up his hands when the officer tried to grab him by the shirt. Looking his way to see the confused expression, Evren lowered his hands in favor of watching Calix.
"It's been a long night, ok? Keep it down. He's resting," he said quietly.
"I don't c-!"
"Keep. It. Down."
The man looked down his nose to see one of the metal spheres resting just below his chin. He took a step back as his hand went for the tazer at his side. "Why you-"
"Don't think about doing anything rash," Evren said as he continued to watch the raven take in staggered breaths.
Feeling a minor yet annoying tickle at his backside, Evren looked over his shoulder to catch a bright, whitish-blue light coming from the electrical charge of the man's device. Turning around slowly, he watched the small bolt before his gaze suddenly snapped towards the man.
Swinging his hands up, Evren watched with satisfaction as the metallic spheres caught the man in the chin. Listening to a grumbled threat, Evren dropped his hands down upon the officer's head. Stepping over the man's body, he then kicked the tazer aside before looking over at the second officer that had initially let him out of his sight. Taking a step in his general direction, he halted midstride when the man pointed his firearm at him.
"You're shaking," Evren said offhandedly as he began to move once more. Coming to a halt in front of him, he raised the weapon to be at head level. "If you're going to shoot me with such a shaky aim, it's better for me to be right in front of you. It would be terrible if you actually missed me, you know, because, if you did, I would be tempted to kill you."
Mismatched eyes then focused on the wedding band on the cop's ring finger. "You got a family, huh?" Taking a step back, he dropped his hands. "I'm guessing, what, two maybe three kids?" He noted the bit of sweat running down the man's brow. "You've never killed anyone before, have you?"
"N-no, I-"
"I'll tell you what you can do. You'll go back to the cargo bay and stay there until we get to our destination."
"That way, if you even move, I won't see you as a threat and try to kill you, ok?" he suggested as he took one step forward to see the other do the opposite. "No offense but your aim worries me. If you were to shoot me, you'd be in trouble. If you were to hit Cal, you'd be fucking dead. If you were to hit the cop…well, I wouldn't mind it too much." He took several more steps until the officer's back bumped into the door. "Now, run along." A bit of ire flashed in the white-haired man's gaze as he watched the man fumble around for a doorknob that wasn't there. "The panel is on your left."
Watching the officer fumble with the buttons before finally the correct combination was entered, Evren walked back over to Calix's side once the man left. Taking a seat alongside the unconscious male, Evren lolled along the wall as he listened to Cal's staggered breaths.
Besides the hum from the turbines, it was going to be relatively quiet with the lack of conversation. Then again, thirty minutes of just silence wasn't too bad as long as Calix kept breathing.
"Stop dragging your feet, Evren!"
Said person shrugged off his escorts before hurrying back to the door in time to see Calix eased onto a bed in the medical bay. Walking into the room, he looked at the stitching being applied to the teen's side before watching as one of the physicians cleaned the area once again with antiseptic.
The doctor had informed him of the numerous splinters that had been left by the item that had caused the injury and had just barely missed some vital organs. Veins and arteries that had been torn had also been seared shut to slow any potential hemorrhaging from happening.
Cal was lucky in other words.
"Let's go!"
Having his shirt snagged, Evren was yanked from the room and dragged down the hallway. Pulling in the opposite direction as he watched one of the doctors walk into the room, syringe in hand, Evren shook off one of the escorts before hurrying back towards the door.
All too soon he was snagged by the back of his shirt. "Let go of me." He pulled harder to hear the collar starting to stretch. "Let go."
He heard something tear before kicking his leg back to catch his captor in the stomach. Turning around to kick him in the chest, he opted in bringing the metal spheres over the man's head. Watching him drop down to one knee, hands on his head, Evren turned to glare at the second escort before advancing towards him. Matching his scowl to the other's, he raised his hands before feeling something jab him in the back of his leg.
Looking down to see a needle being pulled out, Evren turned about completely before sidestepping a punch meant for the back of his head. Keeping his gaze set on the one that had stuck him with the needle, Evren took a step towards him before stomping down on the hand that held the syringe.
A prick to the side of his neck had him look over his shoulder prior to everything suddenly growing hazy. Backpedaling into the wall, Evren stared down out the blurring metal capsules that kept his hands secured.
Sliding down to the floor as the world began to spin; Evren lowered his head before receiving a kick to the side. Being hoisted to his feet soon after, Evren slowly started to sink back down to the floor as he was practically dragged down the hall. It felt familiar, however, as messed up as that might've been.
He'd been drugged and dragged down a hall before.
He remembered that much.
The similarity might've triggered a headache but the man was too out of it to really register the pain. People were talking but he couldn't really decipher what was being said. Everything else after that meshed together before going dark.
Hearing a door opening then closing somewhere in the room, Evren cracked his eyes open to stare down at obnoxiously white flooring. Dragging his gaze up towards the equally colorless wall, he looked up before being blinded by the lighting. Gritting his teeth as he made out the low yet steady hum coming from the fluorescent bulbs, he looked around the room to see no sign of differentiation.
There was nothing on the walls. 316Please respect copyright.PENANAX3CqQZJPHr
There were no windows, no door.
It was just an enclosed space without any form of escape.
Trying to determine the time would prove to be impossible.
Dropping his gaze down to his lap, he finally noticed the white pants that had replaced his jeans prior to the white shirt he had been given. Looking over at his hands, he noticed that each of the metallic spheres had been placed in something similar to a pillar. Getting to his feet, Evren watched as the pillars rose with his movements, yet he could not pull them from their positions. Testing their range of mobility, Evren concluded that he could move in a full circle but not much else.
Taking a knee once more as the annoying low hum of the lighting started getting to him; Evren closed his eyes before hearing the opening and closing of a door. Looking up in time to see the stark contrast of a black suit, Evren clenched his jaw as the man walked around him prior to stopping right in front. Jumping at the man, he couldn't repress the low growl as his arms kept him rooted in place.
"My, my. You have quite the temper today, Evren."
"Where is he?" The other hummed in question. "You know who I'm talking about!"
"Who you're talking-oh. You mean your friend?" Watching the white-haired man as he walked around him, the Director tapped his chin in a thoughtful way. "I'm surprised you're even worried about him. You've never expressed such feelings before, not even for your teammates. Care to tell me why?"
"Where is Calix?" Evren said as he listened to the steps stop. He then sent a glare his way. "You haven't even contacted his guardian yet, have you?" The older male just stood there. "You need to contact his family!"
"What family?"
"What fam-you know what family! You went to his house!"
"Just because he lives there doesn't make that place his house, Evren."
"Call his guardian!"
"I can't."
"Yes, you can!" Evren snapped. "You just won't do it!"
"I don't know his number," he replied as he circled the man.
"Then look it up!"
"There's no point."
"Look it up!"
"There's no point and you know it."
"There's no records on me, Evren. It's not like I have a birth certificate and I don't do well in hospitals... I know how old I am but I only have a rough estimate of when my birthday really is."
"I don't even have any proof that Malecai adopted me. I don't have any proof that he's my…dad. We had to forge some documents just to get me into school." The teen had such a jaded look on his face when he had said that. "Unfortunately, as far as this city is concerned, I don't really exist..."
"He even told you that there weren't any records of him."
"Look him up." There was proof somewhere. "Look him up," Evren said.
"There's no-"
"Bullshit!" Mismatched eyes snapped towards the man. "You call his guardian! I know you know the number. I know you can find it!"
"I can-"
"You managed to find me. If you can find me in such a rundown place then you can find a goddamn number!"
"Well, it wasn't too hard to find you really." Evren narrowed his eyes. "Right before you left, Tyson put a tracker on your jacket."
"I don't believe you."
"Whether you believe me or not, it's the truth," he said as he placed a tiny device down on the tile. "Not only did I know where to find you, I could hear your conversations as well. You chose a very interesting young man to hang out with but I must say that I'm surprised that you didn't want him to know about you being reassigned."
"I'm not being reassigned. I told you already that I quit!"
"Well, I hate to break it to you but you cannot simply quit."
Lunging at the man again, Evren scowled as his restraints did quite well at holding him back. Looking up at the lighting, Evren watched them flicker for a brief moment before receiving a jolt. A glint of surprise flashed along his face before it was replaced with a newfound anger.
"Take these off."
"I wasn't asking."
"And I don't take orders; I give them."
Lunging at the man again, Evren came up short before receiving another jolt. The initial shock didn't hurt him, merely surprised him. It was minor, almost like receiving several shocks from a couple of tazers. The second one, however, was stronger than that and left somewhat of a draining effect.
Pulling at the restraints again, a wince made itself known as he received a series of shocks. Each one was stronger than the last and each one left him feeling more and more drained until he could hardly see straight. Glaring at the man, Evren lurched at the resulting treatment before dropping to one knee. Making out heavy breaths to be his own, he kept his gaze low and to the ground before bowing his head.
"Why are you here?" he questioned.
"I thought it'd be obvious to tell you the truth," came the reply. "I'm here because you said you remember things. I'm a bit curious to see what you remembered."
"Fuck that," Evren spat before jumping at an unexpected shock. "Y-you're...just here to see me s-suffer for disobeying, aren't y-you?"
Shaking his head slowly to clear his head, the white-haired man squeezed his eyes shut for a moment as the familiar draining feeling came again. He then opened his eyes once more as he caught the sound of footsteps walking behind him. Raising his head to look over his shoulder, Evren eyed the Director curiously before watching as he keyed in a code once a wall panel had slid aside. Turning around completely, Evren gradually got to his feet as he watched the older man continue to key in codes.
"Tell me one of the things you remember, Evren." Said person glowered. "Is that a no?"
With no answer, the Director pressed a flashing green button before listening to a sharp cry. Looking over his shoulder to see his subordinate hunched over, he entered another code before pressing the button to receive an even sharper cry than the last.
The other hummed in question before looking back to see the younger male twitching. "Do we feel like talking?" Evren collected himself before blowing hair out of his face. "Still no?"
Turning a small dial, the Director pressed the flashing button before hearing a scream. Looking over his shoulder, he watched as the once quiet male dropped to one knee before slouching forward.
"E-enough," Evren stammered.
"Are we in a talking mood now?"
Sliding the dial a bit higher, amber eyes caught the mismatched ones that were peeking through the disheveled hair before losing sight of them as the owner lowered his head. The Director then looked up as he heard the crackling sound of electricity.
The lights flickered once before going out. They came back on several seconds later before the sound of heavy panting was drowned out the annoying hum of the lights. Focusing on Evren once more, the Director walked over to stand before the man that was doubled over. Tilting his head, he lifted the man's chin with the toe of his shoe before moving it to watch Evren's head fall back down onto the tile. Watching him for a moment, the man walked out the room before stopping in the hallway.
Said person popped to attention. "Sir?"
"I have an assignment for you."
Looking around at the blank walls, Tyson turned his attention back towards his subordinate that was still out cold. Making out the thin wisps of smoke that still continued to emanate off of the pale man even after a couple hours, Ty combed his fingers through colorless tresses.
Heavy breaths had long since settled. The subtle twitches of muscle had subsided but there were a couple every now and then.
Red eyes studied the white clothes that were rather unbecoming for the quieter male. He looked like a prisoner, or rather some kind of experiment, what with the way his hands were secured by the pillars that currently rested in the floor.
The whole scene left a bad taste in his mouth.
Hearing the man groan, Ty brushed his hair aside to see his brow furrowing slightly before he started to open his eyes. As the man slowly trailed his eyes towards him, Tyson presented a bottle of water and aspirin.
"You need to take this."
"...no, don'...wanna."
"Evren." Said person lowered his gaze before shaking his head. "Evren."
Pinching the bridge of his nose Tyson popped the pill in his mouth before taking a swig from the water bottle. Grabbing the man's chin, he tilted his head back before pressing his lips against the other's. There was a bit of a fight but the raven was able to get the man to swallow down the medicine he had given him.
"Evren." He received a bated stare as aforementioned slowly sat up, eyes dull yet still somewhat alert. "Evren, you mentioned some...things a while ago. Some things pertaining to what you said in old Polaris."
Tyson nodded once before lightly patting him on the cheek as his eyes started to close. "Hey, c'mon. Stay with me for a bit, ok? Can you tell me what you meant when you said you remembered things? What did you mean?"
"…wanna know…"
Ty nodded. "Tell me."
"Don' wanna know."
Massaging the side of his head, Ty focused on Evren once he started to sag forward. "Evren, listen to me, ok? I want you to tell me what you know."
"Don't tell me no," Tyson groused as he tilted the other's head up. "You're leaving tomorrow. You could at least try to leave on a better note."
"...don't wanna go," Evren murmured before lowering his gaze. "Let me go."
"Wait, what?"
"Let me go," he repeated as he looked up. "Let-"
"Evren, listen. I need you to tell m-"
"Tyson!" Gauging the man's reaction, Evren pulled away from him before lifting his hands. "Please?" He gradually got to his feet before sinking back down to the floor. "I can't do this anymore. I can't. Please let me go."
"I…you know I can't do that, Evren."
"Ty, please?" Red eyes averted themselves. "Ty-"
Aforementioned looked over his shoulder before standing up as his boss walked in. "Sir?"
"Come with me."
Following after the man, Tyson looked back to see the white-haired man scowling before even that expression turned into a more forlorn one.
He faced forward the moment the door slid shut. "Sir."
"You were in there for some time. Were you able to find out anything?"
Tyson lowered his gaze. "No, sir."
"I see…"
"I could go back and-"
"That won't be necessary," the Director said dismissively. "You did your best though your best wasn't good enough."
"My apologies, sir."
"It matters not. It won't hold much importance soon enough but I do have something else for you to do. Go check on our guest and see that he is doing alright."
"The brat?"
"I believe his name is Calix but, yes, that would be the one. He should be in the north infirmary wing."
"That is an order, Tyson," he said. "I'll be by shortly for a report and to see him myself. That will be all."
Bowing at the waist, Ty stood straight when he heard the door slide shut. Staring at the barrier, he took a step back before walking down the empty corridor. An unsettling sound then caught his attention though it quieted as quickly as it had begun. Stopping at the end of hall as he made the sound out to be a sharp, painful cry, Tyson looked back down at the only door in the passageway.
This particular hall had always been vacant of personnel for questionable reasons and Tyson was pretty sure he just found out the reason for why it was.
Exiting the hall the moment another scream managed to make its way down the corridor, Tyson walked out the last door before locking it behind him.
"I can't do this anymore. I can't. Please let me go."
The expression on Evren's face when he had said it was one that definitely did not suit him. If anything, it managed to send a shiver down the raven's back. Despite his discomfort, he still had a task that needed to be done.
Making his way down to the north wing infirmary, Ty couldn't hide the growing scowl on his face. He was tasked with checking in on the teen that had gotten Evren in so much trouble in the first place. He couldn't figure out what pissed him off more though.
Was it the fact that Evren had always mentioned his name nonstop during his headaches? Was it the fact that he had refused disclose any information for the sake of that person? Or was it that the white-haired man had so willingly came along for the sake of Calix in general?
Whatever it was, it just pissed him off and it showed by the time he got to the designated location.
"Hey, where's Calix?" he asked one of the personnel.
"Well what?
"Well, you see, he kind of…he's kind of…missing?"
"Are you asking or telling me this?" Ty questioned.
"Um, t-telling," she replied.
"Do pray tell how one loses a goddamn teenager in a police headquarters."
"You see, he kind of-"
"I don't want an answer; I just want him found!"
"Right away."
Watching her run off to relay the message, Tyson pinched the bridge of his nose before promising himself a drink once he returned to his quarters. Stopping in front of the teen's room, Tyson poked his head in to see an empty yet messy area. Stepping over the IV and medicine tray, Ty noticed how most of the teen's things were still present.
Walking back out into the hall, he walked past the panicking staff and made his way down the next corridor. Poking his head into a few rooms, he slowed his pace as he noticed the smallest dot of red on the tile. Looking around, he spotted a small smear on a couple of doorframes. Following the trail, he stopped in front of one of the unoccupied rooms they facility used for medical storage. Opening the door, the raven took a step inside before flipping on the lights.
Not seeing anything out of place to his right, Tyson looked to his left to see what looked like a barricade of medical beds and sheets. Walking over to it, he pulled aside the top layer of sheets before tossing them over his shoulder when there was nothing hidden below. Turning around, he caught the top half of the staff swung at him before brushing it aside. Dodging another swing, he swung his leg out, catching his opponent off guard. Snatching the end of the metal weapon, Ty pulled it free of the other's grasp before pointed the other end at the younger male's throat.
"You do how dumb it is to attack a fucking officer, right?" He was met with a glare. "I'm really not in the mood to play with some brat," Tyson growled as he pulled Calix up by the front of his shirt. He then pulled the staff out of reach as Cal made a grab for it. "I can already tell you're going to be a pain in the ass."
"Give that back," Cal ordered as he lunged forward.
Sidestepping the raven, Tyson grabbed the back of his shirt to keep him from falling over the stationed equipment. "How are you still moving so much? You fell five freaking stories."
"Give. It. Back!"
Receiving a kick to the stomach, Ty let go before swinging the staff against his better judgment. He wasn't expecting the teen to catch it, yet alone collapse thing to hit him upside the head with it. Stumbling back, he glowered before rubbing the side of his head. As the other went to attack him again, Tyson stepped around him in favor of elbowing him in the side. A sound of discomfort made him halt in attacking again before he took a step back, watching Cal lean up against the wall. Noticing the growing red stain on his clothing, Tyson stepped towards him before having a fully extended staff being pointed his way.
Glancing at the weapon then its wielder, Tyson grabbed the end of the staff and pulled back on it, yanking the other along with it. Swatting the staff aside right after, he wrapped his arm around the younger man's midsection before the other started to struggle. Wrestling the other to the floor, Ty pinned Calix down, glaring at him the entire time before securing both of his hands. Once that was done, Tyson lifted the teen's shirt to see the bleeding wound that had once been sewn shut.
Observing it a bit longer, Tyson looked up at the teen's face to see him slowly starting to lose his defiant glare. That then transitioned to something more along the lines of unconsciousness.
Looking around the room, Ty grabbed a roll of bandages and began wrapping the teen's side quickly yet carefully before tapped him none to gently on the cheek.
"Hey, wake up." Brown eyes cracked openly somewhat before they began to close again. "Hey, I said to wake the hell up!" Tyson snapped as he tapped his hand on the teen's cheek. "Wake up!"
Snapping to attention, Tyson watched as the Director walked inside looking at the restrained, yet unconscious teen. Watching as the man tapped his cheek, Ty shifted awkwardly before his eyes snapped forward.
"Sir, he was-"
"Bring him back to the room."
"Yes, sir." Placing the teen on a stretcher, Ty wheeled him out as he followed behind his employer. "Sir?"
"What is it, Tyson?"
"Um, about Evren-"
"Focus on getting this one to the medic room. It'll be troublesome if he were to bleed out."
"Yes, sir, but-"
"Focus on your task at hand and get him to one of the doctors now, Tyson."
"Right away, sir."
Pushing the raven back down the hall, Ty hurried Cal back into the room to see a few of the staff already there. Turning him over to them, he then hurried out to see that the Director was no longer around. With that in mind, he hurried out of the infirmary ward and headed back to the lone hall that was usually off limits.
Reaching for the door, he froze as an unsettling chill traveled up his spine. Steeling himself, he exhaled steady before pushing the door open to look around. Stepping inside the lonely corridor, he began walking down the white-tiled path, feeling even more on edge due to the echoing sound of his footsteps. Tyson then stopped altogether as he picked up on a sudden scream.
The lights flickered in the hallway momentarily before the sound came again.
Hurrying to the only other door in the area, Ty tried pulling the door open only to see that it was locked. He then tried keying in a random code.
It didn't work.
Pressing his hand against the metal barrier as another sharp cry manage to seep through the door, Tyson tried burning his way through, simply to have the metal heat up the cool rapidly.
He wasn't getting in in other words.
As the third scream reached his ears he pounded his fist on the door before kicking the thing. He repeated his actions though he gained no results and he stopped when his foot actually started to hurt.
"Let me go. Please...just please...?"
Having his thoughts interrupted by a fourth pained sound,Tyson went to punch the door again prior to looking over his shoulder as he sensed a rather disturbing and intimidating presence.
Lowering his hand, he turned around completely when he amber eyes narrowed to a certain degree before going deadpan.
"Tyson." The name alone sent a nerve-wracking sensation down his back. "You better have hell of a reason for being here."
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