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The sedan drove down the lonely dusty road as it approached it's destination. It's occupants were federal agents Bauer and Kephart. They were tasked with bringing in a Carl Mason. Mason was employed at a privately operated science lab. While working at the lab he was inadvertently exposed to some form of radiation. This traumatic accident led to a violent altercation with several residents that spiraled out of control. The local Sheriff attempted to arrest Mason, but he and his deputies were unable to detain him and were injured in the process. Mason was believed to have retreated to an old abandon ranch outside of town. At the bequeath of the Sheriff, a friend of agent Bauer, asked for his assistance in apprehending Mason.
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“So what do you think?” Agent Bauer asked Agent Kephart. “I think this Mason is just some yokel strung out on drugs, with the accident exacerbating the situation.” Answered Kephart. “Well the Sheriff did say he seemed alarmingly strong and fast.” Replied Bauer. But Kephart only shook his head. “You have an old Sheriff who should have retired 10 years ago that likely has rarely seen any real action in this isolated little town. If you ask me this whole thing is bullshit.” Snapped Kephart. “Well the locals seem to back what...” But before Agent Bauer could finish his sentence Agent Kephart dismissively held up his hand.
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The agents finally arrived at a neglected ranch in a state of disrepair. The ranch was bathed in the warm hazy glow of the sun and surrounded by loneliness. Stepping out of their car the agents were greeted with a hot dusty breeze. They walked towards their destination as the dry earth cracked under their feet and sweat ran down their backs. They cautiously approached a warped front door that was gently banging against its foundation.
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The agents were about to throw open the door when Kephart drew his weapon. Bauer motioned with his hand for Kephart to holster his gun. But Kephart only shook his head as he kicked the door open. “Carl Mason, we are federal agents Kephart and Bauer. You are under arrest. Show yourself and surrender.” Shouted Kephart. The men spread out as they scanned the interior of the old ranch.
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The inside of the ranch was a cluttered up mess. Broken bottles, shotgun shells, and a general assortment of garbage was strewn about the dusty dirty floor. The kitchen was in even worse condition. With a decaying kitchen island, a rusty oven with the door hanging open, and a refrigerator that had some awful pungent odor emanating from it.
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The living room contained a couple of tables, one which was over turned and missing a leg. A beat up old couch was shoved up against the wall. Sleeping bags and newspaper littered the floor. The curtains were drawn but somewhat torn up, allowing for the sunlight to trickle through.
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The agents continued to cautiously sweep the area when suddenly they heard movement, a creaking noise coming from above. Heavy footsteps could be heard over head as dust trickled down from the ceiling with each step. The agents raised their weapons in anticipation of confronting Carl Mason.
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But after several seconds of hearing no more movement, agent Kephart was about to voice another verbal command. Suddenly the front door slammed hard into its foundation, startling and distracting the agents. And when they turned back around there was Carl Mason standing in front of them.
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His appearance was a bit unkempt and he looked liked he hadn't slept for a couple of days. Clad in nothing more than a T-shirt, jeans, and work boots. He stood calmly in front of the agents with his hands down at his sides. Agent Kephart aimed his weapon on Mason. “Hands up! You are under arrest!” Mason complied, slowly raising his hands up. Kephart motioned for Bauer to cuff him. But when Bauer approached, Mason stepped back and shook his head. Kephart again raised he weapon at Mason. “Get down on the ground, now!” He shouted.
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“You are not taking me in.” Mason said firmly. “I will shoot you”! Shouted Kephart. But Mason only stood still and slowly brought his hands down. “Kephart aimed his weapon at Mason and fired two rounds. But from only 10 feet away he missed Mason, because Mason wasn't there. The rounds embedded themselves into the far wall. And Mason was now standing right beside Kephart!
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Before the shocked agent could even react Mason struck Kephart so hard he sent him flying into the kitchen wall, striking it with such force it caved in. Kephart slumped over knocked out cold and likely injured as well. Mason was now in possession of Kephart's firearm.
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Mason stood right next to Bauer as he examined the gun. “Nice, so you guys use Glock 17's now?” He mused in a nonchalant tone. Bauer moved to draw his weapon, but Mason was quick to respond. “I wouldn't do that agent.” said Mason. After seeing what happened to Kephart, Bauer stopped and moved his hand away from his holster.
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Bauer cautiously stepped back from Mason. “Look, we don't want any trouble, we just need to take you in. I understand you just experienced a traumatic event. Now if...” But Bauer was cut off by Mason's guffaw. “No agent you don't understand. You have no idea what I went through!” Mason replied sharply. “But I will say the experience has changed me, enhanced me if you will.” “What do you mean exactly?” Asked Bauer.
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Mason walked into the center of the living room. “Well to put it plainly it seems I now possess super human speed and strength. You saw what I did to your partner over there, didn't you? Asked Mason. “Yes I did.” Responded Bauer. “I have been contemplating this new... me. Initially I was certainly in a bit of shock and noticeably shaken. However since I have been hiding out here I have been mulling over my new abilities, wondering what their limitations might actually be.” Said Mason.
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“Mason, you could be ill. The exposure to the radiation may have very likely caused some sort of physical damage to your body you cannot see or initially feel.” Mason nodded his head as he again began to speak. “ I have thought about that as well, and while I am no doctor I simply will not seek medical attention, as doing so would effectively mean turning myself in.”
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“You leave me no choice.” Said Bauer as he reached for his weapon. “I have to take you in.” But before agent Bauer could even draw out his weapon Mason responded with indiscernible speed. He snatched the gun from him as he reached into a now empty holster. Mason held the weapon in front of Bauer and crushed into a ball with his bare hands, before returning it into the hands of the dumbfounded agent.
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After a moment of silence Mason spoke again. “I am leaving here agent.” Mason said quietly. But as Mason got ready to leave Bauer spoke up. “But wait! These powers, these abilities you possess. You could learn more about them. With the help of scientific study! Just think of the potential, the possibilities. You could be some sort of hero!” Gasped Bauer with breathless desperation in his voice.
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That last sentence stopped Carl Mason dead in his tracks. “A hero?” Quipped Mason in a amused tone. “I have worked at that lab as a low level employee for several years agent Bauer. And I can tell you that many of the scientists who are employed there put their work and research above all else. Bribing their way through legalities, skirting their way around any morals and principles in the name of scientific discovery, as well as promoting their own personal advancement and notoriety. All the while scoffing in the face of ethics and those they feel are below them, those like me that they hold in utter contempt. I have over heard many of their conversations regarding test subjects. To them I would be nothing more than another lab rat to poke and prod.
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Agent Bauer vigorously shook his head. “There are laws, they cannot do just what ever they want, especially to a human” “Yes agent you are right there are laws.” Began Mason. “But I shouldn't have to remind you that there are those of us who are above them. I now have a unique opportunity countless people would be envious of, I no longer have to answer to anyone. I find myself in a position of incredible power. Do you have any idea how invigorating that is for someone as lowly as me?
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But agent Bauer could think of nothing to say, and only continued to listen. “What's more I feel a growing sense of awareness, it is like I have been awakened. A clairvoyance seems to almost guide me now, now that I am no longer bound by anything. It is an exhilarating feeling agent Bauer, especially for a simple man like myself.”
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Carl Mason walked over to the far wall in the living room. With a seemingly innocuous swing of his arm he demolished it and then causally stepped through the gaping hole he created. “Take care agent Bauer.” And with that Carl Mason was gone.
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Agent Bauer turned to help his now conscious partner. Kephart winced as Bauer helped him to his feet. “Where is Mason?” Kephart asked. “He got away.” Bauer replied flatly. “Got away!?” Shouted Kephart through a pain filled scowl. But agent Bauer simply pointed to the demolished wall. The two men walked over to the large hole in the wall and peered through it into the dusk filled emptiness.
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