"That was a good move, Arven," Penny admitted, approaching him. "That man had suspicious written all over his face."
"Are you sure?" Nemona asked. "I thought he was rather charming. And did you see that Pokémon with him? Cuteness overload!"
"Says the girl who refused to battle the Future Pokémon." Penny glowered at her. "And made Scarlet fight that Iron Moth all by herself."
Instantly, Nemona shut down and rested her hand on Meowscarada's pokéball. It wasn't long until she shook her head and changed the subject. "So, this is the future? It doesn't look too different from the present."
Penny scratched her ear like Sada. "We probably have to visit a town or city to confirm. I'm sure Rotom can tell us."
That was when things went hectic.
Sada looked up from her injured arm and questioned, "Ar-Arven? I don't feel good."
"Mom?" Arven said. "What's wrong?" He noticed that Sada slumped forward, and her pupils widened like she had a concussion. He dropped to his knees and held two fingers up to her. "How many fingers am I holding up?"
"I-I don't know," she answered. "Six?"
Arven jumped back when her computer spoke up. "AI Sada battery low. 20% remaining."
"Battery?" Oh gosh, Arven wished he hadn't heard that.
His friends and the Pokémon surrounded Sada like a group who had just seen a murder.
Penny scanned Sada with her phone and said, "Sada, your battery is dying. Do you have anything that can recharge it?"
"Recharge?" Arven squeaked, sounding like a Pichu.
Penny glanced at him. "She's an AI, Arven. She's battery-powered."
Arven stumbled. A few sweat drops ran down his temples.
"I have Sandy Shocks." Sada's voice changed to a slow, robotic one. "He recharges me. Right pocket, Penny."
Penny reached into Sada's right coat pocket, but Arven shouted, "Get your hands off her!" He shoved her away from Sada. The force with which he did knocked off Penny's glasses.
"Ow!" Sada bellowed.
"Penny!" Nemona said. She and Scarlet hurried to her and helped her sit.
"For Pete's Sake, Arven, I'm trying to help her!" Penny snapped. She felt around for her glasses.
Scarlet found them and handed them to her.
A white light flashed from Sada's pocket. Before Arven and his friends knew it, Sandy Shocks stood beside her.
It did not look that much different from Magneton. It still had three magnets, one eye each, in a triangle-like format. Two horseshoe-like magnets were under the bottom two Magnemites. They allowed the Pokémon to trek across the land. Gray, fuzzy features covered the ends of the horseshoes, as well as the ends of the top Magnemite.
Miraidon approached Sada and Sandy Shocks and flipped up Sada's hair, revealing a silver USB plug on the back of her neck.
Sandy Shocks stretched one of its bottom magnets with the fuzz and latched onto the plug like a leech.
A buzzing sound was heard. Sada stopped twitching and shut down. A deadpan expression engulfed her face, and her eyes widened.
"Oh... gosh." Gagging, Arven hid behind his hands. "I'm gonna be sick."
"Arven," Penny said, "I know this is hard to watch. Why don't you get some fresh air, and we'll care for her?"
She did not have to ask Arven twice. He covered his mouth and sprinted for a small stream, which wasn't far from him and his friends. It hid behind a few more patches of tall grass. He pushed through them and vomited into the stream. It changed from clear to murky, and fish Pokémon quickly swam away.
Mabosstiff came out of his pokéball. He looked at the stream and then at Arven.
He lifted his head and rubbed his eyes. "I-I can't watch that, Ma-Mabosstiff," he stuttered. "My mom." Watching Sandy Shocks plug itself into her was one of the most disgusting things he had ever seen. Why did his mom have to be an android?
"It's not fair," Arven said, punching the ground. "Why? Why?"
A voice spoke behind him. "Arven, I'm sorry you had to see that." Penny approached him and hooked her fingers behind her.
"You're sorry?" Arven inquired. "I'm sorry I pushed you." He stood and faced his friend.
"You were scared—I understand," she said. "But... Arven, your grief is worsening."
"I'm not grieving," Arven repeated. "I just need to let this sink in, and then I'm going to find my dad and destroy Infrared." He had watched Sada suffer long enough.
Penny shrugged. "You can't."
"What do you mean I can't?" Arven thought his friends were supposed to support him and his decisions, especially regarding family.
Although she was a little frustrated, Penny kept her cool. "Because Sada is bound to Infrared—meaning that if you destroy it, you destroy her."
"What?" Why didn't Penny tell Arven this before? He ran his fingers through his hair and thought about the lab Kenji mentioned. "Okay, then I'll take her to the lab and get that Kenji dude to fix her."
"The only thing Kenji will do at that lab is turn her into a robot. A real robot," Penny explained. "You heard him. He wants her to interact with other AIs. Not humans, but AIs."
"So, what are you saying?" Arven did not like where this was going.
Penny sighed before she answered, "Your mom is dying. Your AI mom, to be exact."
"What are you saying?" Arven asked again. His face whitened.
"That she cannot fight Infrared much longer," Penny said. "Once it takes control of her, which it will, she will become a battle machine. This is what your dad wants. He's deceiving you, Arven, and he's using Sada as bait."
Arven's vocal cords seized up, and his breathing intensified. "No, no, you're wrong, Penny. I don't get deceived."
"But you are." Penny crossed her arms. "I would not be surprised if Kenji works for Turo. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if he's an android himself, and Turo sent him after you to kill you."
A volcano erupted from Arven's head. Its ash turned into rivers of tears that rolled down his cheeks like lava. "You're wrong! I know my dad is psycho, but he wouldn't straight up murder me."
Penny reached for his shoulder. "Please listen to me. I know how the world of machines works. I'm just trying to protect you." Right there, she drew back and blushed again.
Snot dripped from Arven's nose. "I don't need your protection. I'm sixteen years old!"
"You're sixteen, and you're grieving," Penny growled. "It's the perfect opportunity for Turo to deceive you."
"So you're saying I'm weak?"
"No! I'm saying that your mental health is not good right now."
"I'm not being deceived!" Arven rubbed his nose. "I'm going to the lab, and I'm going to fix my mom. Once I do, we'll take my dad down together."
"But he'll kill you!" For once, there was genuine worry in Penny's voice. It was strange because she usually hid her emotions well. A tear ran down her cheek. "Arven, please, don't do this." She shook her head. "I can't lose you."
I can't...? Did Penny have a crush on Arven? He certainly didn't have a crush on her, right?
Penny corrected herself. "I mean, Turo's pulling you into a trap, and we can't let you fall for it—all because you're obsessed with your already dead mom."
"I've had enough, Penny," Arven choked out. "You're trying to take my mom away from me. You're no better than my father."
"I'm just trying to help you accept death." Penny hiccupped through her tears. "If Scarlet did it, so can you."
"I'm going to fix her, and you're not going to stop me," Arven said. "I'm not gonna have some random Pokémon latch onto her like she's a host."
"What... do you mean?" Penny leaped to the side when Arven sprinted by her.
"Woof!" Mabosstiff barked.
Arven returned to the others and screeched to a halt at the sight of Nemona and Scarlet holding Sada up. "What... are... you... doing... to... her?" he shrieked.
"Whoa, Arven!" Nemona said, but Arven did not let her say anything else.
He went to Sada and ripped Sandy Shocks out of her USB plug. Elbowing Nemona and Scarlet away, he tossed her onto Miraidon's back. "We're leaving right now!" Arven yelled. He mounted Miraidon and sat down behind his slumped-over mom. She still had her deadpan expression.
Penny and Mabosstiff rushed onto the scene.
Still crying, Penny said, "Get him away from her!"
"No!" Arven kicked his legs. "Please, no."
"Arven, you're going to electrocute yourself!" Penny screamed. "She needs to recharge!"
Scarlet and Nemona lugged Arven off Miraidon, who bucked with fear, and dragged him away from him and Sada.
Arven's heels bounced over a few rocks in the tall grass. Dirt splashed onto his vest and face. He fought his friends with everything he had and yelped, "No! I want my mom! Don't take her from me! Mom!"
Nemona pushed him into Mabosstiff, and Scarlet let him go.
She and Penny worked together to calm Miraidon. Penny's hands shook the whole time they did.
Once Miraidon stopped bucking and calmed down, Scarlet hugged Penny.
Sobbing, Arven dug his cheek into Mabosstiff's neck and stared at Sandy Shocks.
It circled Sada a few times to make sure she was okay, then plugged itself back into her.
Nemona rubbed Arven's back and whispered. "Shh, shh. You're okay, Arven. You're okay."
But Arven knew he wasn't.