Once there lived a rich young man in a beautiful mansion, even though he had everything his heart desired the young man was spoiled, selfish and unkind making his servants give him whatever he wanted by his orders where he did whatever he wanted whenever he wanted not caring about the feelings of others.
One Stormy night a old women came to the young man’s mansion offering him a rose to seek shelter from the storm.
Despised by her haggard appearance the young man sneered at the rose and told the old women to leave but the women told not to be turn down beauty that’s found within. When he slammed the door on her the old women’s ugliness melted away to become a beautiful enchantress. The young man begged for forgiveness but it was too late. For she could see that there was no love in his heart so he transformed him into a hideous Draconequus and put a spell on the Manson and everyone in it.
Despised by his monsterous form the Draconequus locked himself inside his mansion and no longer called himself by his true human name but that of a monster.
The rose she offers him was simply an enchanted rose that’ll bloom on his 25th year, if he could learn to love another and earn her love back in return, the spell would be broken, if not, he’ll be doomed to remain a Draconequus at all time. As the years passed he fell into grief and lost all hope. For who could ever learn to love a Draconequus.