I know not what I am; all I know is that I have been placed as an observer. Of what you might ask? For me to answer that I would first need to possess the answer. I do not know why I have been placed here – being an observer is my best guess. I can only observe a certain distance to my left and right, not very far in front and also not behind me - not much to observe, I know. But, from this little view, I have seen the world go by. Each day some things remain the same but never has there gone a day by that something new has not shown, even if it is only one new face. The one thing that never changes is the three colours that alter rhythmically all day and night. It did not take long to realise these colours played a specific role in managing the movements of the beings that came into my view. Nor did I have to contemplate long before I could determine each colour's role. When the red light shines, the beings in their moving machines stop, when the light turns yellow they slow down or quickly cross before the red light activates, when the light turns green they all move forward or turn. I assume there are other contraptions like mine that surround me; in fact, I am quite certain. In the corners of my vision, I can see a long structure which also has machines stop and pass it. Another indication is when the world turns dark I can see the colours lighten the road in front of them. I do not know if there are others like me in those structures. I have tried calling out, but nothing in return. I assume that I am observing an intelligent civilisation where these colour-coordinated structures rule a portion of their lives - they must follow its orders or pay the consequences. If they know that I am in there, I hope they do not think that I carry out these punishments. When they break the rules and are punished – sometimes it seems they are able to avoid it – I wish I could close my eyes; especially when the punishment is severe.
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Despite this, there are things that bring a smile to my face. As I have said, some things are witnessed multiple times – mostly due to the schedule many beings seem to follow and because of that, I see many faces repeatedly. The joy it brings me when I see them stop in front of me; they all seem to be living unique lives. It is good they think so, otherwise, they might see the world as I do. Some of these beings have smaller versions of themselves. I assume it is their young; seeing as they are far smaller and seem happier than their older versions. The latter distinction is slightly grey, this is because there are many older beings who seem to be filled with joy – most stare blankly ahead. Do they arrive at different locations? There must be some difference between these beings, otherwise, they would all be content, dress in a similar fashion and operate similar machines. In fact, some seem to possess no machine at all, and their clothes seem far less attractive than other beings I see wandering without machines. I can only then assume that there is a sort of hierarchy amongst them. How this is chosen I do not know. I am sure you have guessed by now that there are more assumptions generated from these observations than facts – but what do you expect, all I know is that I see nothing before and nothing after only the now. I am not even sure how I possess the ability to speak a language. Actually, that could not even be true. How do I know I speak a language when there is no one to understand? Even you, understand nothing, all squashed up against the barrier that keeps me and the light in. Soon you will disappear as well, due to various phenomena that occur at random. A sort of mixture that blurs everything and slides off the barrier rather effortlessly. Other phenomena that shake my prison viscously at times. Sometimes the substance that falls becomes hard and hammers at the top of my head. These phenomena range in severity.
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The life I live is not as bad as you might think. The beings I observe bring, at times, a pleasant joy every day. There are a few that I have grown fond of: a mother and child arrive in front of me at the same time every morning chatting away and, what I assume, playing a sort of game. They would point in the distance – at times I can see that it was a small coloured machine with an odd structure. These machines would vary in colour but every time one was spotted, the spotter would lightly strike their hand against the other's shoulder. Quite amusing I must say, to see their faces when the other spots the machine first. Another such amusing being is a young woman who wears the same clothes as many of the other children – younger or of the same age - I see in the mornings. Whenever she stops in front of me her machine is always loud with noise – at times it even seems to be bouncing. She is always moving around and screaming, I think, along with the noise. On her own, she is already funny to look at but one of the more laugh-inducing things is the other beings that witness her crazed behaviour. Many of them stare in disbelief, some seem rather unhappy about the loud noise and others seem to scream along. Waiting to see what reactions that morning holds, seems to be one of my little morning games. There are many more but mentioning them all would take up all the time I have with you until you disappear as said before.
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I do enjoy having a listener, it makes the light fade quicker until darkness arrives. At times I enjoy the darkness, it is quiet and beautiful and, each event stands on its own, receiving my full attention. Soon you will see what I mean; the light is fading, giving off a similar yellow colour that my light projects. I do hope tonight’s events will be joyous – unfortunately, they seldom are.
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As you can see, my squashed friend, there are not many beings or machines at this time, however, when there are, they are far different than those seen in the day. For one, many of the machines no longer drive in straight lines, swerving left and right. Nor do they drive as slowly, in fact, many of them break the laws governed by this world: the red light is no longer obeyed. Besides the machines, the beings themselves act differently. These beings are those that I mentioned as possessing less attractive clothes and behaving in depressing manners – they evoke much sorrow. Look a the one lying under the tree, he shivers and coughs all night only holding a bottle up every now and then. When the light comes, he will stand up and move between the machines interacting with the beings in them. Others seem to acquire substances from beings on the side: small packets of powder that transform their mind. Women with long hair and slender bodies enter into machines owned by some of the men I observe in the day; they return to the corner a while later…I wonder where they go. Ah! Do you hear that? It is the same energetic noise played by that young girl. She has been alone in the morning recently – I assume her older parent no longer needs to play observer like me – yet I do not recall her ever paying me a visit at this time. Oh, how splendid! I see her machine approaching, she is heading my way at a speed she never uses, and her music is far louder than ever. I wish my light did not turn green so that she could stop, and I could smile a little longer. But wait, what is this? I can see the lights of a machine to my left, the lights grow brighter at an alarming speed. This machine’s light is red, yet I hear or see no sign of slowing. No, oh please no! I have seen this many times – in this world, laws can only be broken so many times before they enforce justice. Stop little girl! Please, stop! I know they can't hear me but maybe I shout louder than ever. STOP! STOP! There must be a way. Oh, please great prison of mine, change colours, make her stop. I do not want to see this…her car has crossed…and so has the other.
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The noise has stopped. Silence has taken authority, the law has been broken and this time punishment was dealt, but to who? Indeed, I observed this world as having laws and consequences; however, what I don’t understand and may never, is that the consequences are sometimes unfair. Many times, the being who broke the law does not face the most severe punishment, rather – from the limited point of view I have – I observe no punishment at all. The two machines in front of me are still, not a movement can be seen. Finally, a man exits the guilty machine; he stumbles as he walks and gazing at the other machine's front, vomits. He climbs back in his machine and leaves my friend motionless, the red on her face becomes illuminated when my prison radiates red. When the light comes, there will be no joyous sounds, no smile-generating reactions. I observe an unfair world, a world with one less friend.