“Sanosuke with the zanbato. Zanza for short,” Sanosuke said. The zanbato is a giant sword used to take down a horse and its rider in one go. It’s a type of katana and is really heavy. Because of its size, no one is known to have ever been able to use it completely. “It’s an antique from the Onin struggle, so it’s not in perfect shape anymore. Even though they call it a blade, it has no edge at all. I can only use it to smash and crush,” Sanosuke mentioned.
“I will face you with this,” my brother responded, drawing his sword. “But then you probably already knew that much from your research.”
“Yes. Let me give you some advice. Let go of your ideas about sparing lives or else...you’ll die!” Sanosuke exclaimed as he charged at Kenshin. Woah. He can move fast for carrying a weapon like that. He then slammed the zanbato into the ground. My brother disappeared momentarily, only his now broken sheath left behind. Kaoru has a worried look but I knew he was ok. Not even a second later, he reappeared behind his opponent and struck him in the side. That blow sent Sanosuke flying into the ground.
“Of course! No matter how big his zanbato is, it doesn’t matter if he can’t hit! It’s an easy win for Kenshin!” Yahiko said excitedly.
“While I don't doubt my brother’s gonna win this, Sanosuke won’t go down that easy. Look,” I pointed out as he stood up.
“You are worthy of your legend. I’m glad. A true fight isn’t like a sword duel. The better swordsman doesn’t always win. The winner is the one who remains standing!” Sanosuke stated confidently.
“Such a line should not be spoken until you are the last one standing,” Kenshin replied.
“Then let’s go! Round two!” he exclaimed as he attacked again. However my brother dodged it and jumped on top of the weapon.
“The zanbato’s size limits it to a few modes of attack. Swinging down or swiping sideways. Very easy to read. This isn’t just the second round, it’s the final round!” he exclaimed as he counter attacked. He hit Sanosuke hard, but the guy was still standing. “One isn’t enough for you, Zanza. So then,” Kenshin said before hitting him multiple times with amazing speed. That’s the Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu: Ryusosen, also known as Dragon’s Nest Strike. “Any more would be
meaningless. Any desire to cross swords with you is gone. Please, accept your defeat,” my brother said as Sanosuke lied on the ground.
Suddenly, after a few moments, Sanosuke’s rage was back. “I can’t lose. Not...to the men who made captain Sagara and the Sekiho army bear the evil mark of Aku. I will not lose!” he said. The Sekiho Army! I heard of them. They were called a false army for making fake promises to get farmers to side with them during the Revolution. The Imperialists caught on and executed the members, even though they were on the same side.
“Die, Battosai!” Kihei suddenly exclaimed, taking out a gun and shot at my brother.
“Kenshin!” Kaoru cried out worriedly, but when he regained his stance, we could clearly see that he blocked the bullet with the guard of his sword. I smiled.
“You read the path and blocked the bullet! Well then, how about this?” Kihei said as he turned the gun on Kaoru, Yahiko, and me. I protectively stepped in front of my friends, glaring at him. “Gohei, make sure they don’t get away!” Kihei ordered.
“But we don’t have any rope or…”
“Then break their legs!”
“Oh yeah. You’re a clever one, brother!” Gohei said as he approached us with a smirk. I drew my sword.
“Kaoru, Yahiko. Run. I’ll keep him busy,” I said.
“No way! I can help!” Yahiko replied.
“I can’t...my legs…” Kaoru said nervously.
“That’s too bad,” Gohei smirked as he reached for us. I was about to attack him when suddenly the zanbato whacked him in the face.
“I thought I said this was my fight. I won't let anyone interrupt! I will not lose! I cannot lose!” Sanosuke exclaimed, full of determination and anger.
“Kihei, you just don’t learn, do you?” my brother said, turning to him. He was frightened for a moment before smirking and pulling out another gun.
“Keep barking! This close, you’ll never…”
“Hiten Mitsurigi Ryu - Doryusen!” Kenshin said, attacking Kihei with the Earth Dragon Strike. With that attack, the sword was dragged across the ground, sending chunks of earth at the opponent. There was no way Kihei could dodge that. “You were struck lightly so you wouldn’t faint. You will experience this. The likes of you should bear the mark of evil...no. So should we patriots,” my brother said. He’s got a point. I feel the same way. Even though I was in the Revolution for a shorter amount of time than he was, I still saw and was part of some things that could’ve been handled differently.
“Let’s finish this!” Sanosuke exclaimed.
“Sagara Sanosuke, survivor of the Sekiho Army….understood. We must finish,” Kenshin agreed. Sanosuke then started spinning the zanbato.
“What is that? What’s he planning to do?” Yahiko asked worriedly.
“Centrifuge!” Kaoru replied, just as worried.
“He’s adding centrifugal force to his monster strength and the zanbato’s mass,” I mentioned calmly. Kaoru and Yahiko looked at me.
“Aren’t you worried about him?” my best friend asked me.
“Of course. I always am, but I’m positive he can beat this guy. Still, I’m ready to jump in if his life is in danger,” I told them and they nodded.
“With that strength, I’ll crush the great patriot!” Sanosuke exclaimed.
“Still you do not have the strength to crush me, that you don’t,” my brother replied. They both attacked at the same time and Kaoru covered her eyes while Yahiko gasped. There was a loud thump and I saw that Kenshin had cut the zanbato. He then jumped into the air. “Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu - Ryu Tsui Sen,” he said, using the Dragon Hammer Strike. He struck Sanosuke, however he still stayed standing. “You seem as hard-headed as they come. You are the first to take a Ryu Tsui Sen and not fall. You are barely standing. Wait here while a doctor is called,” Kenshin said as he started walking away.
“It’s not….over...yet! I haven't fallen yet! I haven't lost! I swear upon the names of Sagara and Sekiho, I will die before I lose to a patriot!” Sanosuke declared. Kenshin turned and walked over to him. Then my brother punched him in the face.
“Don’t you have the wrong opponent? Did the Sekiho Army teach you to kill patriots, or did it teach you to complete the Revolution?” Kenshin asked firmly but gently.
“Don’t you preach to me! You spoke of equality, but drowned it in your own greed! Don’t speak of the Revolution, then create a world of lies and sleep easy in it!” Sanosuke replied.
“Alright hold on, palm tree guy,” I said, stepping in. He made a face that said he didn’t particularly like the nickname I gave him. “My brother isn’t like that, and neither am I. Neither of us took positions in the government like so many other Imperialists did. We use our swords to protect others.”
“You think of Kenshin as Hitokiri Battosai only. Don’t make wild accusations, not when you’re the one who came picking this fight!” Kaoru added.
“They’re right, and if you won't back off, then I, Yahiko Myo-” Yahiko was cut off by my brother holding him back.
“Zanza, the Revolution has not ended. It’s true that the fighting stopped ten years ago and a new order was installed. But those of us who desire a better world still find ourselves trapped in a world where the weak are exploited. So I, though unworthy, wield my sword to offer some aid to the weak, that I do. Whether it will be one year or ten, or an eternity before the Revolution is attained no one can say, but this is my method of giving payment to the people who sacrificed for the Meiji Revolution. Payment to those who were killed by Hitokiri Battosai,” Kenshin explained. After a few moments, Sanosuke collapsed. Kaoru and Yahiko ran to get Dr. Gensai. I went over to Sanosuke to see if I could start trying to help him. You idiot. It took you getting beat up by my brother to finally realize things. I have to admit though, I admire and respect your strength, Sanosuke Sagara.
*time skip bright to you by the Sekihotai*
The next day, the four of us were walking through town. “I hear Zanza’s wounds are pretty bad. Internal bleeding, anemia, three months of hospitalization. It’s a wonder he didn’t die,” Kaoru said. I nodded.
“When I went to visit him two days ago, he was still out,” I said.
“You sure do visit him a lot, Akasuki. Seems like you have a crush on him,” Yahiko taunted and I punched him in the head.
“He was my strongest foe in quite a while. Hardly even pulled my punches,” my brother mentioned.
“Anyhow, that concludes this incident. Let’s go celebrate at the Akabeko,” my best friend suggested with a smile.
“Again? Nobody likes fat girls,” Yahiko said.
“Better than a pointy eyed kid,” Kaoru shot back.
“Oh yeah!? The girls love this pointy eyed kid!”
“We’ll see about that! This girl will teach you a lesson!”
I sighed and smiled a little as the two fought. “Off to get prime seats. Come when you’re ready,” my brother said a little nervously as he started walking in. I started to follow when suddenly a guy crashed through the door with two other guys running out. I recognized them as the drunks from before.
“I don’t mind you getting drunk and starting another fight, but could ya train a bit before the next one?” I heard a familiar voice say.
“Zanza!” Kaoru called. He turned to us.
“Oh, I owe you for yesterday,” he said.
“Weren’t you hospitalized?” Yahiko asked.
“My selling point is my toughness. This only helps business,” Sanosuke replied. Kenshin, Yahiko, and Kaoru looked at each other before poking and punching him.
“L...like I say….my selling point….is my toughness…” he replied, even though I saw that he still was at least in some pain. He turned around. I noticed he still had the mark for evil on his back.
“Zanza, the evil mark of Aku on your back...you’re not going to take it off?” Kenshin asked.
“No….the Sekiho Army is a past I won’t forget. I can’t take this symbol off. Look, I’m not perfect. I’m 19, what did you expect? And I did like what you said yesterday, but words are cheap, and so to see if you and your sister really are different from those Ishin Shishi, with their empty ideals, I’m going to stick around and see who you really are,” he said as he started walking away but then stopped and looked back at us. “One more thing: I’m not Zanza anymore. My zanbato’s broken, and my fight days are done. Now I’m just Sanosuke Sagara, fighting enthusiast. Just like you’re not hitokiri battosai anymore. So don’t you start wandering again without my permission, Kenshin!” he said with a smile and gave us a thumbs up before walking away again. I smiled. Looks like we made a new friend. He’s not such a bad guy after all. He’s definitely still an idiot though, being out when he should be at the hospital recovering.
“Another weird one,” my brother smiled.
“What do you mean another?” Yahiko asked, grabbing one side of his face.
“You’re the weirdest of all,” Kaoru said, grabbing the other side.
“I agree,” I laughed happily.
“Sanosuke-san skipped out on his bill again….” Tae mentioned, coming over. That made us all stop. Yep, he’s definitely still an idiot.