A war was brewing within the land, a war that would once again burn everything around it into the ground. Wars… wars will never stop coming. When one fire goes out another match will light a bigger torch, that’s just how the world worked. Not everyone can agree on one thing, such is the flaw of human beings.
However, can that flaw be found inside of the Liya?
“We can’t house you and your men. We’re sorry.” Said a gruff man who stood in guard, he seemed to be the leader of the village.
“What do you mean you can’t? Why?” Jui asked enraged. He had come all this way, the soldiers and he himself doing their best to treat them with their basic military knowledge regarding treatment. He knew very well that their limited skills weren’t enough to take care of them.
He had already lost three soldiers along the way.
“You soldiers will bring the war right to us, you could have been followed. Our village is happy where it is, we do not wish to get involved with any of your bloodstained hands.” The man expressed firmly, not once making a move to step aside in order for them to enter.
Frustration and anger were starting to build within his chest, even more so than before. Here he was, running around trying to find treatment for his men, men who had been there to fight against the enemy’s forces, and he could do nothing in return. Not even give them the aid that they need.
Jui grit his teeth and turned away from the village leader, “So be it.” He whispered under his breath, his eyes low and a shadow wafting over his forehead. While the other man retired back to his home, Jui took long stomping steps into the forest where his men had set up camp.
The men resting on the ground struggled to stand up to salute his return, however, with a wave of his hand they settled back down. He knew they barely had any more strength to walk another mile, pushing them anymore so would be cruel.
“Sir, were we able to receive refuge?” one man asked, his entire right arm burned from a fire spell.
With dark emotions swelling within his chest, and a lump in his throat, the young man only the age 16 bit his tongue softly, and said, “No.” he watched as the light in their eyes fade away with only two letters.
How did this all start? Why did this all start? Why did the country of Phir suddenly fall under such despair?
One month after the death of Liya Rehenna…
The old king sat on his throne, old and weary, though his eyes held a fire that no water can ever extinguish. Next to him stood his adopted son, Juisae Herthwick, his posture perfect, but his eyes dark.
“Is what you say true?” the King’s voice boomed throughout the throne room.
“Yes, my King!” shouted the soldier that quivered beneath his gaze, his head down low as he kneeled on the ground. “Intruders have taken over the west side of our farmlands, the homes were ransacked, women were captured, the men killed, and the children lost. As we speak, their attacks are slowly spreading throughout the kingdom.”
Beside him, Jui bared his teeth and glared at the soldier beneath them, flames of anger licking away any other sense of emotion after hearing such news.
“Why would they attack us? We have done nothing to provoke them!” growled Jui.
“I’m sorry sir, that I do not know.”
The king sighed and gave the soldier a gentle wave of the hand, “You are dismissed.” The man left the room in a hurry, most likely to warn the others about the incoming danger, “Jui, the other kingdoms must have already discovered of our missing Liya. They would stop at nothing in order to make their mountains of gold larger than ever, and we can’t do anything about it.”
“I will prepare the men right away. We will march west in search of the enemy troops and we—“
“You will do nothing of such.” The wise king ordered, his eyes not meeting murky green.
“But why?!” It was the best option. They had attacked them first, it was only right that they responded with such. If they did not attack them straight head on and choose to finish the job through the most peaceful means, a lot more people will die.
“Our first priority is the safety of the people. You will send men throughout our Kingdom and order an escape towards the mountains. There, they will find safety. Once that mission has been done, you will go to the neighboring villages and kingdoms and warn them of the war, and if possible, ask them to join our forces in defending us.”
Jui said nothing, his hands were balled into fists.
“As the future king, you need to learn how to make decisions calmly and without panic. Every single move you make must be thought through… one mistake can cause the fall of our kingdom.” The King stood gracefully and glided down the stairs. “I will return to my chambers, I have things to prepare.”
Jui stood at attention and bowed, “Yes, my King.” With the sound of the majestic walls closing, the lone Knight stared into nothingness. He knew that what his adopted-father had spoken of was the truth and that he was indeed still green compared to the other Knights… but he had made a mistake, a mistake that caused him a great loss. He will learn from it, and he would never again make that mistake repeated.
It wasn’t long after they had ordered the evacuation of the people that they were ambushed by the enemy’s troops. They were on their way to a neighboring kingdom, using the route of the farmers to make things go along faster, unaware that beyond them laid what they had feared.
Jui had gone on that mission with thirty men. He was now down to 14.
He will never forget that day. It was the day he had experienced his first kill and his first real battle… he will also never forget the banner that the enemy had waved proudly as they slaughtered his comrades one by one.
A banner that portrayed a beautiful peacock gracefully soaring upward.
A banner that was made out of silk.
“Eku… Eku where are we going?” Rehenna whispered as she held on tightly to his shoulders.
“Sorry, Rhea, are you uncomfortable?” Ekubar asked as he readjusted her on his back once more.
“No, I’m okay.” She rested her head on his left.
Despite the fact that none of them has had a proper bath since their first capture, Ekubar had managed to smell pleasant. Of course, there weren't the usual scented herbs that Rehenna had grown accustomed to, but the scent of the river and rain drops wafted from his person, and that alone was a calming scent.
Rehenna wondered what in the world she smelled like. Of course, she had attempted to clean herself in the river, but with her lack of sight and mobility, it was a little hard to check which area she should scrub the most. It didn’t help that during her cleaning back in the palace she always had a helper or to assist her.
After all, it’s not like she could just go and asked Ekubar for help.
“Hold on, we’re just going to walk down this steep hill for a moment, there’s a lot of rocks so it’s going to be a little bumpy.” His grip around her legs tightened as he took his first step downwards, making sure to step on the sturdy rocks to avoid the slippery ones.
Ekubar had used one of his blades to cut half the length of her tattered dress away, with her permission of course, but that doesn’t mean that made her any more comfortable. The wind felt cold on her bare skin. Ekubar had kept some of the clothing to keep her safe from the winter freeze, but it could only do so much.
“Rhea, where would you like to go?” Ekubar asked, the tone of his voice as calm as ever, albeit a little out of breath after all the hiking.
“I want to go back to Phir, I have a duty there that I must fulfill. The people need me, with my absence it is quite likely that things would fall out of balance. I’m the link that keeps them calmed and assured of the safety that reigns upon the kingdom.” The answer to his questions was obvious, after all, she had already repeated it a number of times.
“Another war is coming, Rhea, and I have a feeling that it’s already nearing Phir. Do you really want to go back there knowing the danger that you would be in?” Eku blew away the stray hair that managed to fall upon his face.
With hair that brushed against his shoulders things got pretty difficult at times that’s why he always had it tied.
“Of course.” There wasn’t an ounce of doubt in her voice, she sounded so sure about her decision… but Ekubar wasn’t.
With a grunt, they both finally made it down, allowing him time to kick away the snow on a large boulder to give himself a seat. The surface’s remaining water soaked into his pants, but wherever it was as long as he can rest it was fine.
He settled Rhea on his lap, her legs limp. Despite the fact that she couldn’t walk, she seemed somehow energetic. He let out a relieved sigh and settled his arms around her. Eku closed his eyes and rested his head in the crook of her neck, this way, he can give her a little more of his energy for warmth.
What bad luck they had. Stuck in the middle of winter. At the very least, he was thankful that the blizzard was already over.
When he felt a sudden tingle of something foreign energy flowing into him, Eku’s eyes snapped open to look at Rhea. “What’s this for?” he asked slightly flustered. He wasn’t prepared for this.
“You need it more than I do… despite the leather and the silk, it’s not enough to keep you from the cold, is it?” was her simple reply.
With a helpless sigh and a fond smile on his lips, Ekubar shook his head and accepted it. The sharing of energy and power… it wasn’t something that other Liya just did, there had to be a feeling of trust or understanding between each other. Any other cases, the energy would poison the other due to the rejection.
He had to take a risk during the time of their first days, if he had not, he’s sure that she wouldn’t be here in his arms right now.
“Rhea…” at the sound of her ‘name’, Rehenna tilted her head so that her ears were able to pick up on his words better. “I’m going to bring you back to your home… but the moment that we see the danger, I’m taking you back to where I reside.”
“Is that so?” the blind Liya said nonchalantly, upon her eyes still laid the silk that formerly was wrapped around Ekubar’s forehead to keep the hair from falling upon his eyes.
Rehenna wasn’t stupid.
She was indeed a sheltered princess who has little to no experience of the world other than the one that she read from books, but she knew better than to trust strangers. However… Ekubar was different. His actions are different.
From the moment that they had met he had already done so much in order to save her life. A sense of guilt welled inside of her, after all, she wasn’t able to do anything to repay him. From food to warmth, to shelter, to safety, and so much more Ekubar was handling everything.
It made her feel so horrible for being useless.
“Thank you… Ekubar.” She whispered, her warm breath fogging over Eku’s raven hair.
“The pleasure is all mine, Rhea.” Replied the Liya, a soft chuckle emanating from the handsome man.
“I have known you only less than a year, and yet you’ve tried your hardest to protect me. You can leave me here to die right now, but you refuse to. I am just a liability, but you stay… thank you.” She was speaking from her heart.
Ekubar was the first friend she ever had close to her age other than Jui.
With a deep laugh, Ekubar lifted her up without warning causing a yelp to fly from her lips. “Come on, we still have ways to go before we reach another path! Our first mission would be to get directions and then get a means of transportation that doesn’t include me walking through trees and hopping over roots and shrubbery.” He gave her a wink until he remembered that she wasn’t able to see it.
The room was made out of stone perfectly shined over until not a single rough spot remained, in the middle of the room was a beautiful magenta bed that was draped with various different fabrics and littered with the softest pillows. Various items were scattered, items that all seemed to have great prices.
In the corner of this majestic room of riches, was a girl curled up into a ball.
Her pale form glistened with the surface of pearls, upon her soft skin was a dark cloak the hugged her tightly, it’s coat tail flowing behind her. A skirt of lavender fluffed over layers of lace, reaching down to only her knees. Her glove covered hands held tightly onto her legs.
Short raven hair that curled around her ears waved when the icy wind flowed from the window, but even so, her pale purple eyes remained blank.
Suddenly, there was a gentle knock upon the large wooden doors that had birds carved into it, “My lady?” murmured the muffled voice.
However, there was no response from the lithe girl, seemingly just entering the blossoming stages of her life.
“My lady?” came the voice again, concern mixing in. When there was no response, the door began to creak open. “Pardon me for my intrusion…” a maid wearing blue robes and a lace headband froze at the sight of her Lady in such a horrible condition. “My Lady!” she ran towards the little girl in a rush and knelt before her.
However, before she was able to reach out her hand to touch her, it was slapped away. “Why have you come?” was the pale girl’s whisper, “I had not permitted your entry…”
“My Lady… you are unwell, you must come outside into the light. When was the last that you had eaten a meal?” the maid in blue asked gently, making sure not to inch closer.
“That is irrelevant. Are there any news?” asked the girl as she stood up clumsily to stagger towards her bed, her eyes hooded by her midnight hair.
The maid pressed her lips together, her hands crumpling her robes. “There has been nothing, my Lady.”
There was silence. A silence that unnerved the servant, for the little girl was just staring into nothingness. In the darkness, the maid was able to see a sudden glimmer of lavender.
“But my Lady, you have already sent out five of our best troops nearby the kingdom of Phir, any more and the other kingdoms will begin to think of your search as something else…”
“NO!” the girl stood up and glared at the maid, tears welling up at the corner of her eyes, “Find him… find him now. The last I had seen him was nearby Phir, he must still be there! Get everyone to search for him! EVERYONE!”
The maid bowed, “Yes, Lady Erash.” With a swift turn, she left the chambers to inform the others of the new orders.
A few moments after the wooden doors were shut, Erash collapsed onto the floor sobbing. “Big brother…” with each word she spoke a hic interrupted their connection.
At only the age fourteen, she was one of the most respected Liya around the country, one known to have always stood by the side of Ekubar, the only Liya to be able to fight alongside the warriors of the kingdom that they serve.
This was of course because Erash was Ekubar’s little sister. It was a very little known fact that her powers were only a third of what her big brother had, a shame that she carried with her. She was almost nothing when compared to him. However, that thought had never once made her believe that her brother was anything less than amazing.
She has little to no memory of how they came to be or where their parents were, but there was one thing that was certain, Ekubar was always there by her side to protect her. She always felt safe around him, he knew exactly how to take care of her.
She knew that her big brother would never leave her, and because of that she thought that they would never be separated… but this time… it was Erash that left him.
They were on their way to the kingdom Phir where they were to discuss trading matters with their king regarding the exchange of silk and cloth for knowledge of their medical potions. Ekubar was one of the men sent to negotiate with the men, and Erash, being the girl that she was, wanted to tag along with her big bother.
With only five men accompanying them, they thought that they had nothing to worry about. After all, it was only Phir, a kingdom known to be incredibly Pacifistic. How wrong they were to let their guard down.
While passing by a rather thick forest of trees, something very common around Phir lands, Erash was just playing cards inside of a carriage with Ekubar when they caught a whiff of something akin to sour lemons.
“What’s that?” mumbled one of the men that were walking outside.
Curious, Ekubar looked out of the window and saw a waft of yellow smoke slowly floating over them.
With an excited giggle, Erash hopped off her seat, “I didn’t know that Phir was capable of colored firecrackers!”
“But there were wasn’t a single sound of it… come with me!” Ekubar grabbed his sister’s arms and pushed them both out of the carriage, only to see the guards slowly drop one by one, but there was no enemy in sight. The colored mist was never a good sign.
At the time they shouldn’t have let their guard down. Phir was a kingdom that avoided war, yes, however, even a peaceful country was not completely rid of petty thieves. Especially thieves that came from the Kingdom of Potions.
Ekubar quickly covered Erash’s mouth and nose with his sleeve, “Come to me!” he yelled to the remaining guards who were barely standing on their own two legs. He was getting as far away from the mist as he could until he caught sight of his men still breathing on the ground. The gas had not killed them, but instead had caused them to fall asleep. “Stay here, okay, Erash?” his words were firm as he looked at her in the eyes.
“But I—“ before she was able to say anything more he left her be and rushed into the mist, “Brother wait!” when she tried to follow him, one of the guards held her.
“M-my Lady, we must get away from here!” he said weakly.
“We must stay and wait for my brother to come back!” Erash pushed the man away and squinted her eyes in search of Ekubar in the smoke that had only gotten thicker. In the shadows, she saw not just one moving shadow… but three moving around as if they were in combat.
“I’m sorry, my Lady!” gulped the guard right next to her as he picked her up and placed her on his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.
“WAIT! We can’t leave now! My brother will be done soon!” Erash sighed and became limp. There was no use fighting paranoid guards. They just didn’t have the same amount of faith she had for her brother.
During their escape, in the shadows, she saw one finally drop onto the floor. She grinned. See? Her brother was already winning.
After returning to the castle, she had waited a day for her brother to catch up with her, but there was no sign of him. Days became weeks, and soon the halls were empty of his bright and charming self.
Thoughts constantly swarmed in her mind. Thoughts like, maybe he found the kingdom of Phir and decided to continue the negotiations from there. Maybe, the area was so nice and peaceful that brother had decided to stay there for vacation. Maybe he didn’t send not one single letter because the mail system in Phir was horrid.
Also, thoughts like… what if the shadow that fell down during the battle wasn’t one of the thieves?
Her kingdom wasn’t particularly sad. Of course, they were disappointed over the fact that they had lost a very great warrior, and a charismatic one to boot, however, they quickly moved on from the fact that he was missing. After all, they still had the spare Liya at their disposal.
It made Erash sick.
Even in the end after all that, her brother had done for this kingdom was he nothing but a tool. A Liya. A being used for the purpose of gaining profit for humans. It was frustrating. They all hoarded to her just because her brother was gone. Why didn’t they put any effort into finding him? He was still alive, she knew that because her brother didn’t die just like that.
She will find him. She will. He was still out there probably in trouble. This is a chance for Erash to save her brother like he did countless times for her. She will control this kingdom in his absence and have them treated like tools just as how they treated Ekubar. It didn’t matter if she raged a war while she was in her search, what matters is that she had her big brother back to hold her in his arms.
“Phir… Phir… Phir… you’re such a small country and yet I still can’t find him…” Erash quivered all alone in the room.
It was only when he disappeared completely did Erash realize how big of a part her big brother played in her life. Right now he could be injured… close to death… perhaps even under torture. Questions and different situations was swirling around her mind and none of them was helping her get any better.
She couldn’t stop worry from swirling around her stomach, making her feel like vomiting all over the silk sheets of her bed. Erash was nearly hyperventilating, and even though she tried, she wasn’t able to control her breathing properly.
It wasn’t long before tears started falling on her cheeks.
“Ekubar, why must you insist upon calling me ‘Rhea’?” Rehenna asked nonchalantly while her arms were rested around him.
“Hm… well I guess it suits you.” Ekubar replied as he avoided a rather large rock that was in his way.
“How so?”
“Just so.” Ekubar laughed and adjusted her once again. There was a soft smile on his face. He turned his head to the left in order to catch a glimpse of Rehenna, but was a little shocked when he came upon her face just one inch away from his own. He snickered.
“What?” Rehenna asked with her brows furrowed.
“Nothing…” the Liya said with a smile as he nuzzled his forehead against her cheek.
I wonder when Ekubar will finally get used to the fact that Rehenna is BLIND. Oh, and yeah, I'M STILL ALIVE!