Micheal J lived an ordinary life until one day while recording his producer got mad at one of the songwriters taking a hard swing at him.
The blow struck the man and he fell bleeding, he continue to strike the man but suddenly he was toss violently across the room.274Please respect copyright.PENANAdoZeJf7R3Q
Micheal hit him with a high flying kick moonwalking back to his studio chair. Dusting his new black and white Italian loafers he said, "I won't tolerate violence in my presence and ya'll
all know that!"274Please respect copyright.PENANAjc6itTiTUV
Micheal stated, I was abused verbally when I was young and won't tolerate physical or verbal brutality from anyone here! I didn't have peace in my childhood and I amnot going to have it taken
away now!274Please respect copyright.PENANAffRSZ9vYaa
"I quit!" The producer yelled, Take this job and shove it and he left kicking over several studio chairs."
Good!274Please respect copyright.PENANArqyg7ZeUBF
Micheal said, "Now let's get back to my song." I think that we should lower the volume on the beats in this track because it's drowning my vocals out." Where is Jake, my other producer?
"Get him in here right now!"274Please respect copyright.PENANAdncm31ELNY
"Watch out Micheal!"274Please respect copyright.PENANAtQ1yvbzTHe
Micheal instinctively ducked just in time to avoid a eight foot steel rod thrown at him. He looked to see the producer had returned with a vengeance and was using powers against him...Five King cobras appeared out of thin air, hissing and striking at him
with their venomous fangs.274Please respect copyright.PENANABonuV6YtxP
Fearfully, Micheal started backing up, the thought of dying crossed his mind but he knew it wouldn't be today. Suddenly a power he didn't know he had came into being. Micheal created a powerful, beam of energy using his mind and the cobras were destroyed, blasted into oblivion. Micheal said,
You know I'm ba----d274Please respect copyright.PENANAWzvLi9oiZZ
I'm bad, I'm bad,274Please respect copyright.PENANAohypgaWzAF
You know it,274Please respect copyright.PENANAr7bNuJkmxE
You know ahh!...274Please respect copyright.PENANAlQAvhA4GkZ
Who's Bad!274Please respect copyright.PENANAep3mSnSYov
✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯274Please respect copyright.PENANAEPo3QNe8T1
One of his friends in the room, a woman named Ann was crying fearfully in the corner.
Annie are you okay?
Are you okay
Are you okay 274Please respect copyright.PENANAF1QuvxImba
Annie, said Micheal? She said, yes. I thought the snakes were going to kill you, Annie cried, how could he do that to you Micheal?274Please respect copyright.PENANAwtj7h6cD3z
"Why?"274Please respect copyright.PENANA3W4xqWCKzz
Micheal said,274Please respect copyright.PENANATB7hZRVIKm
If you say274Please respect copyright.PENANAlp6VB0G4Ub
Why?274Please respect copyright.PENANAs8CsYofXAa
Why?274Please respect copyright.PENANASgjjV4824X
I tell you that274Please respect copyright.PENANAf25Au7jj8y
It's human nature274Please respect copyright.PENANAgEWUNCpJHB
Why, why would he do274Please respect copyright.PENANArWMEugbXGm
me that wa---y274Please respect copyright.PENANAs1Fep4mDP2
✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯274Please respect copyright.PENANAonM9GprCc2
It's the history of the274Please respect copyright.PENANA6oM3lW9OVv
world darling."
Alright Annie, the dude left when he seen that he couldn't harm me. Micheal then said ok, we are going to wrap this session up today everybody.
It's a wrap!274Please respect copyright.PENANA6kj9VmEfi1
"Boy, I don't know what is wrong with the world nowadays" said, Micheal. Everyone is so uptight, why can't we all just get along like Rodney King said! He wiped his brow and said,
What a274Please respect copyright.PENANALwJgl7wM3p
Chiller274Please respect copyright.PENANAHmYeNQh084
Thriller274Please respect copyright.PENANAe58uvgj31B
Night!274Please respect copyright.PENANARl40nrED0n
He-he-he274Please respect copyright.PENANAaIbrLUbOyL
I think I'm going to visit my little Pixie friends in the woods. So he went into the forest hoping to run into them...Just before he entered the woods he ran into his friend Chris Tuckee...
"Hey!"274Please respect copyright.PENANAyrqeFjxmgl
What's up Micheal, said Chris, where are you going? To the forest to see my little elf Pixie friends" said Micheal.
You want to come?274Please respect copyright.PENANA6POf5wMnLH
"Sure," said Chris and off they went, soon they came to a large rock lying under a beautiful Spruce tree. "There they are, said Micheal."
Look!274Please respect copyright.PENANAfpv9ptGRLf
And three lovely little female Pixies came running out beneath the rock...The little elves like being chased so Micheal started running after them...
Chris said: Oh man! Look at that Pixie right there!
Goodness!274Please respect copyright.PENANAYQqcDpf80o
ooo...that Pixie fine man.274Please respect copyright.PENANAxEBP4NS8LV
Micheal: I can get her Chris.274Please respect copyright.PENANAYQzAekk3Mt
Chris: I bet you can't.274Please respect copyright.PENANAV6U0K0c7LG
Micheal: She is banging274Please respect copyright.PENANABm22iVhAQh
Chris: I bet you can't catch that Pixie. Micheal: I can catch her. Chris: I bet you Never, Neverland you can't catch that cute little Pixie!
Micheal: Yeah, but it's fun chasing them, we play all the time. Come on let's go back to Neverland Chris.
They begin walking through the forest while Micheal called his chauffer to take them back to Neverland...
"Oww!"274Please respect copyright.PENANADciG5asU84
Micheal cried, "Someone just hit me in the back with a rock!" They both turned, hoping to see the culprit, but there wasn't a sign of anyone.
"Oww, oww, oww!"274Please respect copyright.PENANAyfR6wSCyjO
The rocks came raining in hitting Micheal all over his body, then they suddenly stopped.
A figure came from behind a tree dancing towards them singing...
"I get delirious274Please respect copyright.PENANAAZq3KsjoS9
whenever you're near274Please respect copyright.PENANAcAOkeEBGeo
lose all self-control274Please respect copyright.PENANA2XGcpkaiXV
just can't steer274Please respect copyright.PENANAxIbfMn8wh6
✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯274Please respect copyright.PENANAkc0pI9Qmmd
"Ha, ha ha!"274Please respect copyright.PENANAkK24SMUxJh
How you like those apples Micheal?274Please respect copyright.PENANAMAM3DUY0fC
"Prinz!"274Please respect copyright.PENANAbkfUPo4Kr4
It's you, why you hit me with all those rocks? "Remember that James Brown concert, he invited you on the stage to sing said Prinz."
Yeah, I remember Prinz,274Please respect copyright.PENANAD26S4gySPN
Micheal said, that was cool, you played your little guitar too! So, why were you throwing rocks at me just now?
Because you showed me up, after you sang people started leaving and I fell off the stage hanging onto a prop."
You set me up Micheal!274Please respect copyright.PENANACIsUpptXEP
'll never forget it.274Please respect copyright.PENANAtP3wa218WI
"Shomone"274Please respect copyright.PENANAa7uitFdhEI
shomone274Please respect copyright.PENANAXWMuB0I42J
shomone!274Please respect copyright.PENANA12hDUX5F6H
Micheal said, why did you just say that Chris? "Because it felt good Micheal. Get over it Prinz, you can't undo the past.
Lets go Micheal!274Please respect copyright.PENANAP998hCNbQh
274Please respect copyright.PENANASv6bTkJoNp
© Charles Kemp274Please respect copyright.PENANA0YzubA7DT7
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