Just as heads up, these first parts are going to be centered around advice I keep seeing parroted around that I think are more harmful than anything. These will be the ones that just come to mind at the time and I'll make other parts if I think of anymore. Alright then...on with the show....
We've all heard this one before and, frankly, I think a lot of us are tired of seeing it. Usually, this advice is followed by synonyms that carry completely different connotations when used appropriately such as "muttered" and "exclaimed." However...no one really talks like that all the time and sometimes you need something simple like 'said' because there's no need for inflections.
When you feel the need to use 'said' don't be afraid to use it, even with adverbs (that'll be another part). Just remember that those other words exist and can be a better replacement for what you're trying to get across.
Have a day...