I feel like this is something that some people might not really think about when it comes to writing. While I do appreciate all of the lovely people who enjoy whatever the hell it is I put out on a given day, I'm writing for myself first. I'm writing the stories I want to read or just need to get out of my head so that I don't dwell on them when I want to daydream about something else for a bit. Might sound a bit selfish, but it honestly helps since it makes me feel like I'm writing honestly, so to speak. I think I learned this when I was writing campaigns for my Pathfinder group and, while I did make sure to give a few things to their characters during the campaign as extra notes and such, the campaign was more like a story that I wanted to tell and just needed the right players to both lead along and see where they took certain situations.
Regardless, we all do this as a hobby which may or may not turn into more and we'll be the ones who are reading these over and over as we create. We are the first audience of our own work which leads into more critical view of it, but you can press past that to make what you want to read. You are the creator, and it only adds to the feelings of success if other people come by and enjoy you stuff.
Have a day