Hello and welcome to my new blog.
I usually write articles on my blog heytrix.com, but decided to start one over here as well where I can write more about myself outside of the stories I post here. I mostly write on my fantasy novel "The Remarkable Ones" right now, but I also write memoirs and philosophy and I think those musings are what's going to be posted here on this blog.
My name is Trix, or that's what people call me at least, and I'm a 30-year-old woman from Sweden, meaning that English is not my native language. Although my mother has English as one of her first languages (she's multi-lingual and from India), and I think my usage of the English language is a bit over average in Sweden...
A few years ago I decided to improve my English writing skills and started to write short stories and poems. Now I'm working on my novel and I've also published two nonfiction ebooks in English under my pen name "Trix Joyce". You can read more about my books on my official website: www.trixjoyce.com or my blog I previously talked about.
I used to be a member here on Penana writing under a different name, but I forgot the login details so I made this new account just a couple of days ago.
Hope to meet some good friends with similar interests, like creative writing, here as well.
This was just an introductory blog post.