Hello lovely viewer, I am very aware that Halloween is over a month away but is it okay to already of decorated and painted my nails for Halloween? Please tell me in the comments below. I have never had a blog get over 200 views in less that four months so I would be super thankful to get there before Halloween if that is even humanly possible!
A little about myself is that I live in the United states, I love to write, and I found out last week that I am obsessed with preppy Halloween decorating and just the vibe that "nice" preppy's give off. Are any of you preppy girls? Please let me know in the comments below! Also while you are down there, I am getting two mists from Bath and Body Works for fall and I want any opinions if you have the scents Marshmallow Pumpkin Latte, and Pumpkin Pecan Waffles. I NEED TO KNOW IF I MADE A GOOD CHOICE!
On a different note, I had the worst day of school this morning. Last night, my LED light strips decided they didn't want to turn off all the way, and my loft bed gets so hot but my mo loves to turn the A/C down to 60 degrees at night so I can't win. By the time I unplugged my lights and found a suitable blanket, it was 2 in the f-ing morning and I had to get up at 5 to finish my essay on Edgar Allan Poe and Kinetic and Potential energy flip book. So yeah, I had a great morning.
----------------------------------------Boys Please Skip Ahead!!!-----------------------------------------
Also ladies, when I got up from doing my essay, I realized my period decided to start mid paragraph!!!! And I didn't have a pad because your girl wasn't supposed to start for another 4 days! Plus, while writing this, i have the worst cramps with a double dose of ibuprofen and I am still having stabbing cramps! I freaking can't right now.
I think that is enough blabbing for today. I hope you enjoyed this edition of my boo blog. I am thinking about having blogs like this at least twice a week and put some short stories, poems, and just random pieces of writing. Let me know if you made it all the way to the end by commenting a Halloween-related emoji.
Why So Serious?