I've been walking down a lonely road.
A road that leads me to crossings, turnings and twists across different landscapes of situations and emotions.
Stranger's eyes judge before they know my name.
I am sensitive and shy but that does not mean I am weak. It means I can take situations closer to the heart and yet have been hurt more than twice. That action makes me stronger, I can take the pain and face them. Like falling and now standing up.
I fight to be as I want to be.
I notice the details where others fail to see. Think greater steps ahead than others do. Only because of those things I'm seen as an alien and thus I'm walking down a lonely road.
Few people would see it as a comfortable personality and walk with me.
Once or twice I dared to find the road of someone else's who would not wait for me. I soon gave up and walked my own.
What others think of me was once a concern which died away through time and experience; some remain forever remembered as scars.
I'll be fine for now, going down the road...
Sorry for this entry. I can't write poems except with rhymes and the words aren't coming to me. So here's a song that sings a part of my life in a beautiful melody.