Walking the grounds of the school, the crushed autumn leaves stuck to my maroon buckle shoes.
With maroon and yellow striped socks pulled to my knees, they helped shield my legs from the draft spiralling around.
I held my maroon skirt down, smothering it with my bookbag that had my favourite teddy bear keychain swinging from the side.
I loved it so much. It was the perfect shade of brown; like the trunks of the trees bending over the square between buildings of the boarding school, and dressed in the cutest red dress smothered in pink bows. It even had an old-fashioned bonnet peeking over its head.
It was colourful, unlike my school uniform. It was just maroon and yellow. We even had to wear ties that matched the ugly socks.
Crossing the square, I descended the stairs down the grassy slope that gave the perfect view of the rolling hills surrounding us.
In the distance, the tops of the mountains ran red from Autumn leaves. Closer, yellows and orange dominated the landscape. Even the green grass was smothered in its own shade of Autumn when I continued down through the open air.
Laughter rang in the air, followed by the scolding of a teacher.
I looked up to my left, to the grand building with all of its windows thrown open.
There, sitting in the sil, was Chester Brackenfield. Orange hair spiked up like the leaves themselves, he was known for being unruly and impulsive.
He never wore his tie straight and always had it so loosely knotted that it looked like some sort of bizarre necklace. His blazer tucked in at one side, he was constantly being written up for tardiness.
He was sent here to try and straighten his attitude out. Away from his parents, he thrived as the boy who caused mischief wherever he was.
Watching Chester throw a paper airplane from the window he was pulled down from, I saw it loop and do a pitiful sail to the ground. I could hear the teacher already shouting at him for treating his test so poorly.
Leaving it there, I continued onwards.
Another hall met me at the bottom of the stairs that ringed around another square of buildings.
My last class, English, was down here. Held in a library that stretched like a cathedral itself, i found it inspiring to be surrounded by the smells of old paper, fresh ink, and the flicking of paper.
Electronics just weren't the same. Scribbling my notes with a pen on paper felt right in a place so old and full of history.
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With lessons over for the day, I collected my bookbag and followed the halls around to the other side where another winding staircase cut through the countryside and led down to a road leading into town.
The trip wasn't long. Following the side of the road, I got to take in the beauty of the fallen leaves, smell the crisp scent of the fresh air and warmed tar, and pluck at the wildflowers on my way.
Opening my bookbag, I grinned at a large dandelion I pulled up. Sliding out my book nestled in behind my schoolwork, I flipped past the wax- papered pages so I could press in the flower and snap it shut again.
Flowers fascinated me. The colours and shapes they all produced naturally was far more fascinating than any mathematics or history class.
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Wandering into town, I already had my favourite coffee shop in sight.
The sign swung out the front above the windows being painted up for the season.
People crowded inside for the hot coffee wafting through the ringing door groups of people exited.
Despite being busy, most didn't stay to enjoy the drinks clutched between their hands. Tables by the windows and nestled into corners remained mainly empty.
Sliding inside and sighing in gratitude at the warmth instantly hugging me, I slid into the corner table and laid my bag across the table.
Labelling my newest finds along the way gave my mind time to wander.
I liked to draw around the extra flowers in the back, dressing them up as elaborate women blushing through their natural clothing.
Breathing in the scent of sweet cinnamon, fresh cream, and the earthy coffee, the squealing of the milk frother eventually died down under the grind of the coffee beans.
I heard paper bags rustling from flaky pastries being bagged. I could smell the sweet jam nestled into the hearts of the more elaborate treats.
Tempted by them, I left my bookbag to fish out my coin purse and wait for the perfect time to slide up to the empty register.
The orange hair caught my eye before I realized it was him sliding in a fresh tray of pastries into the display.
His brown eyes peeled around the glass and shook his head in disbelief at the uniform I still wore.
"You know, anyone could sneak off with that while you are up here" he tilted his head to my open book still displaying my flowers.
Turning, I checked quickly before smiling back.
It was such a quiet town. Everyone kept to themselves. The only person who would cause mischief would be Chester.
Only, he wasn't. His green apron was crisp and clean. His hair, still spiked, was smothered under a hairnet and little green hat. He wore his name badge straighter than his usual crooked school tie.
Here, he looked like a different person.
"The pastries are over there" he leant over to point to them "are you going to order something, or what?"
"An apricot danish, please" I mumbled back, feeling my cheeks burn in embarrassment.,
Watching him slide it out and place it so gently into the bag, I realized this was the most I had interacted with the clown of the school.
He did everything for a show there. Here, he followed the rules and listened to those higher than him.
"You know, hot chocolate goes well with pastries" he pointed up to the handwritten board above him.
I smiled to myself as I scanned it. My gut even danced a little when I noticed him smiling at me.
How silly. I saw Chester smirk at the way he was messing with my mind. He was still playing his games.
"We're running a promotion" he prompted "one for four dollars. I'll make it extra special."
"Sure" I nodded, sliding across the money and quickly scampering back to my table when Chester took the receipt for himself.
I lowered my head so I didn't have to see him trying to sneak another look at me from behind the machine. I saw him talk to a coworker, smirking again when they looked in my direction.
I was sketching a slender arm on the woman wearing the pressed daisy as a short dress when a flash of green caught my eye to make me raise my head.
I saw Chester there with a cup and paper bag, leaning over to watch my sketch.
"You left this at the counter" he placed the bag on the table beside the book "and this is the special you ordered."
The hot chocolate was dusted on top when he placed it down before me. Smelling the aroma tangled in the steam spiralling upwards, I could tell it was cinnamon sugar.
"Makes it taste a hundred times better" he added as he placed down a spoon for me "enjoy, Miss."
Smiling politely as he left, I lifted it to really take in the heavenly smell of the chocolate swirling around the sweet cinnamon that bit around the edges with creamy, nutty vanilla.
Was there something else added into it?
The first sip burnt the tip of my tongue in my eagerness, but I could taste it all perfectly. Sweet spices really did add something more to the otherwise one-dimensional chocolate. It was like layers of vivid colour were popping inside my mouth around the fire smothering my tongue and running along my stomach.
This really was extra special.
I burned again, turning back to my book with a distracted mind.
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Now knowing that the boisterous Chester worked in a quiet coffee shop, I couldn't take my mind off how absurd it all was.
Crossing the grounds in my uniform the next morning, I heard the commotion before I saw it.
People were laughing and screaming when they poured from inside the greenery. A sea of maroon and yellow surrounded the grey metal stands and terracotta pots decorating the outside. As the doors were thrown open, I saw a flurry of little brown and black sparrows speed for freedom in the skies. Using the commotion that had others ducking for cover nearby, Chester slipped around the side to run for his own freedom.
Seeing his distraction was working, I cautiously followed to the other end of the greenery where I could watch him disappearing amongst the autumn trees for better coverage. His maroon uniform blended so well with it all, had it not been for his flapping crooked tie giving him away.
Not wanting to risk bad word getting back to my own parents, I pulled from the amusing sight to continue walking to my next class.
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Chester was back from his ruckus when I was leaving English later that afternoon.
Having been caught back in town walking the sidewalk, a teacher had dragged him back to school, reprimanded him, and let him go again.
Now, with a small crowd in awe, he was telling them all about how he managed to keep the sparrows interested in staying within the greenhouse for the perfect timing.
"It's all about the bait" I heard him bragging when he strutted down the hall I was wandering up "birds like herbs. Give them focaccia and they'll walk into anything."
His eyes met mine and his smug smile was back again as he passed.
"Kind of like girls. Give them something sweet and they'll follow you anywhere" his voice rose so I could hear it.
Laughter rang out and I saw some boys clapping his shoulders in agreement. Huffing at the personal jab, I continued onwards up to the girls dormitories to not let my emotions get the better of me.
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Still, I still found myself wandering my way down to the grounds and adding more flowers to my collection.
With the leaves falling in different colours, I added a few of the more unique ones for my personal project.
Then, at the end of the windy trip, was the cozy cafe.
I hadn't even unpacked my bookbag when a cup was laid down at the table and I saw Chester grinning back.
Turning my nose up at it, I ignored it.
"I thought you didn't want girls following you with sweet things?"
"This one isn't sweet" he insisted "it's minty."
"Touch of peppermint" he almost squeezed his fingers together.
Sighing, I fished for my wallet. Chester's hand pressed on my bag to stop me.
"If I get your name to write on the order, I'll call it even."
Of course. He didn't know who i was, but everyone else in the school knew all about loud-mouthed Chester Brackenfield.
"Sophie" I replied.
He didn't move, lifting an eyebrow.
"Sophie....?" He prompted for a last name.
"You need that for an order?" I snorted at his boldness.
"Got to make sure no other Sophie takes it."
Smiling at his joke, I dragged the cup towards me to wrap my hands around.
"Sophie Eleanora."
"Very sophisticated" he commented with a little bow "I'll be in my domain if you need to summon me, my lady."
Giggling at his theatrics, I watched him slide back behind the counter to continue working.
Behind the smirks and tough act, Chester was funny and sweet. I pulled my focus from him to turn back to my book I flicked through.
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Fresh peppermint tingled in my mouth and freshened my throat when I finished my drink. Not realizing how much time had gone by, I realized the shop was mostly empty. In a panic, I started to scrape my books back into my bag I threw over my shoulder.
Chester was calling to his coworkers as he hung up his apron and slipped back around the bench. Back in his school uniform and letting his bag dangle by the strap, we matched colours and messiness.
Seeing me still there, his smile returned as I tried to rush for the door in embarrassment.
"It's pretty windy out there" he held the door open for me and watched as I ducked under his arm "coincidentally, I'm heading that way too. Walk together?"
"Since we are both going, why not?" I burned back.
Chester let the door swing shut and casually strode by my side. He carried his bag over one shoulder while I clutched both straps properly on mine.
"Did you really take three hours to drink one cup of chocolate?" he laughed in amusement at my shrinking frame "must have really liked it...."
"I just lost track of time" I mumbled back, scowling up at him before darting my eyes elsewhere when I saw him smiling again.
"Tomorrow you can try the gingerbread flavour" he breathed "the nutmeggy taste on the chocolate really is something you need to taste for yourself."
"You aren't trying to lure me in?" I joked back now, still stung by the comment earlier.
"Well.... I wouldn't mind. I kind of like seeing you at the window in your little corner."
My face burned and not from the wind whipping it. I looked down as I walked, feeling myself smiling.
"So, tomorrow?" he pushed hopefully.
Looking back to him, he was leaning over again to try and read my face hidden behind my long, curly hair.
"Tomorrow sounds good" I agreed.
He grinned, looking ahead gladly at the leaves showering around us. It was such a colourful and awe-inspiring image of Autumn, if it hadn't also been so bitterly cold.
"When the wind settles down, the birds like to bunch up out the back" Chester jerked a thumb over his shoulder "I keep some leftover focaccia to feed them when they get close enough."
"So you can put them in the greenhouse" I rolled my eyes with a giggle.
"Well, it's warmer in there" he shrugged back "and it's not easy keeping fifty birds quiet in only a box. That was a fete in itself."
Chester saw my shock and grew flustered.
"It was a few trips" he insisted "and a few days in the making."
"That only makes it slightly better" I replied.
"They enjoyed it" he brushed it aside with a smile "they ate good bread and got to sleep up in the cozy rafters. The teachers could never figure out how they were getting in..."
He snorted and started to laugh when my smile couldn't withhold my laughter.
We turned to start climbing the winding stairs back up to the school grounds.
Chester wouldn't be this nice kid until he was away from the eyes of the school. When he wasn't so worried about images, he was quite thoughtful.
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We reached the top of the stairs where the square laid that separated the buildings.
The boys dormitories laid behind him to the right. The girls were behind me to the left.
He smiled now, about to say something before his eyes focused up at my hair and pointed to the side of his own.
"You got a leaf in there, silly."
While trying to find it, Chester leant forward to part the strands burying it further.
"Think of it as another dress for your drawings" he twisted it around when he held it towards me.
I couldn't reply. My words were caught in my throat when I gently took the leaf.
"See you tomorrow then, Sofie Eleanora."
Smiling back, I tried to push my hair out of my face as I watched him turn for the dormitories.
"See you tomorrow, Chester Brackenfield."