Felix could only utter a weak "What?" at the demon. Orpheus on the other hand, cursed under his breath and materialised his staff. He pointed it at Satan threateningly, although he was visibly trembling in fear.
"You have done well, my beloved sinner," Satan said. "I must say, it was a pleasant surprise to find out that one of my most wrathful sinners has made his way to Purgatory by himself. I look forward to receiving your soul in due time."
The grin slipped off the demon's face. "But you have come here unauthorised and taken what does not belong to you. You have interfered with natural law, and your actions of hostility will not go unpunished."
"I've heard of you, demon prince. What you are, what you have done, what you will do. But you don't scare me," Felix snarled. "I've only come here to take back what's mine. Nothing is stopping me. Not even you!"
"Your sister's death was written in stone even before this world was conceived. Her soul no longer belongs with the living world, and neither does it belong to you."
"Not if I have anything to say about it." Felix raised his fists. "I'm taking her back home, and I'll defeat anyone- anything that stands in my way."
"Such misplaced arrogance!" Satan roared in laughter. "You almost remind me of Lucifer Himself!"
"But you don't really believe that, do you?" The demon's voice dropped sinisterly. "Deep down, you're just a scared little boy who's too afraid to face the consequences of his actions."
"Shut up..." Felix muttered behind gritted teeth.
"Oh, the pain... the humiliation!" Satan was now standing behind him. "You struggle so hard, just to make up for your mistakes; to make up for your incompetence. Oh but you can't, can you?"
"Shut up..."
"Your parents died because you were too frail to protect them!" The demon prince materialised in front of Felix and screamed in his face. "Your sister died because you were too feeble to save her!"
"And now, you'll die all alone in this place," Satan whispered behind his ear. "Because you are too weak... to defeat your demons."
"Shut up! Shut! Up!" Felix screamed in anguish. "No! No! I'M! NOT!"
A blinding pink beam exploded from his entire being, shaking the surroundings with sheer power as it hurtled towards his doppelganger. It collided with a barrier, and Satan nullified his attack with nary a strain on his face. He snapped his fingers, conjuring a spear that flew straight for his heart. Felix only had time to gasp in shock, but a black shield deflected the projectile right before it hit him.
"Lest you didn't notice, he's not alone." Orpheus glared at the demon. He stomped the ground with his staff, releasing the thousands of demons he had absorbed earlier. They wailed in unison, descending on the demon lord.
Felix took the chance to grab his friend while the demon was still distracted. He produced the glowing orb from within his body and put it in Orpheus' hands. "It's me he wants. I'll hold him off while you bring Marcia's soul back to the living world."
"He's going to kill you!" Orpheus exclaimed. "You're not a match for Hell's second in command. You can't expect me to just leave you to die!"
"I know, but I trust you more than anything in this world, Orpheus." A tear rolled down Felix's face. "T-tell Marcia that I love her. Tell her that I wanted this, my friend. And Orpheus, I... I love y-"
A grating screech blasted the air as the spirits dispersed themselves with the explosion that accompanied it. Felix looked back frantically.
"Go now, Orpheus! Before it's too late!" he yelled as pink wrapped around his friend's body. "Go, and don't look back!"
The psychic thrust his hand forward and tossed Orpheus towards the blue orb in the sky.
~ ~ ~
Orpheus regained his bearings soon enough and stopped tumbling through the air. He spun his staff and pointed it forward, allowing it to guide him to the exit. The blue 'sun' was now glaringly bright, although the air still felt strangely cool. A warm glow emitted from the orb in his hand, flashing intermittently as though it was trying to tell him something. Screams of agony wailed from behind him, but he shut his eyes forcefully.
He's counting on me... He's counting on me... I can't let him down.
The boy continued soaring in the air. He was almost there. More screams pierced the air, and Orpheus finally gave in. The boy turned back, fear dancing in his eyes.
But I can't let him die too!
"Felix!" he screamed, thrusting his staff forward. Wind whipped through his air as the Necromancer flew back down at almost the speed of sound, his magic bolstered by desperation and fear.
"Die, demon!" he cried out and struck Satan with the most amount of magic he had ever mustered in one blow. The demon screeched and let go of Felix before he managed to chew his head off. Orpheus caught his friend and leapt away, narrowly dodging one of Satan's seven heads snapping at them.
He cradled Felix and rolled behind a rock.
~ ~ ~
The demon was now a huge red dragon with angry looking eyes that decorated its entire body. Its golden plated scales sparkled in the light emitted from the ten crowns that ran along its back. The ground shook with every step it took as it lumbered around, searching for the two mortals. Felix stirred weakly in his friend's arms.
"Why did you come back?" The boy shook his head, his eyes filled with despair. "Satan absorbed a large portion of my essence and severely weakened me. I'm not strong enough... to protect you this time. We're going to die here together."
"I won't let you face your demons alone, Felix." Orpheus hugged him tightly. "And as long as I'm with you, I'm not afraid of dying."
"This is all my fault..." Felix sobbed. "I'm so sorry for dragging you into this."
"Don't be." Orpheus held his hand tenderly as his forehead met Felix's. "I wouldn't have it any other way..."
"I love you, Orpheus."
"As do I, Felix."
"Found ya, you little rats!" The dragon roared and knocked aside the rock. It swung its tail at them. The couple yelled in effort, conjuring the strongest shields they could muster to block the blow. It was no use. They shrieked in unison as the force shattered their shields easily and sent them sprawling on the floor. Felix closed his eyes, hugging Orpheus close to him as Satan swung his claws down for the final blow.
But it did not land.
Felix opened his eyes incredulously. A thick pink shield had appeared out of nowhere and blocked the demon's attack.
"Marcia...?" he whispered in disbelief.
"Let go, Felix..." a disembodied voice spoke from the wall of light. "You have to let go of me..."
Felix shook his head defiantly while pursing his lips like a child. "N-no... No... We still have our whole life ahead of us. Please, Marcia... Come home with me..."
"No, brother. You still have your life ahead of you. Mine has already ended." A soothing feeling wrapped around his waist as though he was being embraced, although the light remained a shield in front of him. "It's alright, Felix. It's alright..."
"I'm sorry, Marcia..." the boy bawled. "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you..."
"Oh my beloved brother. Do not blame yourself." Marcia's soul grew brighter. "I have never been happier when you were with me, Felix. Thank you... For being the best brother I could ever have."
The shield glowed intensely and threw itself against the huge creature. Satan shrieked, stumbling back as the light started covering its body. It seemed incapacitated, but only for a moment. Orpheus seized the chance and grabbed Felix's hand.
"Go!" he yelled, and the couple soared into the sky together. Felix turned back, watching the demon fling the glowing net from its body towards the golden river. Marcia's soul bounced away from the water, seemingly repelled by an unknown force and fell into the clear river instead. A bittersweet pain stung his heart as his sister disappeared forever in front of his eyes. Felix's expression hardened with determination, focusing his eyes on the stationary orb in the sky-
A powerful force froze every fraction of his being. The boy struggled futilely as it began reeling him back to the ground. He looked at his partner frantically, reaching for his outstretched fingertips as both of them were pulled back down.
"Did you really think you could escape your eternal punishment for your sins?" the demon taunted him. "You and your boyfriend here are going to suffer for trespassing and robbing Purgatory, and I am going to enjoy tormenting your souls. Every. Single. Moment. For eternity."
"No..." Felix groaned weakly, feeling the last of his energy leave his body. "Leave him... alone... Take me..."
"I'm sorry, but that's not gonna happen," Orpheus said, before yelling an unknown incantation. His body flattened out, escaping from Satan's clutches like liquid and hurtled towards one of its heads instead.
"No!" Satan screeched as emerald fire covered its body. "What trickery is this?"
"Ruler of demons. Supreme denizen of blackest night. Bow down to my will!"
Felix was immediately released as the dragon roared and thrashed about. It shrunk back down to its human form and writhed on the floor, clutching its head as it howled and cursed at the gods. Satan stopped soon enough, shivering as green light completely engulfed its body. Felix rushed towards him, stretching out a hand in horror.
"No, Orpheus... Satan is absorbing your life force." His voice was strained. "Please, you have to let go or you'll die."
"Not... before you're safe." The demon had now taken the form of Orpheus, although its face was contorted in pain. "But I cannot hold this monster back for long. You must leave quickly before it regains power."
"But how about you?" Felix cried. "No, no... don't do this to me, please. I can't lose you too."
Orpheus choked a raspy laugh. "I'm sorry, my love. This is the end of the line. Perhaps we can be together again... in another life. Promise me that you'll look to the light in the darkness from now on, alright?"
"I promise." Felix nodded, falling to his knees.
"I never told you how beautiful your smile looked." Orpheus placed a hand on his lover's cheek gently. "Will you smile one last time for me, darling?"
Felix looked up at him as a bittersweet smile formed on his face.
"Thank you, my love. You have made me... the happiest man in the world." The Necromancer smiled at him for the last time. "Farewell, my dearest Felix."
He thrust his hand forward and Felix hurtled through the air with the enormous force.
The boy watched helplessly as the green shadow retreated from the demon's body and separated itself from Satan. Orpheus' soul whizzed around, before soaring towards the mountain of judgement.
Satan snarled, immediately transforming back into the red dragon and leapt towards the escaping boy. But it was too late. Felix closed his eyes as he felt the warmth of the living world wash over him.
And then there was darkness.
~ ~ ~
Felix wheezed as his eyes flew open, feeling weight return to his body again. He coughed and doubled over, gulping in fresh air greedily. It felt like drinking water after waking up in the middle of the night. Relief flooded his body.
And then the grief hit.
The boy threw his arms around Orpheus' lifeless body and began bawling uncontrollably. It was icy cold, but he clung onto it nevertheless. Words of regret and apologies left his vocal cords in the form of agonised wails as pain stabbed his heart and shook his body. A voice seemed to call out to him, but he could not muster the energy to decipher if it was real or all just in his delirious mind.
"Veritas Incantatia."
Felix gasped, feeling a cold metal touch the back of his head. A golden glow covered his eyes as he felt an invading presence in his memories. He willed himself to turn around, but his body seemed paralysed. Whether it was by the device on his head or by simply the lack of energy, he did not know. The boy crumpled to the ground, falling into a deep sleep.
"Poor boy..." Vulcan muttered, keeping his nightstick imbued with a Veritas rune. An equally sad expression was etched on the faces of the two teenagers standing beside him. The golden glow faded from his daughter's eyes as she turned to him.
"What do we do with him, Dad?" Kleopatra's voice cracked as though she was holding back a sob. Vulcan did not need to wonder why; he was barely keeping his own tears in after witnessing Felix's trip to Purgatory through his memories.
"He has violated natural law," Gaius said grimly.
"And he has been punished sufficiently for that," Vulcan replied. "We shall speak none of this to the public. The boy's gone through enough already."
He bent down, picking up both Marcia's and Orpheus' bodies and slung them over each shoulder.
"I have to file this report to the Guardian Council," he said and turned to Gaius. "Can you do me a favour and make sure he's safe while I'm gone?"
"You didn't need to ask, sir." Gaius glanced at his unconscious colleague. "Besides, we can't have him freaking out again when he wakes up."
"I want to help too," Kleopatra said.
"Much obliged." Vulcan nodded and walked off to his carriage parked outside the house.181Please respect copyright.PENANALBD9Hsep4u