Powy looks up at the helicopters hovering in the air, appearing visibly annoyed. She sets down her rifle and rapidly jumps down to the second floor through the broken window created by Godku. With urgency, she heads down to the middle floor.
111Please respect copyright.PENANAPFBY1DmkKN
Powy: "Helicopters! They've got damn helicopters!"
111Please respect copyright.PENANA4hsjqyTldz
Fused Zamasu: "Damn, we didn't anticipate this."
111Please respect copyright.PENANAbl3IHeckZG
Frieza: "Don't fret over them. If they're not attack helicopters launching missiles at the building, we should have some time."
111Please respect copyright.PENANAtwSatBdAAZ
Risky: "He's right. If they start firing missiles, then we're in trouble."
111Please respect copyright.PENANAI80rteqFP5
Suddenly, all the windows shatter, and police officers descend inside, surrounding the group from all directions. The cops open fire, prompting everyone to seek cover.
111Please respect copyright.PENANAEfd4NFvJgR
Fused Zamasu: "Damn it! Everyone, keep them at bay! Do not let them reach the basement!"
111Please respect copyright.PENANAF0m9CgQKFF
Frieza responds with determination as he fires at the oncoming officers.
111Please respect copyright.PENANAuZS5gmFsHy
Frieza: "We're doing our best, but there are too many of them!"
111Please respect copyright.PENANA4cI4rThNdW
Fused Zamasu discards his gun, forming two ki balls. He stands and hurls one of them at an officer taking aim at him. The ki ball detonates, taking out the cop. Zamasu hurls the second ball, creating another explosion.
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The scene transitions to Godku, Purge, Vegeta, and Goku in the basement. Goku and Vegeta power up, both transforming into Super Saiyans, and they start prying open the massive vault door.
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Fused Zamasu (Voice): "Godku!"
111Please respect copyright.PENANAwDfRXLctgC
Godku: "Yes, what's happening up there?"
111Please respect copyright.PENANAZZaHv3A1sz
Fused Zamasu (Voice): "They've surrounded us from all sides! Hurry down here!"
111Please respect copyright.PENANAOu1KbEq0vt
Godku: "Don't worry, they're working on getting the vault open. Just hold them off a little longer."
111Please respect copyright.PENANAnkTjGSgcMG
Fused Zamasu (Voice): "Roger that! Oh, shit—"
111Please respect copyright.PENANAH3tK7J9Qco
A thunderous explosion resonates from above, causing the entire room to shake and bits of debris to fall. Godku reacts swiftly, using his ki to erect pillars, supporting the ceiling. He then turns to Goku and Vegeta.
111Please respect copyright.PENANAg3l070aIVs
Godku: "Hurry, guys! This place is falling apart!"
111Please respect copyright.PENANAc3KGpje3VF
Goku: "We're doing our best!"
111Please respect copyright.PENANAlgwL3wuIQI
With great effort, they pull on the door, but it budges only slightly. Goku devises a plan and envelops one of his hands in ki, shaping it into a blade. He repeats the process with his other hand and then charges at the door, thrusting one of the ki blades into it.
111Please respect copyright.PENANAWjCBvOFbi8
Goku: "Aha! It's working! Vegeta, let's do this quickly!"
111Please respect copyright.PENANAc7GIRYzjLb
Vegeta acknowledges and forms ki blades as well. Together, they begin slicing through the door, creating a sizable gap. Once the gap is wide enough, they push aside the separated piece and swiftly enter the vault.
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Godku: “Purge! The portal!”
111Please respect copyright.PENANAqmIcskee0v
Purge: “RIght!”
111Please respect copyright.PENANAGM96U1Y75Q
Purge opens a portal leading to the man-cave. Goku and Vegeta begin swiftly stashing numerous bars of gold and bundles of cash into their duffle bags. Once the bags are full, they toss them through the portal, and Adrian, on the other side, catches and places them down. Goku and Vegeta then proceed to grab whatever they can carry in their hands and toss it through the portal. They effectively empty the vault, placing everything into the portal. They nod in satisfaction and step through the portal, which closes behind them.
111Please respect copyright.PENANAVtXh4QIdxG
Godku and Purge quickly ascend the stairs to the middle floor, where chaos reigns with cops everywhere. Purge charges through the maelstrom of violence, reaching the center of the room. Without hesitation, he unleashes his ki in a self-destructive burst that obliterates all the cops and propels everyone else backward. As his ki detonates, the entire building starts to crumble.
111Please respect copyright.PENANAm9L7AMHo66
In the midst of the chaos, Purge swiftly opens a portal leading to the man-cave and leaps through it, followed closely by the others. The portal closes behind them as the building collapses, leaving them safely in their hidden refuge.
111Please respect copyright.PENANAUkKUbSEKh3
Everyone manages to escape safely through the portal, which promptly closes behind them. The building crumbles and is reduced to a heap of rubble. The officers outside the building are taken aback by the sudden destruction. They exchange bewildered glances and assume that the group had perished. Relieved, they get into their vehicles and drive away, thinking the threat is over.
111Please respect copyright.PENANAQ9ARwbQ6lM
In the man-cave, the group is recovering from the intense heist. Adrian places the duffle bags on the table and starts running calculations to determine their haul. The rest of the team regains their composure and realizes that they have successfully completed the mission. This accomplishment fills them with joy, and they begin celebrating their successful heist.
111Please respect copyright.PENANA5WTeVoBOd8
Godku: "We did it! We're filthy rich!"
111Please respect copyright.PENANAHWxXu3TtrL
Adrian: "Hold on, let me run the numbers. We've got over 6.2 million in jewelry, a diamond worth 245k, 9 golden nuggets totaling 24k, 900k in cash, and a whopping 9.5 million in gold. But, keep in mind, trying to sell all of this at once might not be easy, and we won't get full value for it. Pawn shops can only handle so much."
111Please respect copyright.PENANAhUuwGFGXX4
Goku: "I've got an idea. Instead of rushing to sell everything, let's use some of that gold to invest in a bigger man-cave where we can lay low until things settle down."
111Please respect copyright.PENANAEU6COJPLTD
Frieza: "And what about the rest of the loot, the jewelry, cash, and the rest of the gold?"
111Please respect copyright.PENANAlPSTPFGI76
Goku: "That's where it gets interesting. We can create a massive vault under our new man-cave and stash everything there. And then, we can become a notorious gang, knocking over banks and other stores. We'll be the most feared gang around, and we'll call ourselves 'The BoyZ.'"
111Please respect copyright.PENANAtSzNaPvArr
The group is captivated by Goku's plan, and they discuss it among themselves. Eventually, they all cheer in agreement, excited by the prospect of their newfound wealth and the adventures that lie ahead.
111Please respect copyright.PENANAsR9s2SEHHZ
Godku: "Exactly! Our new place won't just be some dingy basement. It'll be a full-fledged mansion, a grand one at that! We'll have clone guards, armed to the teeth!"
111Please respect copyright.PENANAsmUgkcld1R
Frieza: "And a Casino, a perfect front for our legal income, but also a great source of stolen funds!"
111Please respect copyright.PENANAcHqCyomxJ0
Fused Zamasu: "Of course, and we can't forget the bars, for those who love a good drink!"
111Please respect copyright.PENANAyIOAYf54Cm
Vegeta: "A virtual gaming room to immerse ourselves in any game we desire!"
111Please respect copyright.PENANAYSW8sdmQYe
Powy: "And a smoking lounge, fully stocked with every option for smoking enthusiasts!"
111Please respect copyright.PENANAcj7aXSaBg5
Goku: "Yes, yes, yes, yes, and yes! All that and more! It's not just a man-cave, it's a manor, a fortress, our headquarters!"
111Please respect copyright.PENANAMDgLCzKL5d
The excitement in the room reaches a peak, and everyone cheers in agreement. The scene transitions to outside Goku's house.
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Goku (Voice): "This is gonna be incredible!"111Please respect copyright.PENANAO0jLZMZq4U