Cináed was out wandering the streets again. This time, he was keeping to the less crowded areas, having gotten fed up with the many people.614Please respect copyright.PENANAa2R8qHa6Ts
Neoma was exiting the blacksmith’s, an obviously newly made knife being placed in her sash. Only, this time, another cloaked girl, the cloak being much too big on the girls small frame, was with her, and there was no cat at her side.
Cináed had been heading down that way again himself, and caught sight of her as she left. “Hey, Neoma.”
“Hey.” She nodded to him, and pulled her hand back into her cloak.614Please respect copyright.PENANAwxoq0UKLGH
”New weapon?” Then he glanced at the girl with her, and his eyebrows went up. Neoma nodded, shrugging up her shoulders a bit.”Don’t use weapons, myself,” he said cheerily. “Gonna take a guess and say you’re Luna?”614Please respect copyright.PENANAOcdSX6m4cr
“Don’t have to, prefer to,” Neoma mumbled. 614Please respect copyright.PENANA5JktrQYoLa
Luna grinned and nodded, some of her brown-blond hair slipping out from under her hood. She had only met him as an ocelot, he still smelled funny….614Please respect copyright.PENANACWQbl3Si9w
“Never liked ‘em. They interfere with shifting.” He grinned back at the familiar.614Please respect copyright.PENANAjiHvm0xEry
”How so?” Her black eyes darted to him for a moment, then back to the ground.614Please respect copyright.PENANAID2EW58LQH
“I can’t change them. And if I shift into something small, like, say, a bird, I’d have to drop and abandon it. Plus, some types of metals can mess with my magic, so…”614Please respect copyright.PENANANxkP1xyleX
”Oh. Makes sense.” She shrugged. “Can’t use shadows in towns and such, so I use weapons. Another reason why Earth sucks.”614Please respect copyright.PENANAVNvPtFZwHu
He shrugged back. “Eh, I like it. Overall, a nice place.”614Please respect copyright.PENANA5uurmkaqGu
She looked of to the side, then turned to Luna. “Hold this,” she said, and handed her the new knife.614Please respect copyright.PENANA0DP0xD8ERj
”?!” Luna barely caught it as Neoma dashed off for a moment, her hood falling in the process.614Please respect copyright.PENANA0pmx9FUKHj
Cináed blinked after her. “What’s she up to?”614Please respect copyright.PENANAzLDFctbsBB
“I don’t know…” Luna turned to him, her dark blue eyes hitting his for a few seconds.614Please respect copyright.PENANAggD4XWB18Q
He shrugged. “Well, anyway, nice to actually speak to you this time.”614Please respect copyright.PENANAdK7fgq8hWR
She giggled a bit. “Thanks!” Then she looked back at the dagger.614Please respect copyright.PENANAJ61amqyBxx
”Looks fancy,” he commented, motioning toward the weapon in her grasp.614Please respect copyright.PENANAkfwfK6Xs8X
”She spent a lot of money to get it made fast…” Luna’s eyes hit his again, this time lighter blue sparkles visible as the light hit her eyes.614Please respect copyright.PENANA3sLWbD250b
“Still, not bad-looking.” He wasn’t looking at the object this time, but was instead meeting her eyes with a light grin.614Please respect copyright.PENANAsXWkLJyO0O
“It’s Neom-” She got cut off when someone passed her, hitting her shoulder in the process (humans are rude) and causing her to squeak and drop the knife.614Please respect copyright.PENANAw6QDcw4gcb
Cináed rolled his eyes at the guy. “Moron…” He reached down to pick it up. Then, as his hand closed around it, he went stiff, a low hiss forcing its way out between clenched teeth. He instantly dropped it and staggered back, then his eyes flashed blue and his form seemed to shimmer a bit as he lost his weak hold on his magic.614Please respect copyright.PENANAHp9YDKRAF2
”Um…are you okay?” She tilted her head bit to the side, going down to pick up the knife. Her eyes didn’t leave him as she did, however, and she fell back when his form started to shimmer. Then, abruptly, a young blonde girl was standing in his place, looking absolutely bewildered.