Here's some ideas I think are neat, that are vague enough for you to still be able to create your own story :)
A story about a good protagonist/hero who slowly becomes a villain
A story about someone who gets caught in a dark magical world, maybe horror themed, having to find a way home
A romance story in an unusual setting (try to get ideas from the outside world)
A self-destructive or even other-destructive person having to overcome their bad habits
Or how about a special approach; come up with some cool characters first, THEN create a setting where it's possible for them to meet eachother, and THEN create the plot. Sometimes a good way to shake up creativity is to flip around the order.
And then there's this one, dig up some old unfinished story and continue it.
But let me say this. Writers block often means that you simply are too critical of your own stuff. If you really want to get over it, what you must do, is just write; start the story, and when you get stuck, literally just go with the first idea you get, even if it's terrible. Your first draft will not be good so just let it be terrible. You are going to edit it later, anyway, and when you've edited it enough, it will become good, so when you are writing your story for the first time, your task is NOT to make it good, but simply just to make it. To put it simply; a bad page can be fixed, a blank page cannot.