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  • Writer
    Sukotto Aren Neishon
    Sukotto Aren Neishon
    (Sukotto Aren Neishon ) I was born in a serene river town in Illinois known as Alton, I've been honing my writing skills intermittently throughout my life.Nothing special about me.
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" The Collapse of Nightfall, The Revolt" (Play)
PG Completed Paid content


The Kingdom of Nightfall has fallen into dark times, with the rule of King Lucius I his rule has brought excessive taxation and poverty. The villagers of Nightfall have had enough, to the point of them killing soldiers and guards and burning down multiple structures belonging to royalty and rich merchants alike. The villagers soon find their way to the front gates of the castle and face-to-face with King Lucius himself. 


- Regnum Noctis in tempora tenebrosa decidit, cum regno Regis Lucii I, cuius imperium admodum gravem tributum et paupertatem attulit. Incolae Noctis usque ad satietatem pervenerunt, ita ut milites et custodes interficerent et aedificia multa regiae et divitum mercatorum incenderent. Incolae mox ad portas castri perveniunt et vultu ad vultum cum Rege Lucio ipso consistunt.

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