Hey, guys! Thank you so much for reading The Ghost of Ontario! It means so much to me. I want to publish this story (the novel version) in the future, so any support is very much appreciated. I've been working on this story as long as Through the Wormhole, so that tells you how much it means to me and these characters. I even wrote a prequel to The Ghost of Ontario, The Bridge Between Tribes, which you'll find in my memoir, Wait! I Wrote That?.
My favorite part of this story was writing about Ihaan and Kate's relationship and the scene with the Spirit Animals. Like Curses and Blessings, I did struggle with the "telling" portion of the draft rather than the "showing", but that's okay. This is where revision comes in handy. At least the story is a little better written than the first draft. I cannot wait to keep working on it and sharing it with you all. If you haven't already, check out the novel version of this story, too. Love you all, and May the Force be with you!