“A Reunion at The Dump”
Well, I remembered there was this one time. Tommy Wheaton and I were just playing catch at the park and down the street there was The Drummond house. Well anyway, no one liked the Drummonds. They were the local troublemakers. With about ten thousand people living in Charleston Heights at the time, it didn't take long to realize the whole family was a problem. Well anyway, I'd say it was June of 1955, and summer vacation just really started for us. Meanwhile, the Drummonds were just setting up for their tenth-annual family reunion. So all the Drummonds from the tristate area were going to be there. As I said Tommy and I were just playing catch at the park. Tommy and I saw a garbage truck go by, nothing out of the ordinary about that it was trash day. So I'd say it might have been a little after 1 pm, we heard a big cracking sound and a bunch of yelling and cursing. So Tommy and I stopped what we were doing and ran down the street toward the yelling and cursing. Well, we got down to the source of the commotion and we realized it was the Drummond's front yard. It seems that three garbage trucks dumped their garbage right in the Drummond's front yard. It seems the first garbage truck broke through Drummond's picket fence and dumped its load right on top of the grill that Will Drummond was cooking on and buried him and the grill in the trash. Then the other two garbage trucks followed suit. The whole front yard was full of garbage. You couldn't see a single Drummond due to the trash. Right after the last truck left the mother-in-law was walking out the front door with the deviled eggs and didn't see the bag of trash in her path she fell over it and landed face-first in her deviled eggs You couldn't tell where her badly painted face started and the deviled eggs began. Tommy always said that she painted her face like a mime in distress. Later the police got involved and asked the city about what happened and their response was with all The Drummonds there they had mistaken it for the city dump. The police chief I heard laughed and the investigation didn't go any further. I heard the city fined the Drummonds fifty dollars a day until they got rid of all the trash in the front yard. I think they had to pay a pretty penny for the cleanup. No one ever did find out who did that. Some of the old folks in town say they think the Mayor did it he hated the Drummonds because of all the trouble they caused.