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Under Zohakuten’s gaze from above, this group of cats marks their territory in a great valley that specializes in gazing beyond the skies. Experts at dreaming, visions, and stargazing, these cats have a unique connection to their NovaPelt than the others with their lack of skill in visions. Sleeping under the great stars of the night sky under the valley, ValleyClan cats also have a personality of carelessness and boredom. Good luck trying to lift that careless frown on their face if you ever run into one! Spies from other Clans spread the rumor that there are many mystical creatures and odd-looking animals in the valley, but cats from other Clans still don’t know too many details, afraid to get caught investigating any further. Their colors vary from shades of brown, gray, maroon, and sometimes gold! Their ears look very much like elves, elf-looking creatures are also an example of a creature spotted in their territory, but the cats don’t seem to mind any of the animals at all.
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Barkwing: A brown male tabby with golden eyes & white ears & chest & a short tail
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Amberpelt:A golden she with amber eyes
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Medicine Cat:
Eggsnake- A snowshoe-cornish rex she with protruding fangs and brown flecks
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Senior Warriors:
Graytail:A white cat with a gray tail & front paw and blue eyes
App- Tornpaw: A lean brown tom with a torn ear
Scorchedstep:A brown she with brown stripes & orange eyes
Nightstorm:A mottled gray-and-black tom with green eyes
Snowsong:A white she with a plumy tail
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Darkrose:A gray she with maroon flecks and yellow eyes
Breezebeam: A white-and-gray tom
App- Oatpaw: A brown and golden calico tom with silver eyes
Poppymoon: A maroon she with brown eyes
Leopardthroat: A golden tom with gray rosettes and white markings
App- Woodpaw: A white tom with brown ears and eyes
Midgeface: A brown tom with white markings and green eyes
Waspsting: A golden tom with darker golden body stripes & white leg stripes
Weedbush: A gray tom with amber eyes
Brackenspot: A brown-and-golden tom
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Parsleybush: A maroon she-cat with white ears and paws
Kit- Fernkit: A gray she-cat with darker stripes
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Myrtledusk: An old gray-and-white tom
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With Douma as their NovaPelt, his bloodline purely from this Clan, these cats live just out of the reaches of ValleyClan’s territory, making camp right at the top of Polar Peak. These cats have long, soft fur and thick skin to survive the harshest weather in what feels like the Arctic at the top of the mountain where their camp is. PolarClan cats have large paws fit for the snow, unique hunting skills, and an amazing ability to cooperate as a group while hunting and patrolling, always helping each other in the snowy mountains. They can thrive in little-to-no oxygen in their high altitudes, camouflage excellently well, and their fur changes color in summer and winter. Their coats can have shades of white and gray in winter, and brown, gray, or tan in summer. They have ridged claws to grip the ice and climb in the mountain terrain. Getting scratched with their claws would feel like getting scratched by normal claws four times, you can thank their jagged ridges for that. All of them have cold silver eyes and unique silver necklaces- the cats love anything that could be considered… jewelry. They’re also big company lovers! Similar to Douma’s personality when he walked in these snowy mountains himself, this Clan might as well not have borders at all. Someone would be called a legend if they saw a PolarClan cat acting ferocious, even to strangers or in a battle! In battles, they cooperate and use their strategies very well, but they never act angry about it. Giving them a great advantage in battle, it’s impossible to read a PolarClan cat’s emotions or predict their next move. It’s hard to believe they even have emotions, besides acting optimistic and friendly. And they shed a LOT in the summer. They should be named HairyClan in the summer. I mean, have you SEEN their camp, let alone their dens, in that time? Though summer passes quickly in the mountains, and their fur grows back very quickly. And their fur will vary from the colors in the two seasons randomly, so who even bothers with fur descriptions?333Please respect copyright.PENANAZZEmRzwipT
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Winterwing (tom)
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Glaciertooth (tom)
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Medicine Cat:
Silverdusk (she)
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Senior Warriors:
Icedrop (she)
App: Bearpaw (tom)
Swanlight (she)
Permafrost (tom)
App: Coldpaw (she)
Evergreen (she)
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Everestfog (tom)
App: Woollypaw (tom)
Cacholong (tom)
App: Belugapaw (tom)
Crevissefrost (she)
Hoarwolf (tom)
Amurnose (tom)
Borealtooth (tom)
Arcticsnow (she)
App: Borispaw (tom)
Fulmardust (tom)
Mammothtusk (tom)
Neptunewhisker (she)
Fennelstride (she)
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Northfrost (she)
Kit: Usagikit (she)
Pinecone (she)
Kit: Pandakit (tom)
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Summitzero (tom)
Serendipity (she)
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LavaClan can be found just out of the reaches of PolarClan’s snowy territories, and you’ll immediately step into a land of black lava rocks and lava itself, pouring out of a huge volcano on the west side of their territory. With Akaza as their NovaPelt, these cats are unique to only their Clan, just like the others. LavaClan cats’ look realistic, but that’s not the case. Their fur is tough like rocks, nowhere near as soft as fluffy-haired PolarClan cats. Their blood, especially, isn’t blood. It’s LAVA! That’s right. Of course, you can’t see it unless you draw their blood- that is if you possibly can. Their lava blood can cause painful burns if you touch it, but their blood isn’t hot enough to kill unless you’re stupid enough to stay in a pile of it for too long. They are fire-resistant enough to swim in lava for a period of time and withstand huge amounts of heat. Similar to PolarClan cats, they have great climbing abilities, yet they don’t have the ridged claws that PolarClan has, of course. Great senses, too, such as sensing tremors or gas emissions. They can camouflage with their fur the colors of black, gray, orange, and light shades of white, having an advantage when hunting the few living things that cluelessly walk into the volcanic land. And, since such few food items and water ever show up in the volcano, LavaClan cats can survive without food for a year, and without water for three months. Their bodies store every bit of fat in the body and use it bit by bit for strength, causing them to be able to stomach a mouse for over two months. The same goes for storing water. They can withstand toxic gases and ashfall as well- if a rival Clan cat got caught in one of those disasters, their respiratory system couldn’t function for long, and they wouldn’t make it if they didn’t reach the safety of another Clan border. This Clan also has a very interesting, yet cruel method of hierarchy. They have absolutely zero tolerance for anyone in their Clan who wishes to pass down their warrior duties to become an elder. If anyone wishes to become an elder out loud, they’re thrown out for good, and only the NovaPelts know their whereabouts from there. If you’re older than 80 moons, you’re thrown out. They think the weak have no reason to live in their Clan. Akaza used to hate weak things more than anything, so it’s no surprise if the cats got it from them. A LavaClan cat’s 80th moon night is its worst nightmare. Even the leader will be thrown out, soon replaced by a younger deputy. Strong warriors who can hunt and defend their Clan and themselves without question are their only priority in the volcano biome. Their eyes are always a bright yellow color. Definitely the most feared Clan.333Please respect copyright.PENANAw6k8TPsWn7
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Ashwing- A dark gray tom
333Please respect copyright.PENANAGolqjUja0N
Pyropeak- A black tom
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Medicine Cat:
Bloodynight- A black tom with white paws
333Please respect copyright.PENANA0UiMPLuOyk
Senior Warriors:
Lavaspots- A white tom with black flecks
Magmaflight- A fierce black tom with orange brindle markings
App: Blazepaw- A flame-orange tom
Blisteringsummit- An orange and white she
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Martriarchfoot- A gray tom with white paws and chest
App: Firepaw- A ginger tom with a white tail tip
Ebonythorn- A black and white she
Moltenfang- A black and orange tom with white ears and chest
App: Vertexpaw- A gray tom
Envyheights- A white she with gray stripes
Apexstorm- A gray tom with black markings
Bouldernight- A gray-and-white tabby tom
Maggotfire- A white tom
App: Titanpaw- A fierce orange tom with black chest fur, paws, ears & tail tip
Billyleap- A gray and orange tom
Rockstep- A gray she
App: Flarepaw- a flame-orange tom with white frontpaws
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Onyxdapple-A black-and-white she
Kits: Cinderkit (a gray she), Blackkit (a pitch black tom), and Smokekit (a gray tom).
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Ah, yes. NightClan. With Invincible as their NovaPelt, this Clan is just beyond the smoky volcano biome as it will dive down into a beautiful jungle filled with dark greens and nature itself. NightClan cats- well- they thrive at night and sleep during the daytime. Like nocturnal animals, yeah, you get it. They also have wings! Yes, they can fly. They have many abilities to thrive in the jungle. First, they can fly silently, allowing them to move through the dense jungle canopy without alerting their prey or potential predators. They can change color or pattern to blend in with the foliage, providing them with effective camouflage while hunting or evading danger, as well as expressing feelings with each other. Now, cats are already known for their agility, but with NightClan’s wings, they possess even greater maneuverability than the other Clans, allowing them to navigate through the intricate network of branches and vines in the jungle with ease. They have exceptionally sharp eyesight, enabling them to spot prey from great distances while soaring above the jungle canopy in the dead of night. These feline creatures also have a powerful roar that, when combined with the rush of air from their wings, creates a sonic blast capable of stunning or disorienting their targets, giving them their own great advantage in battle. Alongside acute vision, NightClan cats have heightened senses of hearing and smell, allowing them to detect prey or danger from all directions while airborne. These cats can have all-natural fur colors, and they don’t have any special rules about their hierarchy. They are adapted to the rain that the jungle brings almost every day, having a great ability to build dens and take cover in the smallest places. Also, it’s worth mentioning they’re the biggest Clan!333Please respect copyright.PENANA2Rql0oET4p
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Shadewing- A small pale silver-and-white tabby she with sky-blue eyes
App: Sandpaw- A pale ginger she with distinct tabby stripes and dark green eyes
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Birchfoot- A long-furred black she with blue eyes
333Please respect copyright.PENANAPKdHYQUSxo
Medicine Cat:
Hazelburrow- A hazel tom with white legs and turquoise eyes
App: Vinepaw- A brown-and-white tom with amber eyes
333Please respect copyright.PENANA1KkF9Bg20W
Senior Warriors:
Jayfrost- A gray-brown tabby tom with a fluffy tail and dark amber eyes
Iceflower- A black-and-white she with yellowish-green eyes
Goldenfawn- A small fluffy ginger-and-white she with light green eyes and a bobbed tail
Mapledrift- A dark ginger tom with white flecks, blue eyes and tufted ears
App: Sunpaw-A fluffy ginger tabby tom with sky blue eyes
Moonbreeze- A lithe dark gray tabby she with pale turquoise eyes
Viperfrost- A black tabby tom with dark gray paws, muzzle, and chest, electric cyan eyes
Pandadrift- A fluffy brown-and-white tabby tom with green eyes and a red panda-like tail
Blueheart- A lithe, broad-shouldered, dark blue-gray she with piercing dark blue eyes
Ospreysplash- A brown tabby and white tom with warm yellow eyes and a short tail
Lilybreeze- A white molly with brown tabby patches and pine-green eyes
App: Mintpaw- A fluffy pale gray and spotted she with white paws and emerald-green eyes
Frogstorm- A long-furred brown tom with emerald green eyes and a long tail
App: Solarpaw- A pale yellow tom with white markings and unusual red eyes
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Snowbreeze- A dark gray she with light cream chest and tail-tip, freckles and blue eyes
Eagleflight- A golden-tabby she with a white chest and emerald-green eyes
App: Fawnpaw- A dark cream tom with brown paws, tail, and brown specks on his back
Darknight- A fluffy black tom with a white left forepaw, bushy white-tipped tail, and green eyes
Marblerose- A white she with gray-and-silver markings and lavender eyes
Echoheart- A ginger tabby she with a white muzzle and chest and sky-blue eyes
App: Scorchpaw- An orange-brown Somali tom with aquamarine eyes
Dusklight- A gray tom with dark gray patches and deep blue eyes
Flickermoth- A dilute tortoiseshell tom cat with white paws and amber eyes
Nettlespring- A sandy-brown tabby tom with brownish-amber eyes
Skysong- A golden brown Bengal tom with a long, fluffy tail and dark brown eyes
Brambleheart- A small, fluffy brown tabby tom with blue eyes
Amberleaf- A golden-brown abyssinian she with a tuft on the head, white paws, and green eyes
Bluebat- A blue-gray tom with lion-like features and pale blue eyes
Starlingsong- An elegant fluffy black she with amber eyes and a torn ear
Swiftfeather- A fluffy light gray she with green eyes, tabby stripes, and pale markings
Autumnfrost- A silver tabby she with orange flecks and amber eyes
Cloudybeam- A gray tabby tom with a pure white underbelly and pale amber eyes
App: Tigerpaw- A large, stocky, brown tabby tom with blazing amber eyes
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Lilacstream- A silver tabby she with white paws, belly and ear-tips and with pale blue eyes
Kits: Honeykit (honey-yellow she with brown paws and yellow eyes), Adderkit (black she with short glossy fur and violet eyes), Cheetahkit (tan-orange tom with lighter tan spots, a fluffy ringed tail, and one green-and-blue eye)
Quillslip- A calico she with bright seafoam eyes
Kits: Robinkit (dark reddish-brown she with dark brown markings and green eyes), Wolfkit (dark gray tom with white paws and underbelly, darker grey stripes, and ice-blue eyes)
Pantherfawn- A small jet-black she with silver swirls and violet eyes
Kits: Crowkit (black tom with white speckles and blue eyes), Owlkit (dark tortoiseshell tom with silver eyes and a white neck, chest, and paws)
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Copperclaw- A copper-brown tabby she-cat with green eyes and one white paw
Dawnmist- A once-graceful silver-gray tabby she-cat with green eyes
Deftfoot- A red tabby tom with dark green eyes
Lightningfrost- A fluffy brown tabby she-cat with a white underbelly and green eye333Please respect copyright.PENANAuVCl219Vqa
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This Clan, unlike the others, cannot be found on land. Right between the territories of ValleyClan and NightClan, out of the jungle shadows and the valley’s sunshine, you will find a large land filled with little grains of yellow things called sand. This borders SeaClan’s territory, and it will lead you to a large body of water, also known as the lake. This is not an ocean, but a very large lake. It’s three times the width of LavaClan’s volcano, and that’s SAYING something! These cats live in- yes, IN- the lake, with odd features such as gills and fins. Their usual form is a sea creature (if you’ve seen the Luca movie, it’s like those creatures but with cats), or they can be a simple form with a fin and fish-like tail. This Clan was descended from Nemo, otherwise known as “the NovaPelt of the water”. These cats don’t mind getting wet at all; after all, they LIVE in it. They hatch in eggs like reptiles, and they have unique shiny scales, though their scales sometimes look like fur. Half of them also have spikes or manes attached to their top scales, and they have horns and their powerful tails allow them to swim faster than a swordfish. These “hybrid” cats are adept underwater hunters, using their feline instincts to stalk and capture prey while leveraging aquatic adaptations for successful hunting in the lake. They possess enhanced senses, such as acute underwater vision and hearing, allowing them to navigate and hunt effectively in the lake’s depths. These cats have exceptional climbing and agility skills, which prove useful for climbing rocky coastal areas or coral reefs. Since they live in the water, SeaClan cats have developed unique vocalizations or communication methods suited for underwater environments, allowing them to interact with other Clan members in the ocean. They can’t just pop up to the surface every time they want to greet each other. They call their language “Nemati.” They have evolved specialized adaptations to control their buoyancy in water, allowing them to effortlessly move between different ocean depths. SeaClan cats also can use echolocation to navigate and locate objects underwater. This skill enhances their awareness of their surroundings and aids in hunting or avoiding potential threats. They can walk on land as well, as they do to go to Gatherings or battles with other Clans. Finally, these cats exhibit bioluminescent features, producing their own light to attract prey, communicate with others of their kind, or deter potential threats in the dark depths of the ocean. In terms of their colors, their scales can be all sorts of colors you wouldn’t see in the other Clans. They can be all shades of blue, teal, aquamarine, seafoam, magenta, dark gray/green/green-gray colors, orange/tan, and/or purple. In battle, their hard scales are hard to claw or bite, giving them their own advantage, as well as their huge tails that can kill if you’re smacked with it enough times. They have webbed paws and frills.333Please respect copyright.PENANAiF540j9q4w
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Marinewing- A teal-shaded tom with blue eyes, sea-green tints, a tan underbelly, and a light blue mane
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Whirlpool-A brown-and-tan shaded tom with amber eyes and spikes
333Please respect copyright.PENANA3du2kqpZqY
Medicine Cat:
Pondstream-A mint-green she with green eyes
App: Moraypaw- A light pink and white she with silver eyes and a frothy pink mane
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Senior Warriors:
Indigospark-An indigo she with blue eyes and a light purple mane
Sloefall-A blue-and-magenta she
Pearlsight- A violet she with spikes and pink eyes
Swanstrike- A white and green tom with orange paws and a gleaming white mane
App: Puddlepaw- An aquamarine she with purple markings and eyes
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Wavesplash-Light tan tom with orange stripes
Mallowberry- A pink and white she with orange eyes
App: Frogpaw- A dull green tom with yellow eyes and darker green flecks on his scales
Hailthorn- A large white tom with a mane and bright silver- almost white- eyes
Anemoneswoop- A light-ish blue she with pink frills and fins and lighter blue eyes
Angelfish- A dull gray tom with greenish outlinings and gray eyes
App: Baypaw- an orange and purple tom with amber eyes & spikes
Bettamoon- A purple and magenta she with light pink eyes and mane
App: Finpaw- A green-shaded tom with silver eyes and dark green spikes
Gillwind- A gray tom with a lighter gray mane and green eyes
Turtlemist- A green and white tom with yellow eyes
Ripplefog- A cloudy blue tom with darker spikes and silver eyes
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Coralsplash-A dark blue she with lighter markings and sky blue eyes
Kits: Reefkit (Purple and pink tom with a white mane and yellow eyes), Drizzlekit (light blue she with sky blue eyes)
Beachspring- Light tan she with pink stripes and orange eyes
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NO CURRENT ELDERS333Please respect copyright.PENANAXjaJmDTbg9