Christopher Jessup was born in a barn near Bethlehem, Texas. His soon-to-be-dad, Joe, and 8 1⁄2-month pregnant mom, Miriam, were returning home from an appointment with their tax accountant in Linden when their Mercedes slid into a ditch on Old Brownsville Road in a late December ice storm. 266Please respect copyright.PENANARIkWDF6c53
Since the village of 75 (soon to be 76!) had no hospital--it would have been folly anyway since the accident induced her labor and they were seven miles outside town–it was up to Dad (and the longhorns) in the nearest outbuilding to deliver the lad. The miracle birth went without a hitch and the family returned to their mansion on Padre Island. 266Please respect copyright.PENANAYxNn7mzHvg
He was born third generation NewWorld Jessup–Chris’s grandparents, Heli and Anna Josesphus, betrothed as teens in a pre-arranged marriage, had fled from the Old Country and its Byzantine ways, destitute, but hopeful, to start fresh in their new one. The couple Americanized their surname, settled in Corpus Christi, and made the American Dream come to pass.266Please respect copyright.PENANAyfOH5PasKy
His parents carried on the family business, became richer and were born again. They loved President Reagan for his generous tax breaks and for his folksy pokes at ‘welfare queens’, and Jerry Falwell for his defense in the war against Christians.266Please respect copyright.PENANAsDCmJvQNHW
Chris shunned all that. He hung out after school in the barrios of Central City, South Bay, and Flour Bluff, helping out some of the poorest of the 27% of the un-white citizens in the city, because that’s the answer to WWJD?. 266Please respect copyright.PENANARJ2ilbsqZP
He excelled in state speech competitions, holding the room spellbound with his rhetoric and parables. He was class valedictorian and batted a thousand percent in trivia contests, but Mom and Dad’s hopes for their only begotten son’s MBA from Harvard were dashed when he eschewed college and the family business to backpack around the United States, wearing only sandals, long hair, a poncho, and ripped jeans.266Please respect copyright.PENANAH8pMT9LVJl
Chris found only disappointment and disgust at the ubiquitous inequality between races, economic status, age, and health, all across the land. And after watching small-time ministers praising Republicans from the pulpit for their shock-and-awe wars and booming economy, and for their social cuts to the poor who only expect handouts, anyway; after getting pissed off at the mega-pastors raking in millions preaching prosperity–all in the name of JEZZZUUSSSS!!!!!--he began to steam over the same three plagues that poisoned the race two thousand years before: 1. Spirituality corroded away by the twin toxins of religious dogma and rituals. 2. Hypocrisy–fake religious types in general, he thought. 3. Cashing in on God’s Gracious name.266Please respect copyright.PENANAT94lW6Q1XR
When his parents died, he gave his entire fortune to charity, became an advocate for the poor, sick, and hopeless, got enlightened, and went by the new moniker of the Son of God. 266Please respect copyright.PENANA2abyNURzSc
“But we all are sons and daughters of God!”, he preached on street corners, always ready with a first aid kit and a canteen to whoever would listen to his pleas of charity, kindness, and turning-the-other-cheek. “So we must begin to act like it! We must abide by being one race–the human race.” He began wearing swathes of linen, rejecting even the slightest hint of materialism, in honor of fellow peacenik, Mahatma Gandhi.266Please respect copyright.PENANAGg4QzLBOtm
His first arrest came while protesting at a charlatan’s faith-healing service where 5-gallon buckets of cash flowed up and down the aisles, given freely by desperately sick believers expecting to be healed—in His name! His second was for trespassing (in a church dedicating to worshiping him, no less) during a Catholic mass in Lubbock, after he developed a tactic of barging into different denominational churches on Sunday mornings, railing at the gun-toting bigots, supremests, racists, and haters who claimed to be worshiping Him–you hypocrites!266Please respect copyright.PENANAL8PsDuocZs
Christopher Christ was rocking white society’s yacht like Martin Luther King had done, and began to get national attention and a growing following with the ones not brainwashed in His name. He staged sit-ins, love-ins, strikes, and peaceful demonstrations and rallies. Chris started to make the conservative establishment nervous when he was interviewed on CNN one night, reminding the hypocrites and money-changers and Pharisees in America of his Beatitudes, and its “blessed are’s” and “woes to”—aka, the same sermon He preached two millennia before on the Mount. 266Please respect copyright.PENANAoJvGqoYvqH
When the “wolf-in-sheep’s-clothing” (the false prophet the evangelicals were warning the heathens about) became president, He had had enough.266Please respect copyright.PENANAvb5mfLbsgX
After all the dogma and ritual attached to His Father’s words; after all the evil meted out in His name–the Inquisition, Crusades, and slavery, for starters; after all the horrors done to children by priests; after all the witch-hunts and witch-burning, the lynchings and the genocide; the mansions and the love gifts spent on million dollar racehorses--He had come back down to Earth to end this ghastly miscarriage of love, peace, and harmony, once and for all. 266Please respect copyright.PENANAKm7ZnBkNAE
What had started in 1 AD as a mission to reunite the whole of humanity had become prostituted and exploited for money, power, and control. This time He came back to expose the sanctimonious phonies for what they were, and to finally end the shitshow (pardon His language) of what Christianity had become; to try again to get his Father’s creation to live in His true messages of peace, love, acceptance, and equality for all, and peace on this planet, for once!266Please respect copyright.PENANAJwM1YNuiH2
The rabble-rousing holy man knew he was making progress shaking things up, when, one night on the #1 primetime cable “news” show, Tucker Carlson demonized him as, “that dark-skinned, blasphemous, atheist, Socialist extremist with the same mental problems most Democrats have. This self-imagined King of the Jews is more dangerous than Soros,” he whispered, as if letting the MAGAt’s eating this shit up in small-time Clodsville, USA in on a secret only he and Q knew about.266Please respect copyright.PENANARtzYQ5McD9
Jesus Jessup was at a George Floyd asphyxiation-by-cops protest in Washington DC one night in the summer of 2020, asking for moments of love and peace and meditation, like John and Yoko would have done, when he was spotted by a group of red-capped, anti-protesters weaned on Fox News’ acidic, toxic mix of God, guns, and patriotism. 266Please respect copyright.PENANA1RLdklNFVd
The self-bragging ‘good’ Christians determined that the lunatic commie wearing a diaper—great for grooming babies—was the one Tucker Carlson had been demonizing as a satanic heretic, an unholy creature slithering up from the bowels of hell, and worse—a Democrat!--who was out to create a one-world, classless society along with Soros, Bill Gates, and the Clintons who were, of course, in cahoots with him. 266Please respect copyright.PENANAZ4ZV52sIjD
The frenzied mob of low-rent patriots, at the Black Lives Matter rally to Save America, jumped Jesus 2.0 behind the Washington monument as He was leaving, and beat Him to death with flagpoles bearing American flags silkscreened with JESUS IS MY SAVIOR–TRUMP IS MY PRESIDENT…or maybe it was vice-versa; either way, His second attempt to try to pacify the world ended up pretty much like His first—a bloody beaten mess. Amen.