Rohan and his government officials gathered in the royal hall. The hall had white stone walls and marble floors. The throne was a sizeable sofa-like chair knitted with red silk and had comfy armrests. The officials' seats were the same as the throne, only much larger to accommodate the varying sizes of different races. The uniformity was not out of wisdom or humbleness; the leaders, along with Rohan, all knew their positions in the kingdom meant sitting for hours, and none wanted to have a numb ass and legs for that amount of time. I guess it works in two ways.
Qasim and Lief looked at each other while gesturing to Rohan about his promise. After a long, silent battle, Lief lost, and he now had to break the news to Rohan. Lief called the servant and said, “Wouldn’t the people find it unfair you made them marry and have more children while you didn’t do the same?”
Rohan leaned forward, pouted in boredom and said, “I guess.” Qasim leaned forward and said, “Simply say the word, Rohan. We’ll find you the best woman among the ghouls and orcs.” Lief smirked and said, “I agree with Qasim. I already have candidates from my people.”
Rohan looked at the floor and said, “What I want is difficult to find.” “Is it beauty?” Qasim asked. “Is it intelligence?” Lief asked. Rohan shook his head and said, “No.” “Then what is it, Servant Rohan?” Lief asked. Rohan leaned back and said, “There was a story I loved to read as a child. It is about a great king who had a powerful wife. She was so strong that he would sometimes pity her foes.” He smiled and said, “I loved that. Having a strong wife was always a dream of mine.”
The government officials all stopped their paperwork and stared at Rohan in confusion. Qasim furrowed his eyebrows and said, “I don’t understand, Servant. Are you asking for the strongest women as partners?”
V walked in and roared, “The answer is yes, Qasim!” He stood before them, placed his hands on his waist, smirked and said, “The answer is yes.” He pointed at Rohan and said, “That man admires a king who has a fetish for women who can kick his ass, and your dear old servant wants the same.”
Rohan silently said, “I will fucking end you, V. I’ll fill your asshole with molten iron!” Lief looked at Rohan and asked, “Is this true!?” Rohan stood, cleared his throat and said, “V is full of shit as usual.” He faked a smile and said, “My desire for strong women is simply to produce a strong progeny!” Lief smiled brightly and said, “I see! That’s a great way of thinking, Servant Rohan!” Qasim chuckled and said, “I’m genuinely interested in trying your method, Servant. I never thought of Combining the strength of the father and the mother.” Rohan sat and sighed in relief.
V connected his mind with Rohan and said telepathically, “I see right through your kink, you submissive twat.” Rohan glared at V and replied telepathically, “Go fuck yourself. The moon’s creation is protected by love, but you’re not.” “I’ll make sure to transcribe when your soon-to-be wives start spanking you so that I can read it for you the next day,” V said. “Do that. I’ll shove my foot in your throat,” Rohan said.
Qasim stood, smiled, opened his arms and asked, “Why don’t we organize a unique fighting tournament? We can split it into two days, one for the orc women and one for the ghoulahs. The winner gets to become Rohan’s wife.” Lief stood, smiled at Qasim and said, “That’s a great Idea. It serves as an attraction and moves our young economy.” Cormac scratched his chin and said, “It does sound good. An event relating to a servant is attractive; it might also convince more people to join this kingdom's ranks.” Rohan twirled his mustache and said, “Our goal is to make this kingdom serve as a central hub for all races, not a homeland.”
Cormac looked at Rohan and asked, “Then what do you propose to make the races hold onto their homelands?” V approached and said, “You all might’ve ignored my existence for a moment, but I have a good suggestion.” Rohan looked at V and said, “Your existence is not welcome.”
A while later. The first day of the tournament was in the morning. Amaris’s government launched its one-of-a-kind event where the strongest women from the orcs battle it out to win the grandest prize: becoming Amaris's queen. Many mighty orcish women gathered from all around the land to compete.
One of those competitors was a familiar woman named Andrea. It was no surprise that Andrea held romantic feelings towards Rohan; after all, he did what no one did for her. He gave her confidence because women are naturally insecure.
Before you start womansplaining, you’re welcome to try never putting on any makeup for a whole year while wearing your discolored, homey clothes in public. He also communicated with her very well, which allowed her to familiarize herself with Rohan’s personality. That’s something your rizzless self cannot do, probably because you think every woman you talk to is a potential spouse while that McDonald's or supermarket cashier cannot wait to return home and binge a shitty Tv show as she is braless.
Andrea was a woman on a mission to win the heart of her crush, and she would stop at nothing to achieve it, even at the cost of breaking her sisters’ skulls.
She stretched and warmed up in a corridor, with only V as her supporter. V looked at her, crossing his arms, and said, “Now remember, Andrea. The fastest way to neutralize a woman is by striking her liver because they don’t have sacks.” Andrea stood straight and asked, “Aren’t the legs or the neck a better place to target?” V shook his head and said, “Striking the legs at a bad time will end up with you getting knocked out. The neck isn’t a good option either, leaving you open.” Andrea hopped in place and asked, “I need to ask, what are those pills you gave me?” V rubbed his chin and lied, “It’s…energy pills.”
The pills were laced with cocaine.
The announcer’s voice was heard, and he called in Andrea. V smacked her shoulder and shouted, “Let’s go, Andrea!” Andrea exited the corridor and entered the large arena. It had a square stone stage in the middle, and endless crowds surrounded it.
She jumped onto the ring with power and athleticism and looked at the crowds while raising her fist. Her opponent stepped into the ring; she was an old woman with a frail body.
Andrea froze and stared at her in awe. V smacked the stage and shouted, “Just because she’s old doesn’t mean she can’t get her ass kicked.” Andrea looked at V and said, “She is as old as my grandmother before she died.”
V pointed at her angrily and snarled, “Don’t make me repeat myself!!”
The bell rang, and the fight started. The old woman approached slowly, and V’s sharp eyes picked up suspicious energy within her. He approached the stage and screamed, “Andrea!! Don’t get hit by her! She’s a magician!” The old woman reverted to her proper form. She was young and fit. She looked at V and snarled, “Go fuck yourself, blue man!!”
Andrea looked at her in awe and said, “I see why they let her in.” She approached her and said, “It doesn’t matter anyway.” Her opponent shot a fireball at her, and Andrea evaded it quickly. She rushed to her, following V’s advice; she kicked her liver as hard as she could. Her opponent was stunned, and her mouth foamed as she fell on her side. Andrea mounted her and hammered her face until that deceiving magician tapped out. Andrea stood and raised her fist, declaring her victory. V clapped his hand, laughed, and cheered.
Minutes before the second round, V and Andrea gathered in a locker room. “I scouted your opponents, and they all use hidden abilities apart from their skill and strength,” V said while crossing his arms. Andrea scratched her jaw and asked, “What can I do? The fights will get tougher from now on.” V smirked at her and said, “They use inferior magic; we have divine energy at our disposal.” Andrea frowned and said, “Only Rohan has control over it.”
V glared at her and said, “Damn you, woman! Who do you think I am? Some blue jester whose sole job is to protect a servant mindlessly?” “Aren’t you?” Andrea wondered.
V pinched her earlobe, pulled it roughly, and scolded, “Listen here, you little shit! How can I protect someone if I am weaker than them?” Andrea smacked his hand away, rubbed her ear, and whined, “That hurts!” She sighed and said, “Fine! Bless me, General V.”
V sighed, sucked his index finger, and drenched it with his saliva, pulled it out, extended it to Andrea, and said, “Suck it.” Andrea stepped back and shouted, “What the actual fuck, V!? I’m not some lowly woman!” “It’s either this or you kiss me! That’s how the goddess blesses the servant,” V said. “How do you know that!?” Andrea argued.
“Because I saw the goddess make Rohan suck her finger! Now, stop being a little bitch and take my blessing,” V said. Andrea hesitated, approached V, grabbed his wrist, and said, “Look away.” V looked away and muttered, “For fuck’s sake.” Andrea sucked his finger thoroughly, pulled back, and felt a rush coursing through her veins. Her entire body jolted, and her muscles clenched.
She let out a growl and said, “What is this power!!? I feel unbeatable!” V smiled at her and said, “This is the moon’s power; you’re now protected against magic, charms, and curses.” He pointed at the exit and said, “Now, go out there and hand out PTSDs like the Vietnamese!!” Andrea rushed out and shouted on her way. V followed her and muttered, “I love inciting violence.”
At the arena, Andrea jumped onto the arena and screamed at the top of her lungs, “Bring out the dead woman!!” The crowd was shocked at her statement yet thrilled to see the fight ahead.
Her opponent rushed out of the corridor, and it was a large woman, much larger than Andrea. She had long, braided hair and tattoos all over her arms and face. She was a renowned combat trainer for young orcish children with an unbeatable record of duels. She was named Alma, the unstoppable.
Alma jumped onto the ring, stood haughtily, and said, “Andrea? You look good.” Andrea glared at her and snarled, “Shut the fuck up, bitch!! Let’s fight!”
V stood near the stage; his tears fell on his cheeks. He wiped it and said, “Is this what a father feels when his daughter carries his legacy?”
Alma took her fighting stance and wondered why her old friend was so rude to her.
The bell rang, and the fight started. Andrea rushed to Alma, attempting to strike her. Alma grabbed her arm and took her down. She twisted Andrea’s arm but was shocked to see herself being lifted off the floor and smashed onto it face first. Andrea flexed her arms and shouted in fury. Alma sprung up, fixed her broken nose, stared at Andrea and muttered, “Such force.” Alma carefully approached her while keeping her hands up. Andrea ran to her and tried to kick her liver but was countered when Alma punched her throat.
Andrea retreated, held her throat, and gasped for air. Alma approached her and said, “I don’t know what plant you consumed, but strength isn’t the key to victory.” Andrea fixed her throat by using V’s blessing. She approached Alma and resumed the fight. They traded blows, kicks, takedowns, and punches.
Andrea got a hold of Alma, headbutted her nose repeatedly, and roughly took her down. She mounted her and growled, “Yield, Alma!” Alma spat at her face and growled, “Over my corpse, you fucking junkie! The Servant will be mine!!” Andrea hammered Alma’s face till her features were barely recognizable. Andrea choked her and snarled, “Yield!!” Alma gasped and said, “No…” Andrea stood and screamed, “Damn you, Alma!!” She rolled her on her stomach, placed her foot on her back, grabbed her head firmly and pulled it as hard as she could.
Moments after, Alma’s neck began tearing, and her head was yanked off. Andrea held her head and showed it to the crowd. The crowd cheered their lungs out and clapped for Andrea’s victory.
Andrea kept crushing her opponents for the rest of the rounds. True to her general's words, she left destruction in her wake. Her foes were defeated by injuring them beyond repair or taking their lives in the most brutal of manners.
Now, she had one last opponent separating her from becoming Rohan’s wife. Andrea stood in the arena like a fierce tiger, waiting for her foe to emerge. V stood near the stage and shouted, “This is it, Andrea! One last bitch left! Don’t you dare hold back!” Andrea smiled at him and said, “I’ll make you proud, General!” V smiled, wiped his tears, and muttered, “Her character development is making me proud!”
The final opponent stepped into the ring: a woman named Linnea. She was a master of martial arts and a renowned user of the ancient orc soul power. For an orc, she was attractive, mainly because the orcs looked like green monkeys.
She had long black hair and alluring brown eyes. Her figure was muscular and slim, and her facial features, especially her sharp jaw, were aesthetically pleasing. V noticed Andrea blushing when she saw Linnea's charismatic entrance.
V glared at her, punched the stage’s floor and shouted, “Bitch!! This isn’t the time to explore your bean-flicking desires!!” He pointed at Linnea and screamed at Andrea, “She is your final cockblocker! Not a potential protagonist for a shitty lesbian romance story!”
Andrea snapped out of her daze and said, “Sorry, V!”
Linnea stood before Andrea, flapped her hair, smirked at her, and said in her feminine enchanting voice, “Ohh, Andrea! I haven’t seen you since the forefather’s village.”
Andrea glared at her and said, “This isn’t the time to rekindle our friendship.”
Linnea smirked and said, “Ahh, yes, we’re here to win the hand of the handsome servant.” She smiled wickedly and asked, “Didn’t you spend much time with him? I wonder why he hasn’t approached you.”
“Our goal was to free our people!” Andrea said.
Linnea giggled and said, “It’s not like the orcs of that kingdom would die if you didn’t free them. You and Rohan had the chance to…connect, but you never did. Is it possible he never saw you as a worthy wife? I’d kill myself if that were the case.”
Andrea grunted in fury and shouted, “Rohan is not that type of man. He’s honorable and pure!!”
Linnea raised her hand and said, “All that talk about his good traits. If I asked him about your hair color, he wouldn’t remember.”
V grunted angrily, smacked the stage’s floor, and shouted, “Andrea! Tell her she’s fat and ugly!”
Andrea smirked at Linnea and said, “You’re fat and ugly, Linnea.”
Linnea became visibly angry, and her forehead veins popped out. She glared at Andrea and said, “Watch it, junkie!”
Andrea grinned, pointed at her, and said, “I never once heard a man approach you. Maybe that fake hair of yours is simply repulsive.”
Linnea widened her eyes, pointed at Andrea, and growled, “My hair is real!! And no man approached me because I trained in solitude.”
Andrea shrugged and said, “Sad excuses! It must be miserable being you, lonely and unloved.”
V smiled proudly and muttered, “My student has become a master hater.” He wiped his tears and muttered, “I’m so proud of her.”
The bell rang, and the fight started.
And it ended.
Oh, you want to know what happened?
Linnea used her overwhelming speed when the bell rang to knee Andrea’s face. Andrea fell on her back, and what happened after that was a blatant attempted murder. Linnea was so pissed she kept hammering Andrea’s face even though the fight ended.
Andrea lost her nose and one of her eyes. If it were not for the intervention of V, master hater, Andrea would’ve been killed where she lay.
You see, hating is good, but the universal law of ‘fuck around and find out’ will always be invoked when someone runs his mouth.
The tournament's first day ended with Linnea, the sage, as a clear winner.
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The End