A week had passed since the fiery incident, and Mr. Li and Mr. Cho had finally returned to teaching. But they couldn't stop thinking about the mysterious girl who saved them. They were determined to thank her properly.
The teachers searched classroom to classroom, interrogating students along the way. Just when they were about to give up, a flutter of motion caught Mr. Li's eye.
In the back of one class sat a slender girl with dark hair obscured by large round glasses. "Four Eyes" they called her, but Mr. Li saw something more. He approached with lightning speed.
"Were you the one who called for help last week?" he asked. The girl nodded shyly. "Osanna is my name."
Mr. Li was struck speechless by her beauty. But as deputy head, he feared ridicule if the truth got out. Quickly he ushered her into the hall.
"Thank you for saving us, Osanna. But for now, I must keep this between us." Inside, flames roared again at her nearness. What was this magic she had over him?
Just then, the class erupting in laughter. They had heard everything! Mr. Li braced for the worst, but saw only smiles. It seemed Osanna's courage had earned their respect at last.
From that day on, a secret bond formed between teacher and student, fueled by mysteries yet untold. What flames would arise when the truth was revealed?